Yuki Onna vs. Locura - Hardcore Showdown

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Yuki Onna vs. Locura - Hardcore Showdown

Unread post by PrinceArjuna332 »

Hardcore Match
Victory Conditions: Gained by either pin, KO, or submission from the opponent.
Anything goes. No disqualification.

Tonight would be a different night than usual for Yuki Onna. Unlike usual, she would be fighting in a hardcore match, in which there would be no disqualification and usage of weapons would be allowed. Her mother almost had a panic attack upon hearing that Yuki would be taking part in a hardcore match, even more so than her participating in hentai match. After reassuring her parents that she would be fine, Yuki would prepare herself for the upcoming hardcore match.

Dressed up in her pink outfit (considering that her usual outfit was trademarked in LAW), Yuki waited for her cue to make her entrance at the gorilla position. A hardcore match should be no different than a normal standard match, other than the fact that there would be no disqualification and the wrestlers could use weapons during the match. She knew that she wouldn't walk out of the ring without any injury, but she knew that she could have anything she got from this match treated soon after the match was finished.

And then, when it was her cue to make her entrance, Yuki stepped into the stage as her entrance music, Yuki Onna, was played. The crowd would greet her with cheers, and ever gracious and grateful for their supports, Yuki would high-five some of her fans as she walked down the ramp, heading over to the ring where the hardcore match would take place.
Yuki Onna
Once she reached the ring, she would climb up the apron, slipping under the ropes to enter the ring before she headed over to a turnbuckle, climbing up to the middle ropes to acknowledge the crowd. As she climbed up the turnbuckle and raised up an arm, the crowd would cheer for her. Smiling confidently, she would get down from the turnbuckle before she leaned against it in order to wait for her opponent to show up. She had grown up as a person and as a wrestler thanks to her having many matches, and now, she would do what it would take to win this hardcore match.

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Re: Yuki Onna vs. Locura - Hardcore Showdown

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It would get quit for some time. A new face was slowly walking toward the entrence area… although the face was not new… only the mask about it. The woman making her way to the ring was dressed totally in red. A red body suit and a red mask. The woman under the mask was the “cat army” Carmen Juana and for the fight tonight she had pulled out a new mask, or at least a new mask for law.
She was wearing the mask of the “succial kitty” Locura! And right now she was as hot as never before. She couldn’t stand still. When she reached the ramp it took three official to hold her back, so she wouldn´t run out there to early. The Mexican fighter would stand now here waiting only to get out there. Over her shoulder she was wearing her red doggy bag, filled with her favorite toys. And now finally she would hear a new music hit. And it was finally her music! Ready for this! would hit. As soon as she was ready Locu would push the official aside and would step out onto the ramp. She would stand on top of the ramp for a moment throwing her fist up high into the air before starting to walk down slowly to the ring. When she reached it she would directly slide into it and waste no time running over to her opponent as fast as she could. She would jump at her trying to smash her forearm against the skull of the other girl as hard as she could.

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Re: Yuki Onna vs. Locura - Hardcore Showdown

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Apparently, Yuki's opponent for tonight was a masked wrestler, or a luchadora, as one called them. She was carrying a bag, presumably containing an assortment of weapons to be used in this match. That made sense, considering that this was a hardcore match.

Her eyes remained focused on Locura as she made her way down the ramp before she entered the ring. But the masked wrestler did something unexpected as she suddenly ran over to Yuki before smashing her forearm onto her head. "Aaahh!!" Yuki cried out when her head was hit. Right at that moment, the match was started.

Staggering back, Yuki would take a few steps back, distancing herself from Locura. It did catch her off-guard, but she would not let the attack phase her, so she would make sure to prepare herself against whatever Locura would throw at her next. So, she would charge at the cat-themed wrestler, looking to response her attack earlier with a forearm smash right into her face!

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Re: Yuki Onna vs. Locura - Hardcore Showdown

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Locu would smile seeing the respond of her attack. Her opponent would be taking this too easy and was running right back to her. The cat masked wrestler would get ready for that and then she was smashed across the face as well with a forearm smash. She would scream out in pain before turning around. She would hold the side of her head that was just hit by the smash. That one really was a good one.. but locu wouldn’t be too deeply impressed by that. She could easily shrunk that off… Then she would reach out with her hand and try to grab the wrist of her opponent. She would hold on to it as thigh as she could.

At first she would act like she wanted to go for a Irish whip but she would try to pull her opponent right back towards herself and throw her head forwards for a big headbutt.

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Re: Yuki Onna vs. Locura - Hardcore Showdown

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Yuki was looking to follow up with more strikes when Locura grabbed her on her wrist, stopping her in her tracks. When it looked like the masked wrestler was about to Irish whip her towards the ropes, Yuki would prepare herself for it, but instead of being whipped towards the ropes, she took a nasty headbutt from Locura, and her head recoiled back from the impact.

"Uwaaghh!!!" Yuki let out a cry of pain as she took the headbutt. Grimacing, she would take a few steps back as she would bring her hands to her forehead, trying to nurse the pain. In doing so, she became exposed to anything the cat wrestler was going to do to her next.

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Re: Yuki Onna vs. Locura - Hardcore Showdown

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Locu would smirk a bit when her opponent would hold her head. That one hit the spot. The Mexican woman would keep up the past and step forwards trying to close in the distance before leaning forwards. She would try to bring her hands to the thighs of her opponent and lift her up from the ground. She would lean backwards a bit forcing her opponent to lean against her then the would throw herself forwards while pushing one of her hands against the chest of her opponent to spine buster her down as powerful as she could. She would try to drive her opponent back first into the mat making the whole ring shake.

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Re: Yuki Onna vs. Locura - Hardcore Showdown

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As Yuki was still reeling from the headbutt, Locura was quick to take advantage of her as she got closer to her, grabbing her body. And then, she lifted her up, holding her by her thighs before throwing her down, slamming her down into the mat back first. "Waaghh!!" Yuki cried out in pain as she took the spinebuster.

Yuki would lay prone on the mat, groaning in pain. So far, things didn't look good for Yuki Onna at the moment, and the red-clad cat wrestler was free to do whatever she wanted on her.

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Re: Yuki Onna vs. Locura - Hardcore Showdown

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Locu would get back onto her knees after throwing her opponent down onto the mat. She would move her head from side to side before standing back up and leaning right over the poor blue haired woman, looking into her face. The Mexican woman would reach down trying to warp her arms around the body of the other girl and lift her up from the floor and elevate her onto her shoulder. Locu would begging to march around the ring with her opponent up high. The Mexican fighter would begin to marsh around with her opponent high through the ring before speeding up and running towards the next corner. In the last moment Locu would throw her opponent up into the air, letting her fall back down head first onto the top turnbuckle.

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Re: Yuki Onna vs. Locura - Hardcore Showdown

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Still dazed and winded from the spinebuster, Yuki was then picked up by her masked opponent before she was placed on her shoulder. "Uuuughh..." Groaning weakly, she was unable to stop Locura from doing that as she carried her on her shoulder. She tried to regain her senses, but at this point, she was a bit late as Locura then started speeding up towards a turnbuckle before she threw her up into the air, letting her land head first into the top turnbuckle!


The impact was too much for Yuki that she blacked out for a second. She fell limply onto the mat next to the turnbuckle, and she groaned as she reached out for the rope. Things had turned out very bad for Yuki Onna, with Locura being at a very dominant position at the moment.

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Re: Yuki Onna vs. Locura - Hardcore Showdown

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Locu would see her opponent´s head bounce of that turnbuckle and she would need to control herself to not giggle about this. She would still enjoy it very much and also would like the view of her opponent falling downwards onto the mat. The Mexican woman would let her shoulder circle while walking over there, to the spot where her foe was laying. She would see that yuki was showing a impressive resistance. She still was hanging in there somehow. The Mexican woman would smirk while she would see her opponent was crawling towards the ropes.

Seeing where this bitch wanted to go Locu wouldn´t stand in her way, rather she wanted to help her get there. So Locu would step right over her opponent grabbing her hair and trying to pull her closer to the ropes before laying her with her chest right onto the top rope. The Mexican woman would slowly place one of her boots onto the back of the Japanese girl starting to increase the amount of pressure more and more, pressing her opponent onto the bottom rope harder and harder. She would also start to move her boot up and down increasing pressure for a short moment extremely.

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