Author's Note
Now, all that was left to do was to prepare for the next big show - the show where Arvidsson would surely see her next defense, with the spotlight on her and the crowds at their biggest and most hyped. The Golden Dragon had said as much just last week. But since then, everyone's thoughts were on how the other Astrid - Astrid Ostberg, the first-ever contender for the Openweight Championship and the former LAW Heavyweight Champion - would respond. Would she take her loss gracefully? Would she resent Arvidsson from taking it away from her? Ostberg had always been a firm believer in fair victories won by virtue of the winner's strength, endurance, and determination - yet, more than a few analysts had noted how hard her recent losses seemed to be weighing on her, and how much it seemed to push her to desperation in the name of reclaiming her time in the spotlight, causing her to resort to tactics that no one would have ever expected from her. Only time would tell what Astrid would say next - but tonight, it seemed, she was going to make her thoughts known.

At last, after sucking in a long, deep breath, Astrid spoke. "Well," she told everyone, "it happened. Back at We Are LAW, you saw the dawning of a new era for this promotion, with Astrid Arvidsson, my countrywoman and my fellow wrestler, becoming World Openweight Champion. You also saw the end of an era. As her first contender for the title, I fought with all my might - all my heart and soul and spirit, and everything I believed in - to claim that title, just as I had done for the Heavyweight Championship before then. As you might have wasn't enough."
Astrid let out a long sigh just from having to admit it, and her gaze turned down to stare at her feet. She didn't want the cameras to pick up on it, but there was a scowl on her face. When she admitted her failures, it always left a sour taste in her mouth. But she had to confront it, one way or another.
"I fought hard," she continued, "for the privilege of being able to call myself a champion again, and representing that honor to you all. But I...I couldn't do it." She took a pause, biting her lip. Why did it hurt so much to say? She had so much to be proud about with her career, she thought. Alaina had claimed her title fair and square. It wasn't like her to be a sore loser; she should've been better than that. She was supposed to be an exemplar of all that was good and respectable in wrestling. She wasn't supposed to have these feelings. And the fact that she disgusted her. All she knew was that no one could know the truth.
"In light of this...I have no choice to concede that, as regrettable as it time has passed. It was a good last few years. It was a title run that, if I'm being honest, surpassed all my expectations. they say, all good things must come to an end. Rest assured, I hold nothing against Alaina. If there's any other woman here in LAW who has more of a right to that title than she does, I want to see them myself, because I can't think of anyone I'd rather lose it to than her. She's an inspiration to me - she has been ever since I was young - and that makes it that much more impressive to see she's still going strong to this day. In the end, she was well in her right to win it, and I can't be mad at her..."
That was a lie, of course. As she said it, Astrid could feel her teeth clench and her muscles grow tense, and a shudder ran through her body. She couldn't let anyone see that, of course. That wasn't her. It wasn't like her to even hold any resentment toward Alaina; indeed, she didn't want to. She was hoping that getting these things off her chest might help her, too. But...would it?
After taking a moment to suck in her breath, Astrid continued. "It's been a wild ride. And I'm never going to look back on it. Over the last few years, I saw some of the highest highs of my careers; some of the best matches I've ever been a part of, and I've witnessed moments that will live on in LAW history. I'd like to thank every one of you for coming out in my support, for believing in me the whole way through. I'd like to thank my husband William and my daughter Sarabeth for giving me something to fight for, and all my friends, students, and teachers, all of them too numerous for me to even begin to name. But as much as I'd wish things could continue, I need to remind myself that I lasted two and a half years as a champion. That's no easy feat, and it's something that even some champions out there would be thankful to experience. But a title run can only last so long - and I'm happy to pass it on to someone so deserving."
Once again, a nervous twitch came to Astrid's eye as the words left her mouth. "Rest assured, though...this isn't the end. If you know a thing or two about me, you know that I'm no one to give up so easily. This may be the end of this chapter of my story, but it's the beginning of another. I'm never going to let down what it is I believe in, and what I hold true. I'm still going to compete to the best of my ability, and I still hope to live up to all I've accomplished, and to carry my legacy forward. day...I'll be a champion again..." She lingered a little longer on that thought. "But for now...that title is safe in Alaina's hands."
As she lowered the microphone, Astrid stopped, taking a few long, deep breaths. Her shoulders rose and fell with each one she took, sending a tremble through her body each time. The fans all around her cheered and chanted "THANK YOU ASTRID!", still as eager to support her as ever. So why...did it hurt so much?