Tracee "Misfit" Martin

Hometown: Las Vegas, Nevada
Age: 21
Height: 5'5
Weight: 130 lbs.
Alignment: Face
Orientation: Bisexual (Heavy female leaning)
Social Media:
Personality: Cheerful and friendly but can be extremely awkward and embarrassing when she gets hyper.
Favored Matches: Anything
Born in Las Vegas her family owned a successful Casino on the strip that hosted countless sporting events. Tracee's first experience to wrestling when she was four watched her show that her families Casino hosted which instantly made Tracee interested in wrestling almost instantly and she began to watch regularly. Fast forwarding several years Tracee began to learn wrestling when she was sixteen but struggled with it soon getting called a misfit by her peers, this didn't exactly both the normally cheerful Tracee always kept practicing until she became decent enough at age eighteen managing to scrape out a hard fought win in her home town at a smaller event wearing nickname of misfit almost like a medal after overcoming it. Tracee soon traveled the western half of the United States wrestling for a smaller promotion improving slowly but nowhere near perfect soon discovering a lewder side of wrestling in sexfights/hentai matches which brought a whole new perspective that Tracee enjoyed if not becoming embarrassed after a loss and an orgasm. After a few years after a show in California Tracee got a call from her agent who had been contacted by LAW offering Tracee a contract to which the young wrestler instantly accepted. (Backstory is a WIP)
Fun facts:
The Fun Part

Misfit Driver

Nevada To New York

The Tracee Special

Misfit Flatliner

Friends and Foes:
Shoutout to @Misfit_Alien for outright just giving me this great character reference/creation, big thanks man.