Saria miyazaki vs Louise Heisenberg: the dragon follows a trail of a suspect

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Saria miyazaki vs Louise Heisenberg: the dragon follows a trail of a suspect

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type of match: standard

Saria's entrance theme began to play over the speakers and then she made an appearance as she walked calmly while she, like her teammate named Emma, ​​had an animatonic tail but instead of being a demon one, it was one that was more similar to that of a dragon, there were several characteristics that stood out a lot in her such as her well-trained body, her thick legs and her large size, she began to walk in a calm manner while her dragon tail moved from one side to the other while receiving compliments and whistles from the fans, she looked at them from time to time but simply continued on her way.

Although something is not out of her mind and it was from a previous conversation with two police officers who had contacted her, she was a police officer but for certain reasons she was fired, well it turns out that her opponent seemed like a supposed suspect and those two police officers They wanted her to investigate their opponent named Lousie so she accepted just for old times' sake but it felt strange working with the police since she hadn't been involved in police matters in a long time.

Saria came out of her thoughts because she was already close to the ring and therefore, she climbed the edge of the ring and then stepped over the ropes to enter the ring, she scratched her cheek a little as she stood in the middle of the ring to wait idly for his opponent while his dragon tail moved from side to side in a somewhat impatient manner and from time to time he hit the floor of the ring, although that was because Saria wanted to fight, since she could finally have a match.

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Re: Saria miyazaki vs Louise Heisenberg: the dragon follows a trail of a suspect

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This was Louise's return match after her unfair loss against Sophie, and the start of her promotion against her greatest rival, Renee. Though she hadn't exactly gone on hiatus, she felt like a far different person after those two events that happened to coincide with each other. She hadn't gotten completely over her loss against Sophie, especially since the internet was beginning to dub her as the new and improved Louise—the blonde Louise. She hadn't really noticed during their match, but the two girls did look fairly similar. Not like how she had a striking resemblance to Renee; it was even more identical. They might as well have been sisters, looking back on the match recordings. Her only real way of coping with the whole situation was that it wasn't exactly a fair match since her rival interfered near the end. However, this match, she was dedicated to keeping an eye out for her.
Not even a day has gone by since Renee revealed her first name, and only her first name. The internet had flared frivolously at the idea that Louise wasn't her real name, but none of them ever managed to get her true identity right on the mark. Luckily, she could still show her face in the ring, her fanbase being as strong as ever as she walked down the ramp. She didn't have much to think about in her locker room tonight, she just had to keep her head in the game. She needed this win.
Louise was beginning to think that she's fully gone soft, not feeling upset enough about her recent losses. She was an up-and-coming star in LAW, but she could barely keep her win streak going. She knew she had the strength to single-handedly crush everyone she came across, but she was damned by bad timing and horrible distractions. At least, that's what she thought. She began to notice that she was forgetting her roots in the industry. She had never practiced or anything, because the outcome was always certain. She was always fated to lose, but at the very least, the audience loved her for it. Now, if she loses, her audience will see her as inadequate. She hated the thought as she never saw herself as someone that cared about what other people thought of her, but in a way, maybe she did just a bit.
Coming to her senses, she slipped under the ropes, and slid inside the ring. She came face to face with her opponent, a supposed ex-cop in her prime. Louise chuckled softly, not lasting more than a few seconds. She shoved Saria, hoping to show that she still has the "heel" in her step.
"Oh God! Hope you don't arrest me for that! Oh wait- AHAHA!" Louise hysterically laughed near the end, going back to her usual ways. Though, afterwards, as a sign of disrespect to a former cop, she spit in her face, "Let's see how far you get without a badge and your little gadgets.~"
Match Attire
She had decided to go with a stripped-back attire for her new match!
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Re: Saria miyazaki vs Louise Heisenberg: the dragon follows a trail of a suspect

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Saria was just waiting for Louise in the middle of the ring until finally her opponent appeared and... Lousie was quite smaller than Saria would have imagined, her opponent was about Emma's size and slightly larger than Skadi, Saria In her mind she wondered what this little girl had gotten herself into to get in trouble and that the police would have called her to investigate Louise but she knew that would have to wait, since now she would have to fight this little girl.

But once her opponent entered the ring and Saria wanted to tear her to pieces, the reason? well Louise pushed her but she didn't bother her or anything and she continued with her expression of indifference while her black brown haired opponent kept talking but her patience started to run out once Louise decided to spit in her face, it was official Saria was going to destroy her without No regrets and she wouldn't be guilty of hurting her too much. She wiped her face while she did that. Her dragon tail moved quickly, slapping Louise's cheek and since her tail had some metal things on it, that should have hurt his opponent and then his dragon tail wrapped around Louise's neck "So don't blame me because I won't be very nice to you" She said in a cold tone as she squeezed Louise's neck with her dragon tail before releasing her and the referee approached her to tell her to go to the corner of the ring.

She paid attention as she went to the corner of the ring but yes, she was not going to hold back in this fight while she was waiting for the bell to ring, she only had one thing in mind now, to show Louise some respect towards an ex-cop. ... 56#p211856 all my girls are here and if you are interested in having a match with some of them let me know ^^

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Re: Saria miyazaki vs Louise Heisenberg: the dragon follows a trail of a suspect

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The short-haired, scarlet-eyed brunette didn't even notice her opponent had a tail, before having the misfortune of having been slapped by it. The initial attack left a small scratch on her cheek, blood sluggishly groveling down her face, but Saria wasn't done yet as she wrapped her tail around her neck. Louise grinned brightly, damn sure that she could have broken her metallic tail off if she really felt like it. If that was true or not was up to interpretation, but she most certainly smelled the spite in the air. She knew she had gotten under Saria's skin, and she thrived off of it. It was almost like a return to form for her. She wouldn't get all mushy and sympathetic, she wasn't here to be a therapist, she was here to fight.
"Did you think I came here to be nice? I came here to fight a cop without getting arrested," she joked, being let go once the referee stepped in.
Louise decided not to step back towards the ropes, but to only take a single step back, prepared to pounce at any moment. She didn't need to hold back; her opponent was sure as Hell confident in her ability.
"Would you choking me be considered police brutality?" she tastelessly joked, the audience booing at her comment.
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Re: Saria miyazaki vs Louise Heisenberg: the dragon follows a trail of a suspect

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Saria continued to remain calm but knew that at any moment all hell would break loose once the bell rang, she knew that her opponent was trying to make her lose control but that was not going to happen even though she had hit her opponent, that was just a warning that if Louise continued to disrespect her the consequences would be extremely serious but she did not expect that the cheek of the girl with black brown hair had been cut but that did not matter to her and now her eyes were fixed on Louise who was still talking nonsense but Saria didn't care, Saria would make Louise see why she was fired from her job.


The bell had rung and she, without hesitation for a second, quickly moved towards her opponent to give her a powerful left blow towards her liver followed by a right blow towards her jaw. Saria really wanted this girl to suffer from pain while still acting calmly Although her blows said the opposite since her blows were loaded with power, the dragon was internally grateful that she practiced boxing in college since she could do a lot of damage to her opponent apart from her grips. ... 56#p211856 all my girls are here and if you are interested in having a match with some of them let me know ^^

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Re: Saria miyazaki vs Louise Heisenberg: the dragon follows a trail of a suspect

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Louise noticed that she was faster than her opponent, but she decided to tank the first hit to show the audience that she was still within her prime. Her could feel the pressure applied to her liver was quite hard, but her stomach had been used to enough hits to withstand a fairly human punch. She was pushed back a bit from the force, but then took the opportunity to slip her head away from her second punch. She quickly kneed her opponent's chin, and soon followed it up with a kick to the stomach to put some distance between the two. Louise was well aware by now that she could easily use her tail if she wanted to, so she had to make sure to keep far away from Saria.
She even pointed at her tail and growled like a dog. She was practically taunting her without even having to try at this point. She sat on the second rope, smugly annoying her opponent. Louise was clearly stronger, but she couldn't undermine her tail. It could be a bit of a difficult obstacle if she wanted to either put her in a submission or a pin. Both won't work if her tail could attack her at any moment. She knew that she had to figure out a way to cut her tail off, even if it hurt her opponent. Well, then again, that might work pretty well in her favor. She knew that they had some repair tools underneath the ring, from watching a few matches online, so she had planned to snatch some from there and cut her tail off. She chuckled to herself, maybe she could even use it herself to get one over on Saria.
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Re: Saria miyazaki vs Louise Heisenberg: the dragon follows a trail of a suspect

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Saria had landed the first blow towards her opponent's liver which made her take a few steps back but unfortunately the second blow that was directed towards Louise's jaw failed because her opponent was able to move her head back so that the blow would not hit her, when saria was about to do something else a direct knee hit her chin so her chin was sent by her opponent making saria click her tongue at that and she took a step back but when she did that she received a direct kick towards her stomach making the white haired woman slightly felt a burning sensation coming from her stomach but she still endured the two attacks quite well. Saria's resistance was actually quite high and very good, and her body was very well trained because Loise would have to work harder to make her moan and screamed in pain

seeing her opponent who was sitting on the second rope and that Louise waved her dragon tail at her and then barked like a dog... this girl was earning a free beating, if Emma had been in her place she would surely have Using the demon eyes without hesitation, Saria remained calm before this and then ran but not towards her opponent but towards one of the corners of the ring, this to leave her opponent confused and then jump and push herself towards where her opponent was to give her a spinning kick with added momentum, yes this was one of his partner's mudrock moves but this time her will use it to surprise his opponent, since there was a saying that "never let your next move know"

Last edited by the funny girl on Wed Sep 27, 2023 12:45 am, edited 2 times in total. ... 56#p211856 all my girls are here and if you are interested in having a match with some of them let me know ^^

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Re: Saria miyazaki vs Louise Heisenberg: the dragon follows a trail of a suspect

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Louise was enjoying herself fairly well, before seeing that Saria was running towards her. She was confused because of her unorthodox style of attacking, which led her to completely miss the fact that she had planned to do a spinning kick. She snapped her head to where her opponent was, but by then it was too late. She was kicked to the ground, blood spewing from her nose.
Needless to say, it stung like a bitch, her vision blurred from the hit, but even so, she took the opportunity to slip out of the ring and drop onto the floor. She quickly grabbed the mechanic's box and pulled up a wrench. She quickly got back up and grinned sadistically. She slammed her own head on the turnbuckle, blood now bursting down her forehead. She was starting to get back to her senses, climbing up the top turnbuckle and leaping down on her opponent's tail. She slammed the wrench down on her tail, attempting to snap it off.
"Die, you stupid bitch! I'll fucking rip you to shreds!" she had a giant grin over her face, insanity in her scarlet eyes.
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Re: Saria miyazaki vs Louise Heisenberg: the dragon follows a trail of a suspect

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Saria had taken advantage of the fact that her opponent had been too confident to hit her with that blow but her eyes had slightly widened when she saw blood coming out of Louise's nose. Had Saria really gone too far with that blow or had her opponent simply not been prepared to receive that tremendous blow? But Saria was quite deep in her thoughts about that but decided to ignore that, since her opponent had brought it on himself for provoking her but she couldn't explain how an attack from a teammate could cause so much damage in this way.

but when she finished that thought she suddenly felt that her dragon tail had been hit and she quickly noticed that her opponent who had been careless for a few moments had hit her dragon tail with a damn wrench in addition to noticing that her opponent had blood on his front by an apparent blow towards one of the ring turnbuckles, she growled in anger as her dragon tail moved to the side avoiding further blows, her eyes sharpened as she launched a kick to remove that wrench and then jumped on top of his opponent as his legs wrapped around his opponent's hips while his forearm clutches his opponent's neck "You're really annoying, you're just a stupid girl for doing that, if Emma was here she would have broken your bones without hesitation" Saria commented, a little annoyed as she waited for her opponent to not hold all her weight and fall silent so that she would not have a chance to escape. She also wondered why the hell she went for her dragon tail if at no time was she going to use it to fight, the only thing she was going to use would be her fists

Last edited by the funny girl on Wed Sep 27, 2023 1:13 am, edited 1 time in total. ... 56#p211856 all my girls are here and if you are interested in having a match with some of them let me know ^^

my discord name is: thefunnygirl

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