Emma vs Erica

Wrestlers that win their matches here earn the right to compete in the Lightweight Championship Tournament
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Emma vs Erica

Unread post by Geckosun »

Standard match

Lightweight qualifiers huh? Now it made sense why this company kept track of there weights and such. Well that worked for her, afterall if she showed up and won the title so soon like that she could cement her career before the years even started. How fun would that be? Well first she had to win the whole thing but she felt oddly confident in her chances to doing so. Looking over herself one more time she came out ready to show off one of her many outfits.

Coming down in a modified version of her roleplaying outfit, Emma showed up as happy as she could be on the stage marching down the ring like soldier as she took in the applause of the crowd. Standing up on the ring apron she went to the turnbuckle and climbed it, moving to the top and performing a moonsault just to make a show of her athleticism before taking a bow. Finally as she backed up she removed the lower part of her outfit like she was told to do, didnt want anyone grabbing that part! "This should be so fun!"

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Re: Emma vs Erica

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The next music hitting as quite happy and cheerful. It would play for a moment before something was happing on top of the ramp, but then a blond girl in a cheerleader outfit would jump out of the back. She would directly start her entrance of by doing a wheel over the cold steel and jumping onto both of her feet. She would look around with a big smile on her face and then showed a piece sign to the crowed.
The girl would stay there for a moment looking down into the crowed… wow today it was even bigger than normally. She would feel a little bit pressured but knew that she couldn´t back away now. She had to go down to that ring and give her very best if she ever wanted to call herself a pro! This was her biggest match and at the same time her biggest chance ever. She might only have been a rocky but this match was brining her closer to a title match than anything she ever could or had done until now. She needed to give her very best to win that match.

The cheerleader would start to move forwards again walking down to the ring once again this time waving the fans happily on her way down there. She would smile happily, while she would walk past all these ranks of cheering fans. This feeling was kinda great… she never expected to have it so easy to walk down to a ring in front of such a big crowed. But it seemed like the crowed was happy that she was here and she was enjoying that. She girl would slide into the ring jumping back up to her feet and throwing a kiss to the crowed. Then she would turn around once more to look at her opponent.

“So you must be this Emma it is really nice to meet you and I hope I am a good opponent for you and we can have a great match and i am honored to fight you tonight and by the way my name is Erika the second Michaela Lenard Simone van Buren, but you can just call me Eri if you want and that is totally fine by me and I must admit I love your outfit! It looks so great on you and so damn cute! Let´s have a great match together!” would Eri speak trying to overplay her obvious fear.

She would then slowly offer a handshake to her opponent to show her sportswomanship. She would smile the whole time while doing so.

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Re: Emma vs Erica

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Getting ready for her big match Emma waited for the music to start playing as she bounced on her feet, excited for a chance to show her and the crowd how it was done. The cheerleader came down and seemed pretty excited which was good overall as Emma was really hoping not to have the chance to make a friend while she was here as well. As the girl introduced herself Emma nodded her head happy as she could be that they might be able to get along.

Emma moved to shake hands with the cheerleader and laughed happily. "Really surprised you knew my name, but yes I'm Emma and its nice to meet you!" Of course as nice as she wanted to be she still had to win and take her chances to go further and further into this qualifier, but regardless she would be happy to give Eric a shot at things when it was time for that.

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Re: Emma vs Erica

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Eri would scratch the back of her head a bit shy. Before she would follow up: “Let´s have a great match together and might the better woman win tonight!” she would say before turning around once more walking back to her corner with big long steps. She couldn´t put that other girl in no proportion. She had no idea how strong she was or how weak, what fighting style she was using… The cheerlead would stand into her corner and would bow forwards trying her legs a bit trying to get ready for the upcoming match.

As soon as the ringbell would ring she would jump out of the corner walking around the ring sideways watching her opponent closely. When she though the right chance had come she would try to speed up run over to her and try to get behind her. This was she would try to get the first advantage and lock her opponent into a waste lock.

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Re: Emma vs Erica

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Emma was surprised how nervous she looked, wondering if this was her first time so to speak. But she kept the smile on her face, figuring a comforting bit of confidence from her could spill over and make her more confident in turn. "Oh I'm sure she will. All we have to do is figure out who by giving it our all." Emma said shuffling in her spot in the corner. Ready to dish out whatever she needed to win this big match for herself.

As the bell would ring finally Emma burst forward wanting to feel out Erica as quickly as she possibly could. She wasnt sure why but she just really wanted to get this match going in the best way possible and met her head on for the lock up, though she would quickly try and turn it into a wristlock to pull and twist on to get control.

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Re: Emma vs Erica

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Eri saw that her opponent was moving in as well. She was fast… damn fast. The cheerleader couldn´t get a significant speed advantage on her to move around her for the waste lock, so both girls would meet in a neutral position would lock up in the center of the ring. Both girls would struggle for control early on in that match. Eri would do her best but she was way too inexperienced to come out victories on that one giving her opponent the chance to make good use of that. Emma would get the hold on Eri´s one hands spinning it around bringing it behind the back of the Cheerleader holding her in position by twisting it infliction pain into Eri.

The girl would moan out struggling for a moment. She would try to pull her arm free but without much success. Emma got quite the strong grab on her wrist and wouldn´t let her go. So Eri would need to do something different. She would jump forwards trying to flip in midair and roll over the arm to turn her arm back into a normal untwisted position. But Eri would lay on the floor for a moment, but she would throw her legs up into the air before pushing her hips high to flip right back into a standing position. She would try to get a good hold on the arms that were holding her before spinning around now trying to put Emma into this Wrist lock and twisting her arm. “Got you!” would eri say happily.

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Re: Emma vs Erica

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Pulling on the girls arms, Emma's intent to was to start small and find a limb to work on, pulling and twisting on the arm as she got behind her she was hoping to be in control from there but Erica started to show what she could do, slowly moving to free herself before rolling through and popping back up to her feet before moving her around and pulling on her arm, quickly twisting it into a wristlock as she moved to get her under control.

Emma flinched as she felt her hand being turned the way Erica wanted her to turn but she knew how to turn this around. Taking a second as she instinctively brought her hand up to grab at Eirica's before she tried to twist and reverse the wristlock.

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Re: Emma vs Erica

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Eri would stand behind her opponent with a big smile on her lips. She though she did quite well here, now she got the upperhand and could so anything she want to her opponent. The cheerleader would shortly run a though idea´s though her head how to take care of that other woman. But before she could find something she would like to do. She would feel how Emma was moving right in front of her. The other girl was suddenly holding on to her hand as well then she was lifting it up and spin around.

Erica had no chance of blocking this and her opponent would turn her arm around and twist it to push it onto her back once again. The cheerleader would scream out in pain stumbling forwards a little bit. She would grind her teeth and moan out quite loudly. “damn… let go of me!” she would demand.  

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Re: Emma vs Erica

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The grappling was starting to lean towards her and giving her the chance to show Erica what she was about, especially since she had the upperhand while Erica didnt seem to have an answer for her at the moment meaning Emma was at the best time to attack. "Not yet, but dont worry I wont keep it on for very long." Emma said moving to grab around her from the side.

Emma lowered her legs and with a big huff Emma attempted to bring her up in the air and drop her down to the mat backfirst. From there she would try and make sure she dropped her on her arm and her back to hurt both at the same time.

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Re: Emma vs Erica

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Eri would suddenly feel how her opponent would pull her close. “hey what…” was the only thing she could say before it would change into a loud and scared: “AAAAHHH!” the feet of the cheerleader would lose to contact to the floor and she was lifted into the air… very high. She would see the mat coming closer in the next moment again and would hit it hard landing very unfrontally on her arm. The cheerlead would being to cry out in pain while she was rolling over the floor clenching her arm as close to her body as she could. That one did really hurt. Eri would stay down unable to think about anything else than her hurting arm.

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