Tonight was far from a regular one for Starboy. The Lonely Superhero had just attended his first official event as a wrestler part of LAW's roster - his first promo photoshoot. Now, posing for the camera felt always a little awkward to the asipiring hero, but it had felt even more so when he was told to do it clad in his hero attire, take up some fancy, combative poses (alone, without an opponent in sight), and knowing fully well that those photos were not going to end up in some private album - they were going to be all out in the public for the millions of viewers to see. Sure, he enjoyed posing in his hero-gimmick, and sure, he wanted to be a wrestler in this league... But some tasks were just of the nature that he was probably never going to get used to.
Another irregular, unfamiliar and awkward feeling that Star was having now was one of being lost. It was a rare, very rare event for the Lonely Superhero to not know where he was at or where he was going, but he must had taken some critical turn wrong earlier when leaving the promo shoot. In his mind, it should have been just a short stroll across the LAW campus complex, short enough not to even bother covering up his hero attire for the way, and be back at his apartment in 5 to 10 minutes or so...
Starboy - The Lonely Superhero

Now it had been at least a good 20 minutes since he had left the studio, and he was still stuck in something that looked like some kind of a maintenance crew area hallway, wandering around in his rather skimpy wrestling attire. He was lucky that it was already rather late, and the hallways were mostly deserted. But he still had to find his way home, and seemed to be at a loss with ideas on how exactly to do so!
Spotting a heavy door that looked like some kind of a fire exit, Star could see a bit more brightly-lit hallway behind the window. Opening it, the hero entered the hallway - and immediately spotted a figure some distance to his right. "Ahh shit, there's some girl..." Getting a bit cold feet due to still wearing his hero attire, Star tried to quickly turn around and return to the other side of the door, when-...
*CLANG!* "Ouch..."
The heavy door had suddenly shut locked, and the hero banged his head to it in the process of trying to re-enter the previous hallway, causing an abrupt and loud sound that was surely immediately catching anyone's attention, and leaving the hero shaking and holding his head.
How awkward.