The First Hunt

Official Women's Wrestling matches take place here. There are multiple LAW Arenas throughout Japan, each offering different shows/rings
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The First Hunt

Unread post by ZorzLeth »

It was no secret that many competitors of LAW sought out to become the best. Whatever the reason was, for glory, money or the chance to be the best, each wrestler had something to "hunt" for. But the question stands, what if the hunter became the hunted? What if one's goal was to take one the best, toughest and most capable of fighters in L.A.W. (regardless of the outcome)? That would be something that would soon be answered in tonight's match. A new contender had arrived to L.A.W. She was a fighter, but had never taken part in this grand example of the wrestling industry. She heard about many potential fights she could have and, being someone that enjoyed a good fight, she wanted to take part. Tonight, she was going to be here to demonstrate her power and skill and seek to prove herself while seeking a good fight out of it.

"Now ladies and gentleman!" The commentator shouted out loud, "Once more we go back to the 'Law of the Jungle'! The 'Survival of the Fittest'! In this submission match, two ladies will enter, but one will be the predator and the other shall be prey. With a setup like this, we definitely need good ol' Arny on standby for when that predator comes!"

In the shadows behind the entrance to the arena, Sylva was waiting to start. She had travelled so far to take part in this, mainly cause she was convinced by her younger sister to do so, but she really wanted to see what L.A.W. was all about.

"A new hunter has joined L.A.W. tonight! Coming from parts unknown, she seeks only to fight those who she deems worthy to hunt!" the commentator shouted, "This beauty is wild and fierce, but will she claim her first victim here tonight!? Find out right now, as we introduce the HUNTRESS!"
The theme music to Predator, a movie that involved a vicious killer hunting down tough and dangerous soldiers, echoed throughout the arena, as the crowd cheered. Sylva, who took the name of 'Huntress', steep out onto the catwalk and walked to the ring. She was a sight to behold. A beauty, but clearly carrying an aura of toughness, she brought out her best side to show off.

Standing at 5.11 ft, and having long brown hair that was tied in a ponytail (with some of the hair covering the left side of her face), her beautiful (and ample) form was clad in only bandage gloves, stockings and a stripped down gear set that made her look like some wild barbarian gal; leaving little to the imagination. Of course, tattoos of fire ran up the left side of her body, adding that fiery fierceness that was described about her.
She walked into the ring with confidence and pumped her left fist into the air and gave an expression that she was craving a fight.

Now it was time for her opponent to step forth.
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Re: The First Hunt

Unread post by Albentes »

Shizuka was about to have her second match in LAW and she was excited, she was readyin herself into her locker when suddenly she heard that her opponent was already into the arena! "Oh i must go or my opponent will think i'm a coward! Eheh.." Shizuka grabbed her flask and made her way into the arena when her music kicked in;

She was in her usual purple attire when she went out the crowd cheered the drunk girl who was drinking: "Hello crowd!...HIC! Time to get DRUNK!" She approached her opponent who was tall and had some wild clothing? "Ohh what we have here.. a Huntress.. <3" She was a bit flirty with Syla and introduced herself.
"Hello Huntress hope to have a fun time with you... HIC!" After that Shizuka went to her corner moving like a drunkard, but it would be wise for the Huntress to not underestimate her. "What a gorgeous body i see... <3 Can't wait to hit it with some of my strikes <3"
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Re: The First Hunt

Unread post by ZorzLeth »

At first, Sylva was slightly confused when Shizuka was acting drunk, but of course realized that her opponent was indeed intoxicated. She smirked as a result of this and Shizuka's comments.

"I do appreciate the comment." Sylva casually said, as she then joked, "And you should've told me this match would include drinks. Love a nice drinking contest every now and then. Especially with such a fine looking gal." Despite the joking, Sylva did hear a bit about drunken fighters. There was a whole fighting style connect to getting drunk. She did not have much experience in dealing with such fighters, but she did hear about it being unpredictable. So, she was basically going into this fight with an opponent that could either fall over at that moment, or kick her ass easily. So, this meant that there was no guarantee of a win, but that was fine with Sylva. She liked uncertainties as she got to her corner of the ring, waiting for the match to begin. She stretched her body, showing off another angle to her gorgeous form.

"Now remember ladies!" the commentator shouted, "This is a submission match. Subdue your opponent to where they are forced to concede. May the best lady win."

*DING! DING! DING!* The bell rang as the crowd cheered for this next match to begin.

"Good luck," Sylva said to Shizuka, before jokingly saying "Because this match decides who buys the drinks."

The Huntress would make first move as she got into a standard boxing pose. She wanted to gauge Shizuka's reactions to her attacks. So she went up to Shizuka and went in for a few quick punching jabs, which was followed up by a power kick aiming for Shizuka's gut.
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Re: The First Hunt

Unread post by Albentes »

"Eheh.. fine HIc!" Shizuka saw the huntress went straight into her with some punches and a good kick into the gut! "OWWW OWWW OOFFF! Going... "Wild" I can see.." But she replied with a solid palm strike into Sylva face! "Nice attack, but how you will deal to this huntress?"

The palm strike was sudden and not predictable at all since Shizuka falled down with the huntress punches just to rebalance herself to get her strike in with drunkard movements! It was quick and sudden if shizuka managed to connect that she would pounce on Sylva and would try to go for an abdominal stretch!

"Now Hic.. how you will react to my moves cutie?...Hic!" Shizuka movement becamed more unpredictable and weird hoping that she would fall for it and could lock her planned submission to do some damage...
Last edited by Albentes on Sat Nov 04, 2023 4:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The First Hunt

Unread post by ZorzLeth »

Sylva's punches and kick did connect with Shizuka, but Sylva was not expecting the palm strike that seemed...focused and accurate? She felt the palm strike nail her in the face, catching her off guard and temporarily stunning her. Clearly, this drunken fighting style was not as clumsy as she would have perceived. It was a risk, but Sylva picked up that this style was reactionary and was based on what the opponent threw at them; considering that the palm strike helped Shizuka to rebalance herself.

All the same, it would allow Shizuka the opportunity to pounce on her for the abdominal stretch before Sylva could react.

"Don't you got a trick or two." Sylva merely responded, complimenting Shizuka for her ability to react and taking initiative.
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Re: The First Hunt

Unread post by Albentes »

"Hehe thanks cutie.. HIC!" Shizuka started to apply more and more pressure to the stretch hoping to damage her opponent enough to tire her down so she could connect other submissions...

"Now how you will get free?... HIC!" Shizuka while doing the stretch was using her free hand to tease the body of the huntress a bit.. "Damn girl you are hot.. HIC!"
Her free hand was caressing the huntress body while the rest was stretching her, it was a mix of pain and pleasure and Shizuka wondered if the huntress liked it or not. Time and her reaction would tell her..

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Re: The First Hunt

Unread post by ZorzLeth »

"Thanks, I appreciate it." Sylva replied to Shizuka calling her hot, "Always need to look good while fighting good." She grunted a bit from the stretch, as she felt Shizuka on top of her. She also noted that her opponent was caressing her body; obviously getting a feel for it. Sylva laughed in amusement in response.

"I know this is a hands-on sport." Sylva commented before she gripped the arm that was keeping her in the stretch, "But I think you need to keep the hands off the merchandise." And how exactly was Sylva going to get out of this situation? By using her superior size against her shorter opponent. Having gripped the arm that Shizuka was using to keep her in the hold, Sylva worked on planting her legs on the ground. Of course, even against a short opponent this was not easy, since Shizuka would just pull the stretch on her, making release a couple of sexy grunts in the process. But, after a few seconds, Sylva got up on her feet and had Shizuka lifted up and behind her.

She then immediately charged backwards into on the corners to try and slam and sandwich Shizuka in between it and her back. If this worked, then Sylva would have a stunned Shizuka that she could trying anything on.
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Re: The First Hunt

Unread post by Albentes »

"Aww i wanted to feel... woah!! HIC! OOOOFFFFF!!" Shizuka appriciated Sylva response but soon enough it seemed she would regret it since the huntress lifted her up and charged into the corner trapping Shizuka in!

"That hurts..oww" But the thing Shizuka didn't notice was that the huntress was taller and her back firmly hitted her making her dazed. "Damn my head...HIC!" Shizuka was there sitting into the corner as she felt dizzier by the slam of Sylva and for now she could just stay there hoping her opponent wouldn't hurt her too much..

"I Was too focussed on the merchandise.. Hic!" While dazed she teased the Huntress hoping she could feel her again in some way..

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Re: The First Hunt

Unread post by ZorzLeth »

"Yeah, I know I can irresistible sometimes." Sylva joked, as she reached down to picked up Shizuka, but then said, "Let's hug things out shall we?" The taller woman moved in to wrap her arms around Shizuka's waist and lifted her up in a bearhug.
Sylva then proceeded to use her strength to begin squeezing on Shizuka's midriff and back with a strong squeezing of her arms. Sylva figured that if strikes would prove dangerous, then she would back off on those for the moment. Submission holds seemed to be the key.
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Re: The First Hunt

Unread post by Albentes »

"AHHHHH Damn you hug so good hic..." Shizuka got lifted easly by Sylva and she was hugged thightly! But she decided to do something to see if she could get free from the hug.

"Then you can feel my merchandise instead!.. HIC!" Shizuka instead of squirming decided to push her breasts into Sylva face, to see if a bit of smother could let her soft the hug and get an occasion to get free.. "Get some rest wild woman you will need it <3"

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