Jack Reynolds

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Jack Reynolds

Unread post by Albentes »

Name: Jack Reynolds
Sex: Male
Ring Name: The Dominator
Age: 36
Eyes: Red
Hair: Blonde
Height: 6,5 ft
Weight: 300 lbs
Nationality: American
Alignment: Heel
Entrance music:
Wrestling attire:
Wrestling Information

Strategy: Jack simply overpowers his opponents. He doesn't have to do anything too complicated, often wearing down opponents with long submission holds and only relying on slams and strikes to cut off their comebacks.

Preferred Attacks: Scoop slam, shoulder thrusts, cornered knee lifts, big boot, lariat, side slam, military press slam, backbreakers, german suplex, vertical suplex, canadian backbreaker, biel throw, powerbombs, spinebuster, boston crab, camel clutch, atomic drop, two handed chokeslam, belly punches, uppercut, back elbow, stomach claw, iron claw, abdominal stretch, belly to belly suplex, sleeper holds, full nelson

Preferred Matches: Any

Endurance: ★★★★★ (Can go in the ring for hours and hours without tiring)
Strength: ★★★★★★ (His strength is unreal. Enough to choke out two people at once, one head for each of his massive arms)
Speed: ★ (Being big hinders your agility a little... but he rarely if ever even has to move)
Defense: ★★★★★ (His sheer size makes it hard to move him, and he can scout attacks very well)
Technique: ★★★ (While his moves are basic he can transition between them well)

Signature moves:
Torture Rack

Finishing moves:
Hentai finisher:
Licking Piledriver

As handsome as he is dominant
Personality: In the ring, Jack is a cold, dominant monster who enjoys the suffering of his opponents, only focused on causing them misery and making them submit to him.

Past/History: Since the day he was born, there was always something special about Jack. He was the oldest and tallest of his siblings, and was a great student and athlete. He would compete in many sports during his childhood and school life, notably Basketball, but the one he excelled at and enjoyed the most was wrestling. Due to his almost uncanny size and strength, he was the captain of the wrestling team and won many championships, gaining the nickname "The Dominator" from his school mates and reporters. With his success on the mat, it was only natural he would go pro and take his skills to the ring. He made the transition near flawlessly, earning the "Rookie of the year" award his debut year and going on a two year undefeated streak throughout various promotions.

The question with all this is, however, what brings him to LAW? Is he some big bully who likes picking on those smaller than him and thinks women are an easy target? No. He want to make his opponents suffer.But if someone if stronger than him he will soft up

Jack Reynolds grew up in the rough neighborhoods of New York City, where he learned to fight to survive from a young age. His tough upbringing instilled a relentless drive in him to succeed, no matter the cost.
Jack discovered professional wrestling at a local gym, and his raw talent and aggressive nature made him a natural heel. He adopted the ring name "The Dominator" Steele to reflect his desire to dominate and conquer his opponents.
He trained under a veteran heel wrestler who taught him the art of mind games, dirty tricks, and showmanship to rile up the audience and create a lasting impact in the world of wrestling.
Over the years, Jack has earned a reputation as a despised villain in the wrestling world, but he doesn't care; he thrives on the chaos and negativity he generates.

Record W/D/L
Win vs Fang Lewis: https://law-rp.com/forum/viewtopic.php? ... 43#p335043
Lose vs Yumi open challenge:https://law-rp.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=334958#p334958
Lose vs Aziza:https://law-rp.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=336104#p336104
Lose vs Hiro:https://law-rp.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=343412#p343412
Last edited by Albentes on Mon Jan 08, 2024 9:24 am, edited 18 times in total.

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