Sisters planning (an interaction between Celina, the dark Phoenix and Handa)

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Sisters planning (an interaction between Celina, the dark Phoenix and Handa)

Unread post by DarknessMaster »

The dark Phoenix would slowly walk back to the locker room, laying her down and resting a bit

”what...are you... doing here...Mandi?”

Mandi would look Celina with a grimace

”So you’re up, good, because now I can give you a piece of my mind, are you insane?! I have seen how Handa fights, she is ruthless!”

”then why are you fighting her?”

”because I am a lot more sturdy than you, now let your big sis show you how it’s done”

Celina would giggle, before wincing in pain

”shh rest”

Mandi said as she got up and put a wet towel on her younger sister’s head

Celina’s appearance:


Mandi’s appearance:

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Re: Sisters planning (an interaction between Celina, the dark Phoenix and Handa)

Unread post by ReneeCockyUndercard »

Handa would be walking down the hallway as she was fixing her jaw from her latest match. She was replacing her teeth that came loose during her match with Celina, yet was smiling since she got the victory.

Handa: 「神様、リングで相手を倒し終えた後の廊下の静寂が大好きです。」(“God I love the sound of the silence in the hallways after I’m done demolishing my opponent in the ring.”)

As Handa was walking towards the locker rooms, she overheard Dark Phoenix and Celina’s conversation. She then hid behind the doorway and listened into their conversation.
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Re: Sisters planning (an interaction between Celina, the dark Phoenix and Handa)

Unread post by DarknessMaster »

"so umm...sorry about, hitting you over the head with a chair"

"you look like you've more than made up for it, now I'm gonna make her pay for turning you into a bloody mess"

"she's probably pretty mad at you considering that you've messed with a lot of her matches"

"that's what I want, I want her to end up being as mad as possible, so she can make mistakes, because anger, leads to mistakes"

Mandi said as she kissed her younger sister's head

"so how's Cline doing?"

"find, he's in college now, studying to be a lawyer"

Mandi would give Celina her sketchbook as she recovered

"I didn't expect you were that durable though"

Celina shrugged as she opened her sketchbook
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Re: Sisters planning (an interaction between Celina, the dark Phoenix and Handa)

Unread post by ReneeCockyUndercard »

Handa was still listening in to their conversation. She was also planning on strategies during their conversation as well. When she heard about Dark Phoenix planning on using her anger as her Achilles heel, Handa whispered herself something she has never thought before.

Handa: "はぁ。チャンスがあるときはいつでも彼女の顔を壊さないようにする必要があるようです。私は…集合的である必要がある?それ、どうやったら出来るの?" (“Huh. It seems like I need to not break her face whenever I have the chance. I need to be… collective? How do I do that?”)
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Re: Sisters planning (an interaction between Celina, the dark Phoenix and Handa)

Unread post by DarknessMaster »

Mandi would get up and stretch a bit, running her hands through her as Celina looked through her sketchbook

"how's Dad doing?"

"dad's dad, still has that clothing business"

"happy to hear he's doing well"

Celina said with a smile, Mandi would end up deciding to walk out to train for the big match

"so I'm heading off to the gym, are you gonna be alright here?"

"yeah, I'm fine, love you sis"

Celina said as she continued looking through her art book

"love you too"

Mandi said as she walked out to the gym to train a bit
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Re: Sisters planning (an interaction between Celina, the dark Phoenix and Handa)

Unread post by ReneeCockyUndercard »

Handa hid from Mandi walking out of the locker room. Luckily, she wasn’t seen. She also noticed that she closed the locker room door so Handa had to deal with knocking on her door and meeting face to face with Celina.

She gave the door a knock and stood in front of it with a dastardly smile on her face. She waited for Celina to answer the door, expecting her sister to be on the other side.
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Re: Sisters planning (an interaction between Celina, the dark Phoenix and Handa)

Unread post by DarknessMaster »

Celina would answer the door before jumping after seeing Handa

"please don't bust me open again!"

Celina yelled in fear, Handa really had put the fear of God into the poor girl, she would shield her face, expecting that Handa was here for another fight, something that she didn't want considering that she was still recovering from the brawl they both had not even a few hours ago
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Re: Sisters planning (an interaction between Celina, the dark Phoenix and Handa)

Unread post by ReneeCockyUndercard »

Handa would push Celina down before grabbing onto her tattered clothing. She then stared into her eyes and spoke to her in a very harsh and scary tone.

Handa: 「私はあなたを傷つけたくないのです。すでにリング上でそれをやってしまった。私が欲しいのはライバルに関する情報だけです。言ってください。もうあなたを半分死ぬほど殴りません。」(“I don’t want to hurt you. I already done that in the ring. All I want is some information on my rival. Tell me and I won’t beat you half to death again.”)
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Re: Sisters planning (an interaction between Celina, the dark Phoenix and Handa)

Unread post by DarknessMaster »

Celina would look at Handa hesitantly and somewhat sheepishly

"you mean my sister right?...what do you wanna know?"

Celina asked, still in a somewhat defensive stance, but now looking at Handa face to face, she didn't really trust Handa that much, somewhat natural since she was left beaten and bloody by her twice, but she was still willing to be... somewhat civil with her, as long as she didn't ask "what's the best way to kill your sister"
Last edited by DarknessMaster on Sun Oct 08, 2023 2:28 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Sisters planning (an interaction between Celina, the dark Phoenix and Handa)

Unread post by ReneeCockyUndercard »

Handa then started to think. She was wondering what does she actually want from Celina about the Dark Phoenix. She then came to the conclusion.

Handa: 「ダークフェニックスの弱点について教えてください。何がお姉さんを怯えさせているのか知りたいのです。」(“Tell me about the Dark Phoenix’s weaknesses. I want to know what makes your sister falter.”)
Renee’s Undercarders

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