Apartment Chaos! Clara "The Shrouded" vs Akane Watanabe

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Apartment Chaos! Clara "The Shrouded" vs Akane Watanabe

Unread post by FreshBritishSalmon »

Match type: Apartment

Attire: Bikinis

Win condition: Winner must make the loser verbally submit to the other

Clara's third ever match at LAW seemed pretty similar to the first, except from the fact that she didn't have to be flown several thousand miles, as it was taking place merely a few streets from her home. That plus, she had experience in this match type, and as such, already knew what she had to do.

What she did not know, was who this Akane girl was. Clara wasn't exactly the most well read person, so she had never heard of most of these fighters. But she was told to come to this apartment, at this time, to fight her. Though this time, instead of lingerie, she was told to come in a bikini.

Upon arrival, she stood in the living room, stretching, wondering who would walk through the door, and how she would stack up.
Last edited by FreshBritishSalmon on Tue Oct 10, 2023 5:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Apartment Chaos! Clara "The Shrouded" vs Akane Watanabe

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Akane entered into the apartment and saw clara, she was too cute! She did instantly lose interest into the match and wanted to hug Clara. "Awww ur so cute <3 <3"
Akane was like a big sister that wanted only to pat and hug Clara without caring the match at all...

She was in her usual white and light blue bikini with her relatively large body on show
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Re: Apartment Chaos! Clara "The Shrouded" vs Akane Watanabe

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When Akane arrived, Clara didn't know what to think. On the one hand, it was clear that Akane had a distinct size advantage, which concerned her slightly. On the other hand, she didn't seem, too much of a threat. If anything, Akane didn't seem like she wanted to fight at all.

"Erm... Hello Miss Akane. I am really not all that much. I'm just, a rookie fighter" She said, shuffling her feet slightly. "So, erm, shall we get started?" She said, raising her hands up, ready to lock up

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Re: Apartment Chaos! Clara "The Shrouded" vs Akane Watanabe

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"you are too cute, ofc we can start <3" Akane locked up with clara, she could see she was stronger but decided to give Clara advantage... "Nghhh ur are not only cute but strong too!" Akane went on her knee fast looking at clara pushing herself made her falling in love with her little cute opponent!

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Re: Apartment Chaos! Clara "The Shrouded" vs Akane Watanabe

Unread post by FreshBritishSalmon »

Clara was confused as to how her opponent went down so fast. Maybe she was being easy on her due to her size? That would be a mistake Akane would regret as Clara pushed her over with both arms, before sitting on her stomach and rapidly punching her opponents breasts

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Re: Apartment Chaos! Clara "The Shrouded" vs Akane Watanabe

Unread post by Albentes »

"OWWW OWWW!! Seems u are mean too... hmph!" Akane got a bit mad, she thought Clara was a cute girl and not that aggressive. So she decided to slap clara on the cheek. "U meanie girl! Get slapped!" Akane slap was strong, like she wanted Clara to calm down...

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Re: Apartment Chaos! Clara "The Shrouded" vs Akane Watanabe

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Clara shrugged off the slap as if a hair had grazed her face, before proceeding to continue punching Akane in the tits.

"Is that the best you have?" Clara taunted, remembering all what she had learned prior. She knew that eventually, Akane would wrestle free, due to Clara's minimal weight

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Re: Apartment Chaos! Clara "The Shrouded" vs Akane Watanabe

Unread post by Albentes »

"OWWW ok now i'm mad!" Akane pushed clara on the bad and started to punch her into the belly. "And i tought u were a cute girl to play with! ;( Akane was a bit sad in her words, she wanted a friendly girl but she found an aggressive brat..

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Re: Apartment Chaos! Clara "The Shrouded" vs Akane Watanabe

Unread post by FreshBritishSalmon »

Clara rolled onto the bed as her larger opponent got on top of her, punching her bare stomach. She was miffed that she called her simply a cute girl, but she didn't care. All she wanted to do was get her first win. She grunted a little bit at the punched, before reaching up and grabbing her opponents tits, clawing them roughly.

"Who says I can't be cute and aggressive too?" Clara said, gritting her teeth

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Re: Apartment Chaos! Clara "The Shrouded" vs Akane Watanabe

Unread post by Albentes »

"U are just a mean brat and u will learn the lesson grrr" Akane was grunting in pain as Clara was still focussing her tits... "u want them this much? FINE" Akane pushed them into clara face and with her hand she grabbed Clara by the crotch.. "NOW SHUT THE FUCK UP!" That was the first time Akane got so mad in her life...

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