Royal Fragrence - Princess Elizabeth vs Erika

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Royal Fragrence - Princess Elizabeth vs Erika

Unread post by ReneeCockyUndercard »

Match Type: Standard

Princess Elizabeth would be in her locker room, minding her own business. She was sitting in the back, watching the show on her flat screen tv that LAW paid for via some under the table spending from her father. She enjoyed watching all the “commoners” wrestle for the amusement of the peasants in the crowd. As the show went on, she would see a jobber such as herself make her entrance and was schedule to do a promo.

“Oh this will be good. What peasantry promo will this commoner say. Which I brought my poor translator to understand something I’m too rich to understand.”
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Re: Royal Fragrence - Princess Elizabeth vs Erika

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"Oh no, not again..."

These were the first words out of Erika's mouth when she found out what her next scheduled match was. She remembered her first, and so far only, standard match. She remembered all too well how badly she got crushed and humiliated by Jiyuu June, and just how awful she looked at the end. She knew she had to do better than that to get any recognition here, but the fact was, she had little time to train. What's worse, her opponent this time was not one, but two weight divisions above her. She did not know if the LAW official that signed off this matchup was either sadistic and wanted Erika to burn, or they genuinely thought Erika would stand a chance.

But Erika had hope. She thought that maybe, just maybe, she could pull off what, to her, was a giant killing. She did not know of her opponents appalling record, all she knew was her name, Elizabeth, and her weight class. If she was going to win though, she needed a plan. One that she started to formulate as she waited for her name to be called.

As she was the first one to be called up, with the announcer not being even remotely excited at all, to the point where it would have been almost inaudible, had it not been for the tannoy, Erika slowly made her way out of the gang way, with the crowd barely making a noise as she walked through the crowds. She knew that this would likely be another defeat on her record, should she not pull off a miracle. She was not aware that her opponent was a jobber, nor that her opponent had a significantly worse record.

Erika made it to the ring, and rolled under the ropes, before getting to her feet, walking to the turn buckle and adjusting her outfit while facing it.
Wrestling Attire
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Re: Royal Fragrence - Princess Elizabeth vs Erika

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Princess Elizabeth could see that Erika was a scared wrestler who probably doesn’t know that she’s facing her. She cackled evilly as she rang a bell to have her servants fetch her gear and put it on her. They all moved quickly as Elizabeth stood up and allowed them to put on her wrestling gear. Princess Elizabeth then exited her locker room and made her way down the hall. She then waited for her queue to come through the show curtain.
Elizabeth came out to a booing crowd. Everyone hated her guts but she didn’t care as she “had no care for the peasantry”. She would walk down the ramp and up the steel steps. The referee, already knowing what she’ll demand, walked up to her and lifted up the ropes to allow her to enter the ring. Elizabeth then stared at Erika and scoffed at her.

“Oh jeez. What kind of fragrances do the commoners use now? It smells horrible.”
Princess Elizabeth
Last edited by ReneeCockyUndercard on Tue Oct 17, 2023 11:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Royal Fragrence - Princess Elizabeth vs Erika

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"Oh great. Another one of these fighters. Why am I always against the nasty fighters in this league? Do these managers hate me?" Erika muttered to myself as she saw her opponent cockily entered the ring with the obvious aura of someone who is a jerk. She could see how this match was going, and she was already thinking of leaving.

She shuffled to the referee, before whispering to them. "So, is there any way I can just, not fight her?" She asked, hoping there was some way she could just leave the ring and accept her loss immediately.

"I am sorry miss, but unless you want your contract terminated, there is no way out. You accepted the fight, and its final. But have confidence, you may win!" The referee did, trying to help boost her confidence.

"Yeah, right. I'll be lucky if all my bones are still intact after this..." Erika muttered again, before reluctantly heading to her corner, facing away from her opponent and waiting for the bell to go.

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Re: Royal Fragrence - Princess Elizabeth vs Erika

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Princess Elizabeth would go to her corner and also wait for the bell to ring. In her mind, she thought Erika was a peace of cake match and be able to pick up her first victory in LAW. The bell then rung and began the match.

Elizabeth would start circling the ring with Erika, trying to see any weak points of her. That was when Elizabeth struck Erika with a sudden clothesline. If she was successful, she would place a knee onto Erika’s back and pull on her hair to taunt her.

“Oh you’re totally gonna be an easy opponent. I hope you get used to your princess dominating you all over this ring.”

The referee would tell Elizabeth to let go of her hair but Elizabeth gave them a stare before throwing Erika’s head onto the floor and off of her to start arguing with the ref. She told him that she’s a princess and could do anything she wanted. Elizabeth then turned her attention back to Erika to do more damage to her.
Last edited by ReneeCockyUndercard on Tue Oct 24, 2023 3:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Royal Fragrence - Princess Elizabeth vs Erika

Unread post by FreshBritishSalmon »

Erika had sudden flashbacks to her previous speedy defeats in the ring, and vowed to herself that, this time, she would not lose so miserably. No, in fact, she would not lose at all. She turned herself around, only to be met with an arm across the face, slamming her hard into the mats, causing a loud groan.

Before she could even attempt to get up to her feet, the self proclaimed princess grabbed her by the hair and slammed her head into the mat once again, which made her a bit dazed temporarily. It was heading the same way as before.

As the princess had a war of words with the referee, Erika got up, and noticed that her opponents arm was turned. She took a few steps back and then charged at her opponent, jumping up and drop kicking her opponent in the back with both feet, showing that she no longer wanted to be labeled as a jobber. As the drop kick connected, the referee darted to the side to avoid being collateral damage.

"You are about as regal as a pile of mud" Erika said, spitting on her opponent.

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Re: Royal Fragrence - Princess Elizabeth vs Erika

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Princess Elizabeth would get hit with a dropkick from Erika. She would bounce off the ropes before looking at her. She then got spat in the face from Erika, causing Elizabeth to recoil from it. She screamed in anger after that move.

“Did you just spit in my face?! I’m as regal as what? Oh I’m gonna show you why you don’t mess with Maltan royalty!”

Elizabeth would grab onto the hair of Erika before throwing her into the corner. She then ran at her to perform a corner splash. If she was successful, she would deliver a lot of punches to the face of Erika in a fit of rage.
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Re: Royal Fragrence - Princess Elizabeth vs Erika

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It was clear that Erika had indeed struck a nerve in provoking the princess. Her plan was proceeding nicely. That was, until she was grabbed by the hair once more, the referee seemingly not caring for the illegal move. She was then launched into the corner, and before she could react, she saw Elizabeth darting at her. In retaliation, since there was no way she would get out of the corner, she raised her knee up so that, if Elizabeth committed to the splash, she would have to take a knee to the abdomen too.

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Re: Royal Fragrence - Princess Elizabeth vs Erika

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Elizabeth was running at Erika into the corner. She was sure Erika was stunned by what she did to her. However, as she leaped into the air, Elizabeth saw Erika place her knees up and before she could move out of the way, Elizabeth got hit with the knees.

Elizabeth backed up and held onto her chest in pain. She was really hurting but was also probably hoping that Erika was squished into the corner while doing that; especially due to the weight distribution.
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Re: Royal Fragrence - Princess Elizabeth vs Erika

Unread post by FreshBritishSalmon »

Erika felt the impact as her body was slammed further into the turnbuckle, and it was very painful. She shuddered from the pain, but thankfully, it was not just her that felt the burn. Lifting her knees was a good enough counterattack to make the Princess fall back, allowing Erika enough time to get out of the corner and recover her strength.

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