Match Type: "Standard."
Win by scoring a pinfall of three seconds on the opponent, forcing a wrestler to submit, or knocking the wrestler out. Additionally, if a wrestler remains outside the ring for too long, they will be disqualified after a ten count. Furthermore, if a wrestler performs an illegal move and is caught in the act by the in-ring official, they will be disqualified.
Standard rules - DQs, Count-outs, and the submission or pinfall MUST happen within the confines of the ring.
"...Entering first, hailing from Rome, Italy...BRINGING ABOUT A TENDER WARMTH WITH HER RADIANT SMILE AND GORGEOUS FIGURE...SHE IS THE INCARNATION OF LOVE ITSELF ...standing at 5'0 and weighing in at 110 lbs...OCTAVIA...VENUS!!!"

Octavia enters the arena to a sea of applause, thanking all of the audience members, be they fan or not. She showcases her loving affection for everybody as she makes her way down to the ring with a delightful, jubilant skip, blowing kisses along the way...shaking hugs...posing for pictures, you name it. The Italian beauty radiated a bright warmth that was unmatched. Her presence and personality were like the Sun, always casting a bright, uplifting light on everything around her. Tonight, she was here to face a new signee within the promotion. Someone by the name of Louise...How cute~...Octavia couldn't wait to experience what this woman had in store for her, nor could she wait to show all her love and affection for this gal. Once she made it to the ring, she slipped inside, rolling under the ropes and posing for the audience one last time before moving toward her corner, awaiting the arrival of her opponent...