Cynthia Hunter vs. Drya - Erotic Bonanza!

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Cynthia Hunter vs. Drya - Erotic Bonanza!

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Hentai Endurance Match
Victory Conditions: Gained when the opponent can no longer continue the match due to orgasm(s)
Striking is prohibited. Kicks and punches are not allowed.

Cynthia Hunter was psyching herself at the gorilla position, already prepared for her next match. This time, she would be facing Drya, a girl whom her twin sister, Bethany, had beaten a few nights ago. While it's not wise to underestimate someone just because she had been beaten, she knew that she had a brighter chance to win this after knowing that her sister had beaten her before. But, this time was different because unlike the match between Drya and Bethany, which was a standard match, Cynthia would be facing Drya in a hentai match. A hentai endurance match, to be precise.

Feeling a little nervous, Cynthia knew that she could do it. After all, while she might not have a boyfriend like her sister, she was in no way clueless regarding her own sexuality. And she had to admit that she was very excited about this match. She was looking forward to make her opponent cum multiple times until she could no longer continue so that she could win this match.

When it's her cue to enter, Cynthia would make her entrance as her music was played. She decided to just wear her usual wrestling outfit, which was tight and revealing enough for this occasion. As she made her appearance, the crowd would cheer for her, looking forward for the sexy actions in the ring.
Cynthia Hunter
"Hello, everyooooooone!! I'll show you guys a good time, so stay tuuuuuuned!!" Making a cute pose, Cynthia announced to the crowd before she made her way down the ramp, heading over to the ring. Once she reached the ring, she would climb up the apron, slipping under the ropes before she headed over to a turnbuckle, climbing it up to get a nice reaction from the crowd. She would also make a cute and sexy pose while she was at it, drawing quite a huge pop from the crowd.

After that, she would wait at the corner for her opponent to show up. Just because her sister had beaten this girl before didn't mean she could also do the same, so she would have to keep it in mind to not underestimate her.

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Re: Cynthia Hunter vs. Drya - Erotic Bonanza!

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Drya was standing in the locker room thinking about her next match. It was a hentai match but not just an ordinary hentai fight. It was and endurance match. Her last endurance match didn't end in Dryas favour. She couldn't take much out of her opponent at this match. Maybe 1 or 2 orgasm could Drya get out of her opponent before she lost her consciousness and blacked out. However Masako helped her a bit. Some might call it training others would call it just sex but however it really helped Drya. Now she could show how much Masakos "training" paid of.

She changed in her wrestling outfit. Her outfit didn't cover much and let not much room for imagination but since this was a hentai match this kind of outfit seemed to good for this ocasion.
As she was done changing she got called out for her entry from the staff. Like usual it was a big crowed and it were mostly male visitors. No wonder at this kind of match Drya thought. Drya then started to walk towards the ring. Then right out of the blue she remembered the name of her opponent. Cynthia Hunter! She didn't know who Cynthia was but her last name Hunter rang a bell. Maybe she was related to Bethany in some way the blond thought. She was getting curious who this person was.

Then Drya climbed into the ring. Catching a first glimps at her opponent. Cynthia seemed to be pretty shiny for her. As she was looking closer at her opponent she saw that her outfit was the same from Beth. This would be funny Drya thought again to herself. The fight against Beth was really much fun for the blond and if this one was her sister or something like that, then Drya could be sure that this would also be a fun match.

"Hello pinky. My name is Drya and I have a question? In what kind of relation are you with Bethany?
Drya would talk across the arena. She didn't use Bethanys last name because the blond was sure that the first name would ring a bell by her opponent.

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Re: Cynthia Hunter vs. Drya - Erotic Bonanza!

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Cynthia looked at Drya, whose attire left nothing to the imagination. At first she considered wearing something more revealing before she entered, but then she thought that she would be okay in her normal attire. As Drya made her way down the ramp, heading over to the ring, Cynthia took her time studying her, discreetly admiring her barely-clad body.

When Drya finally entered the ring and spoke to her, Cynthia smiled at the blonde. "Oh, Beth and I are sisters! Twin sisters, to be exact!" Cynthia said cheerfully. Upon closer inspection, one could clearly see the similarities between both her and Bethany. "And you probably know it, but my name is Cynthia Hunter. I hope you wouldn't mind if I do some naughty stuff with you, okay?" Cynthia winked at Drya, sticking out her tongue a bit. "And gosh... aren't you looking pretty sexy tonight? I can't imagine wearing something so little myself..."

The referee would call for both wrestlers to come to the center of the ring so that she could explain to them about the rules. In the spirit of this match, Cynthia decided to zip down her attire a little, exposing a healthy dose of cleavage. Hopefully, that would be the only exposure she would have to experience.

Once the referee finished with her explanation, she would call for the bell, starting the match. Taking a stance, Cynthia looked at Drya, lowering her body, sticking out her round tush behind as she prepared to lock up with Drya.

"So, hope you're ready, hot stuff... I'm gonna have some sexy fun with ya!" Cynthia said, coming closer to Drya in order to lock up with her, pressing herself against her to start the match.

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Re: Cynthia Hunter vs. Drya - Erotic Bonanza!

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The pink haired girl really was the sister of Bethany. That means that she had to be carefully afterall Cynthia was her twin sister so she may be similar to her sister. However maybe it was because of the match type but her character was definatly different from Beths. That however wouldn't be bad for the blond wrestler.

As Cynt said that she would never wear such an outfit like Dryas the blond had to raise an eyebrow. It was true that Dryas outfit revealed pretty much but her opponents outfit was really thight. She could maybe have also painted it just over her body. Before she could talk back at her opponent the ref interrupted and called that bothn woman should come to the center.

As Drya stepped into the center her opponent revealed a bit of her cleaveade not much but Drya could already see that her breasts were bigger then she thought. The blond then listened to the rules. She couldn't punch or kick. Since Drya barely use punches or kicks she didn't bother that much but it would also mean that this match would get intimate pretty fast.

"For someone who never would wear something like mine outfit yours isn't that much better. However that is not a fashion battle Cynthi. Let us have a fine match."
Drya would say and lock up with her opponent. Like in her match with Beth Drya would start to push against her opponent. Pushing her into the ropes.

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Re: Cynthia Hunter vs. Drya - Erotic Bonanza!

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Cynthia giggled after hearing Drya's words before the two of them locked. At first, she found herself being pushed back by the blonde towards the ropes. "Whoa..." Cynthia said as she would try to push back. Thanks to the stipulation of this match, the two of them were forbidden to use striking moves. So, they couldn't do kicks or punches at any point of this match.

So, Cynthia would come up with an idea. She would let herself be pushed closer and closer towards the ropes, still pushing back to keep up with appearance. Once she got closer to the ropes, she would try to make use of her footwork and grappling holds to twist around, looking to shift their positions so that Drya would be the one to be pressed against the ropes.

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Re: Cynthia Hunter vs. Drya - Erotic Bonanza!

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Drya pushed her opponent at the ropes with out much effort. It seemed that the twins weren't just similar looking it also seemed their strenght would be the same. So she just pushed and pushed her further back until they would soon reach the ropes. Before Drya however could get her into the ropes her opponents used her footwork to shift positions. Drya didn't thought something like this would happen so she got quite surprised making it ease for Cynthia to switch her position with Drya.

"Not bad. Your sister wasn't able to do this."
Drya woud say to her opponent before she would get pushed into the ropes. Kicks weren't allowed in this match so Drya had to get creative. Drya would for the moment stay in this position she was now. She would want to anaylse her opponent first before making a move.

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Re: Cynthia Hunter vs. Drya - Erotic Bonanza!

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Cynthia giggled again after hearing Drya's comment about her sister. "Ehehe... well, we're probably sisters, but we're pretty different..." she replied as she would seize both Drya's arms. While this match didn't allow punching and kicking, she was fine with that as she had lots of things to do without resorting to either of those things.

Seizing both Drya's arms by her wrists, Cynthia would try to drape her arms over the top rope, wrapping the rope around the arms in order to restrain her momentarily. Right after that, the pinkette would try to deliver her attack by pressing her own bountiful chest against Drya's own pair as she would try to give the blonde a deep kiss just to spice up things between them.

"Aaaahm~ mmmh..."

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Re: Cynthia Hunter vs. Drya - Erotic Bonanza!

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Cynthia trapped both of Dryas arms in the ropes making it impossible for the blond to escape her opponent at the moment. This however wasn't everything as her opponent got this match really started. She pressed her big chest in Dryas adn getting closer to the blond woman. Then she gave Drya a deep Kiss.

Drya would then agree to the kiss by giving Cynthia a deep and passionate kiss back. Then for a short moment Drya would break the kiss.
"Mmmmh. You sure taste fine. Just to bad that you have made a mistake."
Drya would smile as she would go back to the kiss. Then she would wrap her legs around Cynthias waist. Starting to give her opponent a body scissor. She wouldn't use her full force right at the beginning. Just so much that her opponent would let go of her hands.

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Re: Cynthia Hunter vs. Drya - Erotic Bonanza!

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Cynthia would enjoy the taste of Drya's lips. While the pinkette preferred men, she also enjoyed the company of fairer sex, being unabashedly bisexual. She giggled a little when Drya broke the kiss for a while before they made out again, enjoying the feeling of the blonde's plush lips pressing against her own.

But then, she found out that Drya had moved her legs around her, putting her in a bodyscissor. While the blonde didn't squeeze her, it still put her in a compromising position. Not looking forward to see what Drya would try to do to her, Cynthia would try to shake those legs off of her, though the attempt might fail, considering that she couldn't really move away from the blonde at the moment.

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Re: Cynthia Hunter vs. Drya - Erotic Bonanza!

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Her opponent wasn't letting Drya go. It seemed like she didn't put enough force behind to make Cynthia understand that she should let go of her arms. Even when Cynthia didnt let go this position could give Drya an advantage in this fight.

Drya would then increase the pressure with every second that would pass. Squeezing Cynthia out with her strong legs while she would still enjoy the taste of her mouth. To not get completly lost in the kiss the blond would break it again and would then start to slowly and gentle kiss her neck.

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