Emilia Watson vs Newbie Nuo - Standard Match

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Re: Emilia Watson vs Newbie Nuo - Standard Match

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Just when Emelia was about to pin Nuo, the newbie tried her best to push her back and break the pin. However, all of her strength would go to waste since Emelia wasn't going for a pin but instead had something else in mind. She stood up from Nuo and began to circle behind her where she'd grab her by the neck and lift her up. The poor newbie was completely at her opponent's mercy.

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Re: Emilia Watson vs Newbie Nuo - Standard Match

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Emelia didn't even know what to call her move, but if she had to call it something, a Camel clutch, where Emelia was standing and carrying Nuo, preventing him from putting his feet firmly on the canvas, and squeezing his neck looking for the knockout, was now the test of time to decide how this would end, hoping it was an ending after all.

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Re: Emilia Watson vs Newbie Nuo - Standard Match

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Nuo grew weaker to the point she could barely move her arms. It didn't take long for Emelia to notice the newbie's condition and decided to finish her off with a Camel Clutch. Her opponent stood behind her, her hands cupped underneath the newbie's head, pulling her head back. With a small crack from poor Nuo's spine, it was enough to knock her out as her arms gone limp.

When the referee noticed Nuo's hand dropped down, they intervened by signaling Emelia to release the knocked out newbie. While they were intervening, they even waved their hand to ring the bell, ending the match through a KO.

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Re: Emilia Watson vs Newbie Nuo - Standard Match

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Emelia finally heard the bell and the referee's signal, finally declaring her the winner, so she would release Nuo and Watson would raise his arms in excitement, she had finally achieved the victory she had been looking for, winning in the end, but she just sat on the canvas, exhausted but with the smile of having achieved it.

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Re: Emilia Watson vs Newbie Nuo - Standard Match

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Winner: Emelia Watson via Knockout!

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