Phoebe Greene vs Annabelle

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Phoebe Greene vs Annabelle

Unread post by ReneeCockyUndercard »

Match Type: Standard

Phoebe would be in her dressing room, lightly punching a punching bag. She need a rebound after a terrible loss in her last one. Phoebe was booked to face one of the Harbingers and she was kinda lucky it was the one she deemed to be the easiest to beat. Phoebe would then open the door and walk down the hallway.

As she arrived towards the show curtain, she started fixing up her outfit before her music started playing. Once her music hit, she would walk through the show curtain towards a cheering crowd.
Phoebe Greene
Phoebe walked down the ramps while punching the air. She was getting pumped up for her match against Annabelle as she entered the ring when she went up the steel steps. Phoebe stretched on the ropes as she waited for her opponent to show up.
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Re: Phoebe Greene vs Annabelle

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Annabelle will be making her debut to LAW tonight and sadly her besties won't be there. That wouldn't stop the pink love, she planned to give her opponent the biggest hug they'll get in their entire life! She was called out by a backstage crew member and said"Coming" She said upbeat and cutesy before going backstage to go behind the curtain.

"And her opponent standing at 6 feet and weighing in 180 pounds Annabelle "The Love" Valentine!"
Annabelle came out with her arms out looking like she about to give a hug. Despite being a member of the Harbingers, when she was all by her lonesome, she looked as innocent as a newborn baby. She waved and walked down with her hands behind her back and walked up the steel steps before stepping under the ropes and being face to face with her opponent"don't worry i will make this quick" She gave her a opponent a wink while she waited in her corner.
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Re: Phoebe Greene vs Annabelle

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Phoebe was confused by how sweet her opponent was. She knew that this was the weakest link of the Harbingers but she didn’t expect her to be this much of a care bear. Phoebe then went to the corner and waited for the bell to ring.

Once the bell rung, Phoebe and Annabelle would circle around the ring. She was trying to size Annabelle up and see what she can do. Phoebe then went for a powerful right hook that would do a lot of damage if she connected.
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Re: Phoebe Greene vs Annabelle

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Annabelle would look at the confusion on her opponents face and giggle, she was used to how compared to the other two she looked like an honest babyface. That was until the bell had rung, Phoebe was quick enough to get a punch in on her adorable little face"Ow..." She said as she leaned back rubbing her poor cheek"Come here~" She said as she went in to wrap her arms around Pheobe's waist. If successful the Love girl would aim to put her opponent face first into her blossom"Sleeep~" She whispered as she gave her opponent a kiss on the forehead like how a mother would for her child.
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Re: Phoebe Greene vs Annabelle

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Phoebe was glad that punch connected against Annabelle. However, she was not expecting a grapple after that punch as Annabelle caught her off guard. Phoebe then had her head shoved into the bosom of Annabelle and got kissed on the forehead. She would be squirming around, trying to break out of the smother as she didn’t expect Annabelle to be so strongly gripped.
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Re: Phoebe Greene vs Annabelle

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Annabelle smiled sweetly as she had Phoebe right where she needed her to be.”it will be so easy~” She whispered as she lifted her up and began to kiss and suck on her boobs while adding pressure. This was so she could use her signature Love Embrace!
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Re: Phoebe Greene vs Annabelle

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Phoebe started to squirm while her breasts were being sucked on. She looked at the referee to see if what Annabelle was doing was illegal. The referee allowed what Annabelle was doing, which frustrated the mma fighter.

“Such a bullshit match. Get the hell off of me!”

Phoebe then started punching at Annabelle, trying to get her off of her breasts.
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Re: Phoebe Greene vs Annabelle

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Annabelle was enjoying her time until Phoebe started firing shots at her "Owie" She squealed a bit losing her grip"That wasn't nice" She said as Annabelle went to grab her arm and pull her in for a deep kiss.
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Re: Phoebe Greene vs Annabelle

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Phoebe arm would be grabbed by Annabelle but she had a somewhat dirty trick to get out of the situation. As she was pulled in for the kiss, Phoebe would deliver a headbutt that she was hoping to cause separation between the two.

“God my fucking head. Why did I actually try that?”
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Re: Phoebe Greene vs Annabelle

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"Owie... maybe i should try harder this time" Annabelle rubbed her head as she stumbled back from the headbutt. Annabelle went from behind, this time grabbing Pheobe's boobs and groping her while giving her some soft kisses. If it did run down Pheobe's stamina she would attempt a bearhug from behind!
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