Bianca and Fuse Aftermath..

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Bianca and Fuse Aftermath..

Unread post by Albentes »

Bianca carried fuse to her room, she basically slammed her on the bed and jumped on her partner to have fun with her breasts. "MHHH YOU ARE SO FUCKING HOT I CAN'T HOLD ANYMORE!" Bianca was savagely groping Fuse, and started to motorobat in her fantastic breasts!

Bianca couldn't control her strenght, she was like a horny beast taking her prey. "Why you are so hot.. omg this curves, breasts thights! I CAN'T RESIST MHHHHH!!!!"
Fuse really had to do something, bianca wasn't stopping at all. she loved her too much!

She was still in her slingkini while doing this session..
Last edited by Albentes on Tue Oct 17, 2023 9:46 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Bianca and Fuse Aftermath..

Unread post by ReneeCockyUndercard »

Fuse was slammed onto the bed in her room and would take in this horny beast with horny arms as she moaned as she was getting groped. She was surprised Bianca was wearing her slingkini still but it wouldn’t be long before Fuse removed it.

Fuse: 「ああ、あなたのような人が私の人生に現れるのをどれだけ待ったかわかりません。あなたが得たすべてを私に与えてください!お姉さんに上手なセックスの仕方を教えてよ!」(“Oh you don’t know how long I waited for someone such as yourself to come into my life. Give me everything you got! Show older sister how to get a good fucking!”)

Fuse would hold onto Bianca as she also wrapped her legs around her waist. She then encouraged the motorboating as she swayed her breasts side to side to help her out more.
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Re: Bianca and Fuse Aftermath..

Unread post by Albentes »

"Mhhhhh this body so good and stop making older sister. I'M THE OLDER ONE!" Bianca was raging with only sex into her eyes, she would surprisely slam fuse into every wall while kissing and motorboating in, but with weak force to not hurting her. "Now you're my bitch <3 <3 <3" At this point it was a walk into the room while fucking, Bianca couldn't stay still and just wante Fuse in every second! After doing walking around walls she would slam her into the bed again while aggresively sucking her breasts!

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Re: Bianca and Fuse Aftermath..

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Fuse liked how roughy Bianca was as she moaned every single time she was slammed into the wall. She continued to feel up Bianca while she sucked on her breasts. People in the halls could hear the rough fucking the two were and were about to do as she was then slammed onto the bed. She then moaned some more when Bianca sucked on her breasts some more.

Fuse: "うん!ええ、その通りです。その通りだよ、ベイビー!」(“Yeah! Yeah just like that. Just like that, baby!”)
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Re: Bianca and Fuse Aftermath..

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Bianca while slamming fuse into walls managet to grab her strap, it was time to get her "revenge" "Now dear i'm gonna make you feel heaven." Bianca lifted fuse leg up and put her strap on, "Get ready baby <3" She started to pound fuse with her full strenght, wanting her to burst so she could continue to enjoy without some try to fuse to fuck her first. It was her bitch now.

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Re: Bianca and Fuse Aftermath..

Unread post by ReneeCockyUndercard »

Fuse was prepared to take a pounding from Bianca. Once she had the strap-on inserted inside her, she turned her body over and placed a pillow in her mouth and held onto it. She then prepared for the most earth shattering poundings she’s ever received.

Fuse’s insides turned into a mush by how hard she was getting banged by Bianca. She was moaning a lot while panting and biting down on the pillow.

Fuse: (Muffled) "何てことだ!あなたはそのことに関してとても上手です。止まらないで、ビアンカ!私の内臓をパテにするのをやめないでください!」(“Oh my god! You are so good with that thing. Don’t stop, Bianca! Don’t stop turning my insides into putty!”)
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Re: Bianca and Fuse Aftermath..

Unread post by Albentes »

And Bianca didn't stop at all, She continue to aggresively Pound fuse until She would give a giving up signal! " yes bitch i know you like It, now Just succumb to my fucking!

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Re: Bianca and Fuse Aftermath..

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Fuse was getting pounded good as she was moaning into the pillow. She was really trying to not succumb to Bianca’s fucking but she was making it too difficult to do so. Eventually, Fuse succumbed to her fucking as she moved her head up and screamed in ecstasy.

Fuse: 「分かった、私はあなたに屈します、ビアンカ。私をあなたの小さなおもちゃのようにドキドキさせ続けてください!ただ射精させてください。ただ射精させてください。お願いします!" (“Ok I succumb to you, Bianca. Keep pounding me like I’m your little fuck toy! Just let me cum. Just let me cum please. Please!”)
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Re: Bianca and Fuse Aftermath..

Unread post by Albentes »

"Of course my bitch Who said i would be done now?" Bianca continue the pounding and as soon fuse would cum She would finish her with a breast smother. "Now bitch sleep for your master <3"

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Re: Bianca and Fuse Aftermath..

Unread post by ReneeCockyUndercard »

Fuse nodded and submitted to Bianca as she dived head first into Bianca’s breasts and let her smother her. It would only take a few seconds before Fuse was lights out.
Renee’s Undercarders

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