Thick and Tasty: Moira Panela vs Claudia Jimenez

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Thick and Tasty: Moira Panela vs Claudia Jimenez

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Standard Match: Winner to be declared via pinfall, submission or ko

Claudia was smiling brightly in excitement. Tonight was the night! After signing with LAW it was time for her first official bout with the company and she couldn't be happier to be taking part! Apparently her oponent Moira was pretty popular both in and out of the wrestling world, and after seeing some pics and highlights of the woman's matches she could certainly see why. Quite frankly Claudia was just ecstatic to get in the ring and show not just Moira but the whole LAW audience what she could do!

Taking a deep breath as she waited behind the curtain Claudia would gain a big grin on her face as she suddenly stepped through just moments after her entrance theme played! Coming out to a few polite cheers at first Claudia would cause those to multiply as she clapped her hands above her head and did a few dance moves. Complete with a quick twirl and smacking her backside a bit for the fans. Nothing like a little sex appeal to warm fans up to you after all.
Skipping down to the ring while continuing to clap her hands Claudia was all smiles as she continued hyping the fans up until she climbed the steps and walked along the outside apron. Stepping through the ropes she would climb the corner and pose once more before sliding her over shit off and tossing it to the crowd before hopping down from the corner and tossing her shades to the ref for safe keeping. Turning to the entrance ramp with a confident smile, ready for her opponent to come down!

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Re: Thick and Tasty: Moira Panela vs Claudia Jimenez

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One chesty, thickly built beauty was soon destined to become two as Moira Pandela opted not to leave the masses waiting. Especially given the choice of attire she had made today - a classic one, she felt!

Throwing aside her wrestling attire, Moira descended down the ramp with a plentiful swagger to her step. Bare midriff showing and massive bosom swaying, the skirt she had did little to hide her absolutely gigantic thighs. Thighs which Moira had every intention of firmly clamping around the body of the woman standing center of the ring, as Moira cut the distance with noted pace albeit with a kick still to her step.

Ringside soon enough, she'd opt to mount the side of the ring with nothing more than a quick gaze at Claudia, before she slid her figure fully in the ring. Gleaming from ear to ear, Moira's swaying of her arms made in effort to warm them up would only make her excessive figure jiggle all the more.

Regardless of how this one might of gone, the crowd was already filling with high hopes at the sight before them. Given there was near enough no way these two beauties could collide without doing so in spectacular fashion!

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Re: Thick and Tasty: Moira Panela vs Claudia Jimenez

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Claudia was grinning eagerly as her opponent finally came out from the back. Sure enough she had a figure similar to her own, in fact she even seemed a bit bigger! Or maybe it was just Claudia's excitement hyping the brunette before her up even more.

Whatever the case Claudia was excited and as Moira got in the ring grinning ear to ear Claudia found herself doing the same as she stepped towards the center of the ring to greet her, but before hopping up and down a bit in anticipation, causing her own body to jiggle a bit much to the crowd's delight as they cheered and whooped excitedly.

"Heh, we really have them going without doing anything huh?" She asked jokingly to her opponent before grinning a bit more competitively. "Wanna... compare assets and treat em to a show?" She asked with a wink, all but inviting Moira to smush bust and belly with her out of the gate!

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Re: Thick and Tasty: Moira Panela vs Claudia Jimenez

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Had Claudia not spoken a word, Moira would have been pressing in for a mashing of bodies all the same. It wasn't that she read Claudia's mind with how she looked back at the bigger brunette - it was simply something Moira wanted to do anyway!

And the fact that this girl was verbally up for it only made her all the more excited!

Press in with her hands raised, they would but grasp softly at the shoulders of her heavyweight foe. Doing so if only to hold on, Moira was content with letting her massive bust and soft tummy do the talking, as she rather simply tried to step forward! Which in turn would force this big gal back, unless she braced thoroughly enough!

"How's this...?"

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Re: Thick and Tasty: Moira Panela vs Claudia Jimenez

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Whether or not the invitation was needed it had been accepted and Moira eagerly walked forward, embracing Claudia and smushing their curvy, flabby bodies against one another, even placing her hands on Claudia's shoulder just to help keep grip.

Smiling brightly at Moira in response Claudia would slide her arms around the brunette's waist herself just to add to the moment and squish their bodies even more as Claudia pulled her soon to be foe in.

But for now she was all too content to enjoy the feel of Moira's softness against her own. "Mhmmm very nice." She purred out before leaning up a bit. "But one thing missing." She said before closing the distance, kissing Moira full on the lips!

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Re: Thick and Tasty: Moira Panela vs Claudia Jimenez

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Moira was pleasantly surprised, for reasons that went without saying. Claudia didn't only hold her ground - she pressed back with enough force to ensure Moira would have to remain tense at all times. Otherwise it would be she losing ground, not vice versa!

Holding firm with the biggest of grins, Moira's mouth came wide in brief shock as Claudia pressed in further not to squish against her more so. But to lock lips!

Cooing out in surprise, Moira's eyes told the story as they aimlessly looked behind Claudia. A smooch was a given between women of such size and nature, but Moira for sure wasn't expecting it so soon. Nor was she expecting Claudia to be the one to initiate!

Though damn if she wouldn't make this gal regret it, as Moira ensnared Claudia in the thickest and warmest of embraces. If only to use that grip to stick her tongue down the big gals throat!

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Re: Thick and Tasty: Moira Panela vs Claudia Jimenez

Unread post by Bare »

Out of the gate it was clear that both Claudia and Moira were birds of a feather. Both in physique and in personality. Both willing to put on a show for the fans as well as having a good bit of fun themselves.

From the way they mutually squished up with one another, marshmallowing their respective forms, and then finally to the kiss initiated by Claudia that was happily returned by Moira! This wasn't just a match for them, it was pure fun!

Feeling Moira's tongue go deep into her mouth Claudia would moan softly in their mouths before breaking apart slightly to smile at Moira. "Mhmmmm your my type of girl." Claudia practically purred out before hooking her leg behind Moira's to try and send the busty brunette down to the mat with her on top once again initiating another make out session between them as she did so!

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Re: Thick and Tasty: Moira Panela vs Claudia Jimenez

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Moira was locked like a snare trap around Claudia, with her goal now a simple one. To dominate this kiss to the point Claudia herself would be desperate to peel away! Despite being the one to initiate it!

Though before Moira could make headway on her rather kinky goal, she'd find Claudia verbally teasing her before going low. With her thick thighs trying to ensnare Moira's own no doubt to take the base out from beneath her with a single shove! Feeling one large thigh hook easily around a single leg of her own, Moira's heartbeat quickened and her eyes widened just a touch as she felt Claudia's other leg attempt to join in. Already aware that she very much could have been tripped over with one single leg wrapped into the crook of her knee, Moira had to respond quickly if she wanted to stop Claudia's trip and mount.

And damn if she didn't in spectacular fashion, as her arms scooted low around Claudia's waist before pulling up! With tremendous ease in fact, just to get this girl off her tiptoes, removing the ability to shove forward nigh entirely!

As her lips locked yet again, albeit with a giggle as she hugged her fellow heavyweight warmly!

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Re: Thick and Tasty: Moira Panela vs Claudia Jimenez

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Claudia was oh so glad that this match had been made. Not only was it a great chance for her to show her stuff in more ways than one, but it was also down right hot as hell for her! Moira being on such a similar wavelength made things all the better for her as well as she moaned softly into the kiss with the woman.

Admittedly mostly cause she thought she was about to take the advantage with her attempt at hooking Moira's legs with her own to bring her down to the mat. Unfortunately this would be circumvented in the most simplest of ways, Moira lifting her up to unhook her legs!

Eyes widening in surprise at this and releasing a soft little moan into Moira's lips while her legs dangled Claudia knew this was bad, she was on the verge of getting totally overwhelmed! Yet she was excited.

A challenge like this was just what she wanted and as all hope looked lost Claudia would make the most of her new position, snapping her legs up and around Moira's own thick body, squeezing the woman between her boisterous thighs in a tight body scissors while tightening her arms and deepening the kiss, pressing herself as tight against Moira as possible!

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Re: Thick and Tasty: Moira Panela vs Claudia Jimenez

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Moira had every intention of giving Claudia a squish that would make the heavyweight crumble, but she was beaten to the punch courtesy of the position she had given her!

With Moira's hands busy softly picking Claudia off the ground, she was free to suddenly kick her legs as to turn to lift more sudden. With those thick thighs coming around Moira's waist with intent to crush it inwards!

Despite her efforts to keep the breath in her lungs, Moira would be forced to break the kiss if only to avoid exhaling directly into her foes mouth! Pressing instead cheek to cheek, she'd spread her legs just a little to make this lift a little more bearable, as she showcased her power in holding up her thick foe even as she squished in!

Hands merely holding onto the hips of Claudia, the idea to squeeze back came and went with how hard this gal was crushing her. As strong as she was, Moira herself wasn't confident she could squeeze Claudia hard enough for the pain on her waist to be worth it!

So instead, she got a little crafty!

With her right leg sliding forward to get her knee directly underneath Claudia's butt, before all at once she'd look to slam her heavy foes butt right on it! In what was essentially a front to front atomic drop!

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