Anna Harris Vs. Audrey Hunter - Banging On The Beach

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Anna Harris Vs. Audrey Hunter - Banging On The Beach

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Beach Hentai Match
Best Three Out Of Five Hentai Match
Match Takes Place Upon A Beachside Ring, In Very Hot Weather
Points Gained Via Orgasm Or Sexual Submission Only

Whilst she was far from a lewd variety, Anna Hariss had found herself within a odd peculiarity today. Namely, in the fact she had just accepted an encounter of a very lewd sort! On a beach, no less!

Not at all scoffing at the idea of a fun encounter atleast upon a beach, and a chance to put her bikini on and perhaps catch a shade of tan to her awfully white figure, the insanely busty Aussie beauty had already found her feet upon the hot sands before a baying crowd. Hand outstretched, apparently trying to wave to each and every one of them with absolutely no modesty about her barely clad self, the lack of her usual theatrical entrance would be made up for with her screeches of greetings, as her plump figure soon found itself ringside.
Slipping under the bottom ropes, large rear bouncing said rope with a lowly coo gained from the crowd, Anna would shake off her feet upon gaining a standing posture in the ring, before committing herself to warming up. In a sense mind, given that she was already more than warm. In fact, she was positively boiling in this blistering weather, and she was clad in but thin pieces of fabric!

Oophing at the heat for a moment, having already awarded the crowd further with the sight of her massive breasts rocking up and down amidst a handful of jumping jacks, all that was left for the heated Aussie to do, was to simply await the figure she'd soon be tussling with!
Last edited by Devilish53 on Fri Sep 21, 2018 6:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Anna Harris Vs. Audrey Hunter - Banging On The Beach

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It seemed that Audrey would once again be pitted against an opponent in a hentai wrestling. Knowing how exciting it would be to have one passionate sexfight in the ring, Audrey agreed right away to take part in it. Also, the location of the match was at the beach, making it seem even more interesting for the blue-haired mother. Knowing that the match would be quite a spectacle, Audrey clad herself in a revealing bikini which barely covered anything. This also showed off her womanly figure, and the spectators would surely go crazy at the sight of her.
Audrey Hunter
Instead of walking down a ramp, Audrey would walk over the sandy beach as she headed over to the ring, where her opponent, a busty beauty was waiting for her. Making quite a spectacle for herself as she walked, letting her heavy breasts jiggle and wobble with each step, she would then reach the ring. Making one last sexy pose, she would climb up the apron before entering the ring, eyes still focused on the beauty before her.

"My... what a pleasant surprise..." Audrey said as she studied her opponent, Anna, whose voluptuous body was barely covered by her bikini. "Ready for our tussling, babe?" Audrey asked Anna as she placed her hands on her wide hips, much to the enjoyment of the crowd who clearly loved the sight of two bikini babes who were about to have a hot, lewd match in the ring under the heat at the beach.

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Re: Anna Harris Vs. Audrey Hunter - Banging On The Beach

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Anna as ever didn't know what to expect when she had signed up for this match, at least, what to expect in the form of an opponent. Rather than pray for specifics, the busty Aussie simply hoped for a figure whom was kind and sweet like herself, so at least above all, she could enjoy her time in the sun with them. And to her luck, she'd be in for just that! On a figure that outshone her own in weight and height, and perhaps arguably, curves themselves!

"Ohhhh~" Leaning forward, letting her heavy bust jiggle below as she put a finger to her chin, evidently inspecting the giant she was soon due to tussle with, Anna's lips adopted a honest, toothy grin as she pulled back. "You look fun!" She'd how, before Audrey had even joined her in the ring, before she found herself rather embarrassingly reminded to give the bigger figure space to enter, given in Anna's inspection she had pressed her body right to the nearest ropes.

Creating just enough space, finding Audrey but a step before her as the bigger woman joined her in-ring, Anna would keep that smile as she tilted her head to match her, finding Audrey to be the sweetie she had so hoped for.

"Of course! But I'm warning ya now...I'm stronger than I look!" She'd grin, her playful words carrying truth, given that beneath her endless curves, Anna was quite the hidden powerhouse!

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Re: Anna Harris Vs. Audrey Hunter - Banging On The Beach

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Already joining Anna in the ring, Audrey would smile at her. At the very least, Anna seemed to be quite a sweet woman, though she knew that she certainly wasn't weak based on her comment about her being stronger than she looked. Giving Anna a soft smile, Audrey said, "Oh, don't worry about it. I know I can handle you somehow. After all, I'm pretty strong myself..."

The referee would call for both women to come over to the center of the ring, where she would do a brief explanation about the rules. Once she was done, she would call for the bell, starting the match between both Audrey and Anna.

"So... how about a contest of strength?" Audrey asked, offering her hands to Anna, looking to have a contest of strength with the busty beauty before her. She wanted to see how strong her opponent was before she could think of what to do next to her. While this might be a hentai match, it was still a wrestling match, after all.

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Re: Anna Harris Vs. Audrey Hunter - Banging On The Beach

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"Oh, I can tell. You certainly look like you're gonna be fun to throw around!" Winking at the beauty as the two plump figures commented on one another's strength, a simple nod back to Audrey would signal Anna's intent to meet her in-ring for that test of strength. Hands raised, locking her fingers tightly, neither figure had to be pressed forward closely at all for those insanely big busts to collide and mash. And with Audrey's minor height difference, it was Anna who was left feeling as if she had the smaller pair. Albeit, given how air headed the Aussie beauty was, namely the fact that she could never understand that the sheer size of her bust was more than simple perspective, she thought such was a given!

"'re..super busty too.." Winced Anna, stating the obvious as ever as that massive pair essentially blanketed her collarbone, before she had even begun to push forward and exert her hidden power!

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Re: Anna Harris Vs. Audrey Hunter - Banging On The Beach

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So, both Audrey and Anna would lock up, pushing against each other as their large busts were mashing against each other. Now that she was close to her, she could see how busty Anna was. In fact, Audrey wagered that those breasts of hers were even bigger than her own, sparking a little bit of jealousy in her, though the difference wasn't all that apparent. "Hoo... you as well, dear..." Audrey purred, looking to exert more of her strength to push Anna back.

And then, Anna started pushing as well, and Audrey could feel her raw strength behind the push. While it was something that Audrey could match, the fact that someone like Anna could muster such a strength had been nothing short of impressive. "Oh my... what an amazing strength..." Audrey commented as she would try to push back, trying to match her strength with Anna's, putting the two of them into a stalemate for the time being.

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Re: Anna Harris Vs. Audrey Hunter - Banging On The Beach

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Her plump rear and powerful thighs jiggling, Anna was in more than a playful mood, but she still had little intent of letting the bigger woman get the better of her. Or evidently, overpower her!

"You're gonna be so much fun...I can...I can hardly wait...!" Stifling her words with gasps of power, Anna would be somewhat pleased to find that Audrey could not outright overpower her in return. Albeit, Anna herself couldn't gain control either, with those amazingly stacked figures apparently equal in strength!

Making up for the absence of superior power by closing the distance, Anna by pure innocence found her giant bust and soft tummy grinding firmly and slowly up and down the bigger figure, whilst her own eyes stayed purely on her grip, apparently failing to notice what she was doing!

"I've many fun moves in mind for you..."

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Re: Anna Harris Vs. Audrey Hunter - Banging On The Beach

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Both beauties were evenly matched in terms of strength as the two of them kept on grinding their bodies on each other, their bountiful breasts mushrooming each other, shifting their shapes as each pair was trying to engulf one another. Smiling at the seemingly air-headed Aussie, Audrey decided to test the water by getting her hands freed so that she could wrap her arms around the womanly figure of Anna.

"Me too, dear... me too..." Audrey purred as she would clutch her hands together behind Anna. She would wait for the right moment. And then, she would start squeezing, pressing Anna's body against hers, looking to lock her in a bearhug. "Now... why don't you let me give you a hug?" Audrey crooned as she would try to squeeze Anna's body, trying to lift her off the mat with her impressive strength, looking to leave her helpless in her arms.

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Re: Anna Harris Vs. Audrey Hunter - Banging On The Beach

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With the playfulness of both figures apparent, Anna was hardly throwing defence and counter towards the bigger woman's attempt to embrace her. Infact, the way in which Audrey had approached, combined with the casual atmosphere the two had already built, almost made Anna forget the fact she'd be doing so with intent to cause a tiny bit of harm!

Hands shaken aside, flopping for a moment over the bigger woman's own, Anna let out a playful coo as Audrey wrapped her up, ramming those massive orbs with her own, before indeed reminding Anna of what they were here to do!

"Ohhh--phhh..!" A pleasurable purr combined with a lowly moan as Anna's soft supple waist was squeezed in a few shades, the busty Aussie would lean back, pushing gently on the collarbone of the bigger woman as her legs playfully dangled from side to side.

"I bet..this move from super popular.." She'd tease, sticking her tongue out with one eye half open, evidently forgetting the fact that she was slowly being rendered breathless.

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Re: Anna Harris Vs. Audrey Hunter - Banging On The Beach

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Of course, Audrey was impressed by Anna being not worried even as her body was slowly crushed in the bearhug, unaware of the fact that it was due to her airheadedness. Still, she would keep applying pressure in the hold, her breasts pushing into Anna's, as if threatening to swallow them whole.

Chuckling upon hearing Anna's cheeky comment, Audrey said, "Oh, believe me... people aren't getting tired of this..." With that, she would apply more pressure in the bearhug, this time making sure to shake Anna around while keeping her in her arms, looking to disorient her in preparation for her next move.

"How about you, hmm? Do you love it there too?" Audrey purred as she asked Anna, still keeping the busty woman in her bearhug.

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