Sweet and Sour: Sakura Hagiwara vs Clementine Meyer (D)

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Sweet and Sour: Sakura Hagiwara vs Clementine Meyer (D)

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Standard Match: Winner to be declared by pinfall, submission, or knockout

Sakura took a deep breath backstage, pulling up a work out cable as she waited in preparation for her next match. Really she had been on a bit of a... losing streak lately. Not the first time she's been on one, but it wasn't something she wanted to be used. As far as Sakura was concerned she HAD to win tonight, not should, it was do or die, especially since her opponent tonight was a debuting wrestler. Dropping the exercise strap as she received her cue from the official to head out nodding softly and headed towards the entrance curtain!
Music starting up as she did so Sakura would come out from backstage, posing for the fans with a smile on her face, slightly forced but still genuine from the fans and their excitement to see her, in spite of the losses she had been taking lately. Coming down the ramp with a slight skip to her step she would break out into a run as she neared the ring, leaping up and sliding under the bottom rope and into the ring before popping up to her feet, posing a bit more before heading to her corner, waiting for her opponent.

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Re: Sweet and Sour: Sakura Hagiwara vs Clementine Meyer (D)

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Tensions were definitely high for Clementine, it was her first time stepping into this feds ring. She'd be lying if she said she wasn't nervous about this...especially since she's been told her opponent has been on a bit of a losing streak, What kind of image would she have if her first match was her getting her butt kicked by the girl who gets her butt kicked all the time? That's not the image she wanted things to start off with...

Clementine Takes a deep breath and takes a sip of lemonade (Her Mama's recipe, she aint letting anyone know that) and her music hits!!
Clementine makes a confident strut to the ring! Keep her fists firmly planted on her hips as they sway with each step! She would give the crowd a bit of a smirk and the occasional wink but as it stood right now her focus was the girl in the ring that stood before her. She takes another deep breath before stepping through the ropes and stepping right over to her corner, Fists still on her hips and giving her opponent a stare. Clementine wanted to look tough and she wanted Sakura to know it!
Nothing like a little Cinnamon to spice things up!

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Re: Sweet and Sour: Sakura Hagiwara vs Clementine Meyer (D)

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Sakura watched as her opponent finally entered the arena and made her way to the ring, trying to survey her and see what information she could gleam from the rookie. 'Must like lemons.' Sakura thought to herself given the girl's gear and even her hair. But aside from that she was pretty small but had seemingly well developed arms and legs. 'Has to be a strike and probably fairly fast.' Sakura thought before turning here gaze as her opponent entered the ring and now stood staring at her.

Meeting the stare right back Sakura would show no sign of fear or intimidation. "You know, its usually polite to introduce yourself rather than just stare."Sakura said stand offishly as she face off with the blonde haired new comer, not standing for disrespect and definitely not about to let the blonde think that this would be a easy time for her!

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Re: Sweet and Sour: Sakura Hagiwara vs Clementine Meyer (D)

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Clementine was also eyeing up her competition here. “Hmm…Ain’t exactly big…But I got reckon she’s gonna have a few tricks up her sleeve…” The southern girl thought to herself as she kept her hands firmly placed upon her hips as kept her eyes on her opponent. “Definitely a flashy outfit too…hopin this girl ain’t no diva or anything…” clementine thinks to herself…

Clementine would then perk up as she heard Sakuras statement. “Well shucks! How am I even supposed to know if I can trust ya at all?” The lemon themed girl says back in the same stand offish manner. “I just met ya and we’re about to start to rough house with each other! How ya expectin me to be all buddy buddy with ya before that bell rings?” Clementine shouts, standing her ground and really letting the southern girl personality show itself.
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Re: Sweet and Sour: Sakura Hagiwara vs Clementine Meyer (D)

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Talking down to her opponent who was staring rather rudely at her the energy would continue to be returned as the blonde shot right back at her with a rather brusque response as well. One not helped at all by the girl's heavy southern drawl which seemed to make it all the more aggressive. Not intimidated by that however Sakura would shoot right back.

"No one said anything about being friends, it's just respect." She said confidently with a nod before gaining a slight smirk. "Not that you seem to know anything about that... Besides I'd like to know the name of the person who's but I'm about to kick." Sakura said with a grin towards her opponent, knowing that would likely tick the girl off a bit, or if anything at least trick her into actually introducing herself.

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Re: Sweet and Sour: Sakura Hagiwara vs Clementine Meyer (D)

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Clementine Just simply Huffed at her opponent, crossing her arms and giving a stern look "I think yer gonna be hearin it after I kick yer rear around this ring!" Clementine calls out. She didn't like having to act like this but...It's her first match here so she doesn't know who to trust, she needs to have those walls up. "Shucks...am I playin it up too much?" The lemon themed girl mutters to herself.

She takes another deep breath before locking her eyes right back onto Sakura, She begins to stretch out before the bell rings. The girl trying to get as limbered up as possible by getting in some last minute stretching.

With the stretching and limbering up Sakura could see the look of determination in the small lemon girls eyes. She wanted it to be known that she was here to be serious and wasn't here to play like some bush-league backyard wrestling league.
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Re: Sweet and Sour: Sakura Hagiwara vs Clementine Meyer (D)

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Narrowing her eyes a bit at seeing that she was getting nowhere with the sassy southern bell Sakura would just huff and nod as she put her fists up in preparation for the fight ahead. "Fine then. Don't blame me then for your debut getting off to a rough start." Sakura asked rhetorically not at all phased at that thought right now as she began to circle the blonde.

Not wanting to waste any time at all Sakura would dart forward, looking to lock up with her opponent early in a collar elbow tie up! Luckily for her Sakura had a pretty decent height and weight advantage over the smaller lemon girl, something that would definitely help Sakura as she pushed and jockeyed against her opponent, trying to shove her back against the corner!

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Re: Sweet and Sour: Sakura Hagiwara vs Clementine Meyer (D)

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Clementine would circle with Sakura keeping calm and confident while also giving that same stare, The Lemon girl absolutely refusing to back down from the idol. "Shucks, From what ive been hearin, Yer whole career has been rocky!" The blonde shouts as a bit of a verbal jab towards Sakura!

It was finally time for what the two girls were waiting for! The two lock up in a collar elbow tie up and the little lemon girl immediately tries to fight for some positioning, Grunting and gritting her teeth as the two pressed their force against each other, Clementine growls a little as she tries to keep her boots planted firmly down on the mat, An occasional squeak from them is heard as she's forced to back up. "Dont act so tough..." Clementine growls before letting out a light gasp as she feels her rear pressed against the corner of the ring!
Nothing like a little Cinnamon to spice things up!

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Re: Sweet and Sour: Sakura Hagiwara vs Clementine Meyer (D)

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Sakura immediately glared at Clementine upon being reminded of her rather abysmal start to her professional wrestling career, especially with the disrespectful tone of her opponent. "Grrr shut up!" Sakura yelled out angrily, the frustration pumping through her to motivate her as she pushed harder and harder against Clementine until she was pressed up against the corner!

Smirking ever so slightly as she did so Sakura would chuckle at the blonde's own frustrated words. "Doesn't seem like... you should be talking." Sakura growled out, suddenly dropping both their arms at a moment's notice before rearing her arm back and swinging it forward, driving her arm with a hard chop across Clementine's chest to try and stun the girl for a moment!

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Re: Sweet and Sour: Sakura Hagiwara vs Clementine Meyer (D)

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Clementine couldn't get a word in before sudden *SMACK!* The lemon girl clutches her chest and winces in pain, The chop to her chest causes her to hunch a little bit before gritting her teeth and letting out a growl "Alright Missy...Ill admit...Ya got some bite with yer chops there..." She grumbles a little in pain before looking up a bit

"But Lets see if ya can Handle this!" clementine shouts as she suddenly reaches for Sakuras hair and immediately tries to yank her hair/head down, trying to drive a knee right into Sakuras jaw! The little lemon girl already beginning to show her fury and temper just a little bit. "Dont think ya can get the better of me with just couple lil chops now..." Clementine says giving a little bit of a smirk as she goes for the knee.
Nothing like a little Cinnamon to spice things up!

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