Debut Match! Theodora "The Muscle Bear" Johnson vs Haruni Takaoaka "Spring Tiger"

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Debut Match! Theodora "The Muscle Bear" Johnson vs Haruni Takaoaka "Spring Tiger"

Unread post by Weonna »

Standard Match

Victory Conditions: Gained by either pin, KO, or submission from the opponent
In the L.A.W. arena, the place was jam packed as a fresh face was about to make her first debut match. But not just any fresh face but a inspirational and highly known Wrestler and BodyBuilder from the snowy cold state known as Alaska.

Theodora was thrilled to finally get a chance to wrestle in the biggest of stage against an unknown opponent that she agreed to do a match with and with so many eyes watching her, The Muscle Bear was determined to put on a great show.
Tonight is the first debut match for this Wrestler. Introducing First! From Anchorage, Alaska, USA! Theodora "The Muscle Bear" Johnson!!!

When Theodora was finally announced, the Alaskan was greeted with cheers. Theodora would smile as she would come into the arena with two teddy bears in each hand. As Theodora was walking to the ring she spotted a fan of her's that literally flew from U.S. to Japan just to see her wrestle. And with that Theodora would gift that fan with one of the teddy bear's in her hands as a thanks of support.
Once Theodora enters the ring she would flex her right bicep to show off her gains, while holding onto the teddy bear with her other hand. When her Theme Music slowly fades away, Theodora would wait in the corner and await her opponent's enterance to start.
Last edited by Weonna on Tue Feb 27, 2024 3:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Debut Match! Theodora "The Muscle Bear" Johnson vs Haruni Takaoaka "Spring Tiger"

Unread post by Lederface »

Spring Tiger was somewhat.... doubtful, her opponent was clearly a debut, but looking at that body, it would clearly take more than just a few attacks to take her down, but that's what she trained for! to be able to overcome different challenges, so ready to show that she could take this debut and prove all her opponent's capabilities, she would finally put on her mask, so then after her opponent's entrance, Spring Tiger would be announced by the announcer, so she would finally appear, waving to the whole audience.
Passing by and finally making her way up to the ring, Spring Tiger would look at her opponent, realizing that indeed her concerns had a little justification, so she would take a deep breath and advancing to her, Spring Tiger would offer her a handshake.

Greetings, I'm Spring Tiger, I hope we have a great fight today, and no matter who wins, let's do our best today!

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Re: Debut Match! Theodora "The Muscle Bear" Johnson vs Haruni Takaoaka "Spring Tiger"

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Theodora smiled at her smaller opponent. After making her enterance the two wrestlers would have a friendly staredown where Haruni could see the size difference in both size and strength. However Theodora would not underestimate such a nimble and fast opponent as the Muscle Bear would take Haruni's hand to shake it.

"Nice to meet you Spring Tiger. My name is Theodora and I'm excited for my first match here. Let's give these people a show!"

Theodora would reply back to Haruni as both women were separated to there own seperate corners. The ref would check if both women are ready as he signaled the bell to ring!


Theodora came out the corner and like a strong Bear, the Alaskan was coming at Haruni with her arms trying to grab the smaller woman to hold and push against the ropes!

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Re: Debut Match! Theodora "The Muscle Bear" Johnson vs Haruni Takaoaka "Spring Tiger"

Unread post by Lederface »

Spring Tiger knew that she had to compensate for her disadvantages somehow, and so when the bell finally rang, Spring Tiger would see her opponent approaching her like a charging giant, so seeing that the first thing she tried to do was to grab her, Spring Tiger would try to sneak around Theodora's left side, if she succeeded, she could try to attack with a kick to her torso, although she would clearly need more than that to win.

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Re: Debut Match! Theodora "The Muscle Bear" Johnson vs Haruni Takaoaka "Spring Tiger"

Unread post by Weonna »

It was clear for the lighter woman to not engage Theodora in a test of strength given her size and lack of big muscles like when Haruni snuck left to Theodora's left side she delivered a kick...however the Masked wrestler would soon come to realize how hard the Muscle Bear's abs are as it felt like kicking a rock. Theodora would tank the blow and turn around to Haruni with a grin.

"Nice try!"

For the Muscle Bear's next move she would attempt to hit Haruni with a hard and powerful Backhand chop to the chest as retaliation for the kick!

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Re: Debut Match! Theodora "The Muscle Bear" Johnson vs Haruni Takaoaka "Spring Tiger"

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Spring Tiger launched her attack, which made a joke of hurting her opponent, only pissing her off more, so soon she would see the punishment she would receive for that attack, making her impact Theodora's arm against Spring Tiger's body, going back a lot and realizing the true power that would be between them, but that wouldn't stop her, so seeing the situation, she would try to make up for it, pushing herself against the ropes that were not far from her, Spring Tiger would jump and try to wrap her legs around Theodora's neck, trying to knock her down to the canvas with her move!

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Re: Debut Match! Theodora "The Muscle Bear" Johnson vs Haruni Takaoaka "Spring Tiger"

Unread post by Weonna »

After knocking the masked wearing wrestler, Spring tiger was quick to get back on her feet. Theodora would slowly approach her while she was getting up, however the Muscle Bear did not anticipate the fast Agility Haruni possessed as she used the ropes behind her, springboarded onto Theodora, wrapped her neck around the Alaskan and took her down to the canvas!


Theodora landed on her backside, groaning a bit as she would try to get back up to her feet.

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Re: Debut Match! Theodora "The Muscle Bear" Johnson vs Haruni Takaoaka "Spring Tiger"

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The situation was now in Spring Tiger's hand, she was still on the ground and her opponent was already getting up, so her choice was clear, and getting up quickly, Spring Tiger would try to get behind her and jump on her back for a Neck Grab, trying to squeeze slightly, just enough so she could force her down.

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Re: Debut Match! Theodora "The Muscle Bear" Johnson vs Haruni Takaoaka "Spring Tiger"

Unread post by Weonna »


Once Spring Tiger jumped on top of Theodora and wrapped her arms around her neck squeezed, the Alaskan Powerhouse grunted.

However it wasent enough to keep the Muscle Bear down as she used her impressive lower body to rise up to her feet while gripping at her opponent's arms. Theodora moved around like a bull against a bullfighter until eventually Theodora would line up against the corner turnbuckles and moves backwards to crash the masked Tiger's back against the corner!

If successful Theodora would quickly turn back against her smaller opponent and attempt to soften her up with Shoulder thrusts aimed at her gut area!

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