Step Stools and Handshakes: Jobber Joe's Hilarious Backstage Banter with Drake

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Step Stools and Handshakes: Jobber Joe's Hilarious Backstage Banter with Drake

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Tonight was Jobber Joe's first debut match in L.A.W. where he found himself paired up with a Wrestler named Drake Benton, a towering giant who seemed to eclipse him in both size and strength. As Joe nervously adjusted his gear, he couldn't help but notice the stark contrast between them.

However instead of peeing in his pants as usual, Joe decided he was going to make this a comedy shtick as he would approach the giant with a formal handshake. However, instead of a formal greeting, he playfully pulled out a step stool from behind his back and placed it in front of Drake.

With an exaggerated flourish, Jobber Joe looked up at Drake and said, "Hey there, big guy! I thought you might need a little help reaching down to shake hands with us average-sized folk." The backstage crew burst into laughter.

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Re: Step Stools and Handshakes: Jobber Joe's Hilarious Backstage Banter with Drake

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Drake walked into the backstage interview set expecting to come face to face with his opponent and intimidate him with his size. Instead he saw Jobber Joe pull out a step stool and stand up to him, literally. Drake immediately busted out laughing.
”BWAHAHAHAHA!! Oooh! Ohhhhhhh. Heheheh”
Drake collected himself as best he could and managed to say, “Aw thanks bro. <chuckles> I had been trying to <snickers> REACH yo- BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!”
Drake once again busted out laughing hysterically.
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Re: Step Stools and Handshakes: Jobber Joe's Hilarious Backstage Banter with Drake

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Jobber Joe did it again! He managed to make another opponent laugh with his antics as he winked and grinned at the staff members before reaching to formally shake Drake's hand. It felt good to get a good laugh in such an intense wrestling world.

With the staff members pulling out there phones to take a picture, Jobber Joe would make a confident smile in his face before taking a pic with Drake with his actual size as his confident grin turned to a nervous one just so when the pic goes to the internet he hoped that it could turn into a meme.

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Re: Step Stools and Handshakes: Jobber Joe's Hilarious Backstage Banter with Drake

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“I like you. You’re a funny man. You ain’t no fucking punk ass nerd like Oscar Orelash.” Drake shook Jobber Joe’s hand with a rare happy smile on his face. The Colossus did make sure to shake with a firm grip to let Joe know who was boss. The crowd was used to seeing Drake wear a scowl or, if he was reveling in victory, a sadistic smile on his face. It was quite a surprise to see him legitimately smile. The chair putting Jobber Joe at equal height with Drake made the meme all the funnier.

”I’m still gonna have to kick your ass out there.”
Last edited by ScylliasExoter on Tue Oct 17, 2023 2:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Step Stools and Handshakes: Jobber Joe's Hilarious Backstage Banter with Drake

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"You will try Mon ami, but today is the day that I end my losing streak and claim this victory for France!" Jobber Joe would pull out a small wooden thin stick with a White flag and raise it in the air. The staff members would only laugh as Jobber Joe was confused for a bit, only to realize he was holding a white flag with his right hand. He quickly dropped it and went to his locker room to come back with the approiate tricolored flag.

"Sacrebleu...let's try this again. You will try Mon ami, but today is the day I end my losing streak and claim this victory for France!" Jobber Joe said with a proud tone in his voice. However his legs were constantly shaking, almost as if he was about to pee himself.

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Re: Step Stools and Handshakes: Jobber Joe's Hilarious Backstage Banter with Drake

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It turned out Jobber Joe would get what he wanted after all. When he pulled out the white flag, Drake was rolling on the floor with the cameras chugging away. Drake was laughing so hard he didn’t notice Jobber Joe go to his locker and fetch the correct flag. The Colossus was rolling and laughing uncontrollably to the point where he was out of breath. Drake collapsed into a starfished position right at the moment Jobber Joe raised the actual French flag. The cameras then caught the absolute money shot of Jobber Joe standing over Drake Benton with the French flag raised up high in victory.

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Re: Step Stools and Handshakes: Jobber Joe's Hilarious Backstage Banter with Drake

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"Ohohohoho! I made Napoleon proud!" Jobber Joe now had a confident posture as he would place his foot on the stool and his right arm on his hips to pose for the pictures of him looking to seem triumph over a big giant like Drake!

The camera would stop rolling as a old Karen told both Wrestlers to stop the act and get set for there upcoming match.

Jobber Joe would try to explain himself but the old Karen was not having it as she pulled on Jobber Joe's ear and pulled him into the locker room!

"Owowowowowowowow!!!!" And with that Jobber Joe would be force to sit in the bench and await his curtain call.

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Re: Step Stools and Handshakes: Jobber Joe's Hilarious Backstage Banter with Drake

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Drake continued laughing on the ground. By the time he calmed down and caught his breath, he sat up.
”Where’d everybody go?”
Drake looked around confused and then saw a clock on the wall. His match was imminent and he was nowhere near the entrance.


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