Romeo Must Die - Ember Sykes vs Romeo D. Chad

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Romeo Must Die - Ember Sykes vs Romeo D. Chad

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POW Match
Victory can only be achieved through Knockout
Winner will claim ownership of the loser for the evening.

Ember Sykes' first intergender match had been something of a learning experience for the young woman. Though she had been defeated in humiliating fashion by her skilled opponent, El-Rey, she had taken the loss in stride, emerging from it with the knowledge that there was plenty of matches in LAW she needed to experience before she could aim for the top! If she only participated in matches that she was comfortable in, could she really grow as a fighter?

It was for this reason she was here tonight in her first POW match; a match where the loser actually became the winner's prisoner for an entire evening. While the thought of becoming someone's plaything had Ember slightly nervous, she wouldn't shy away from a challenge. The same reason could be applied to her accepting another intergender match. No matter the odds against her, LAW's shortest middleweight would not back down!
Wrestling Attire
After emerging from backstage, Ember would stroll to the ring with a sway of her curvy hips. Ember would wave to people on her way there, and once she reached the ring apron she would climb up to the ropes. Not afraid to flaunt her sexuality Ember purposefully leaned down slowly over the middle ropes, her luscious behind in full view of the crowd. Wiggling it earned her a big cheer from the fans!

Heading to her corner Ember would start to stretch out her limbs in preparation for the upcoming fight. This time, she would not be on the receiving end of defeat!
Last edited by Darius 2.0 on Tue Jun 06, 2023 1:37 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Romeo Must Die - Ember Sykes vs Romeo D. Chad

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Romeo D. Chad's match history had been a bit of a mixed bag so far. Competitive loss there, a solid win here, and regarding his most recent match against Layla Larocque, Romeo had gotten cocky and ended up as her seat. Though Layla was quite a tall, big, bulky woman. And her opponent tonight, well she was on the shorter side. LAW's shortest middleweight in fact! And this knowledge alone would leave the Romantic Ladies Man feeling cocky once more, believing that his arrogance was well-warranted. Other than her stature, Romeo had neglected to do any other research on Ember. And he hadn't been very active on LAW for a while, leaving him ignorant of anything his opponent tonight may be capable of!
Background Music
Romeo's entrance theme came on, as he made is appearance in LAW Arena. He sported a overconfident, smug but admittedly attrative smile, as he made his way down the ramp, before climbing into the ring. The tall, relatively well-built man soon was face-to-face with the curvy shorty. Given the match's POW K.O stipulations, he was already convinced Ember was his to beat and take home to do whatever he wanted with, for the entire evening/night!

"So you get to experience being dominated by a man as handsome as myself, before waking up to seduction at my place tonight? I'd say you are quite the lucky lady indeed. Sadly, I'm not as lucky myself. I do prefer my women of reasonable height, and your dwarf-like stature does prevent you from being one of the finer female specimens, my dear. But I suppose you'll just have to do." Romeo scoffed, quite nonchalant about dismissing his opponent in such a way!
Romeo's Appearance

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Re: Romeo Must Die - Ember Sykes vs Romeo D. Chad

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As Ember waited for the appearance of her opponent, she did some last-minute stretches within her corner, drawing more than a few eyefuls towards the limber middleweight. After her last mixed match against a massive luchador, Ember wasn't sure what to expect appearance-wise from a man called Romeo D. Chad, though the name gave her a few context clues on what he might be like personality-wise. Of course, it wasn't confirmed until his entrance music started and he began his walk down the ring. The man was quite handsome looking, she had to admit. Unfortunately, he seemed to know this as well, and he certainly leaned into it if his cocky swagger was anything to go by.

She watched as he entered the ring, and was about to greet him with a friendly smile and perhaps a handshake, but he cut her off before she could. And then, all at once, the thought of a friendly greeting left Ember's mind. Romeo not only arrogantly declared that he would win the match and have his way with her, but he also made a dig at her short stature! It made Ember clench her fists tightly at her side before she took a deep breath in order to calm herself down. No need for her to fly off the handle right away after all.

"Listen pal," she said directly. "I've taken down wrestlers a lot bigger than you. So if I were you, I'd knock it off with the short jokes and just get ready for a fight!" That was Ember's declaration before she would shift into a ready stance. The bell would ring shortly after, signaling the match had officially begun!

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Re: Romeo Must Die - Ember Sykes vs Romeo D. Chad

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Romeo took note that his arrogant and dismissive comments had gotten under Ember's skin a bit, but he just found it amusing. But what particularly caught the male heel's attention was Ember declaring she had defeated foes substantially larger than him. Since Romeo failed to do any research on his opponent tonight, he'd have to take Ember at her word here. But of course didn't! Romeo was quite a shallow individual. Appearances meant more or less everything to him, especially regarding women. So he didn't believe a shorty like Ember, was capable of taking down anyone near his stature, much less anyone much bigger!

"Oh, getting a little feisty there are you?" Romeo said in a condescending tone. "There's no need to lie to me to attempt compensate for your height-related inadequacies, doll. But tell you what. Since I happen to be feeling generous today, I'll do you a favor and allow you make a move first. Wow me, my dear."

After making that last sarcastic remark, Romeo would shift into a ready stance of his own. The bell sounded. But true to his word, Romeo would let Ember attempt to attack him first. Despite his stance, his mental guard wasn't particularly up. Still sticking to his initial impression that Ember Sykes presented zero threat to him!

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Re: Romeo Must Die - Ember Sykes vs Romeo D. Chad

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Though Ember had given Romeo the opportunity to knock the posturing off and just fight her fair and square, in the back of her mind she knew that he wasn't going to let up. She knew his type; he thought he was top shit and everyone around him had to know about it, even if that meant putting others down in the process. Basically, a bully with a pretty smile. Obviously, someone like Ember was an easy target for him.

Just as she had predicted, Romeo did not let up on his taunts. In fact, he only doubled down on them. He contiued to belittle her based on her height, and Ember could feel her rage building more and more, causing her to clench her fists and grit her teeth. The final straw came when Romeo, cocky and arrogant as could be, offered Ember a free shot soon after the bell rang, apparently completely unconcerned that she could actually hurt him.

She was more than happy to prove him wrong!

"Gee, how thoughtful of you," Ember growled before marching up to him. Perhaps he was expecting a punch or a kick as Ember's opening move, but instead the shorty would move into suddenly scoop him off the mats! Utilizing her surprisingly muscular body, Ember would lift Romeo into the air, flip him around, and hold him upside down against her in an obvious setup for a tombstone piledriver!

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Re: Romeo Must Die - Ember Sykes vs Romeo D. Chad

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Romeo indeed only doubled down on his rude, condescending remarks. He then let Ember make a move first, though it was out of arrogance rather than any form of generosity or goodwill. "Of course." Romeo smugly responded to Ember sarcastically calling the man's gesture thoughtful. Shallow has ever, the male heel was completely convinced his larger, taller size meant Ember was no threat to him. But Ms. Sykes was having none of it!

Mr. Chad was indeed expecting some kind of strike as Ember's starting move. Something he believed he could dodge or block with great ease, before proceeding to assert his masculine dominance. However, Ember caught him completely off guard, going for something he never expected! One moment, Romeo was standing on the canvas. The next moment, he was in the air! Ember had straight up lifted his body off the mat, holding him clean over her head!
Danger Music

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!" Romeo panicked, not at all expecting Ember to be this strong. To him, she looked far too short to be a powerhouse! He hadn't even fully registered what was happening. "H-How the-?! Put me down!" Romeo soon found his body held upside in tombstone piledriver position, presumably with Ember ready to fulfill his wish in a way he didn't prefer!

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Re: Romeo Must Die - Ember Sykes vs Romeo D. Chad

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Though Ember wasn't tall, she was certainly thicc as could be. That much was obvious! What most people didn't realize was that a not insignificant part of that thiccness was muscle! Ember spent a lot of time at the gym working out to build her strength up, knowing that she would need every advantage to go up against the bigger wrestlers on the roster. The shorty could lift with the best of them, so hoisting Romeo off up the ground and getting him into piledriver position was barely any effort!

"Aw, what's the matter?" Ember would snicker as Romeo whined in her grip! She held him upside down across her body, his legs dangling in the air by her head in a pretty embarrassing display. "I thought you said I could have the first move? This not what you had in mind?'re really gonna hate what happens next!" Leaving those ominous words hanging in the air, Ember would start to adjust her hold on Romeo. While she held him upside down in the piledriver position, Ember would attempt to tuck the the man's head in-between her thick legs. It was Ember's aim to to get Romeo's face tucked as tightly against her tush as much as she could manage, then give a light squeeze with her legs in order to keep that head in place. When it was done, Ember would sigh in satisfaction, and even give her hips a wiggle just to jostle Romeo around.

Should she manage Ember would drop to her knees, completing the piledriver, but with an added twist! Ember's readjustment of Romeo's head position meant that when Ember dropped to her knees not only would the man's skull be driven into the mat, it would also be squashed under Ember's big booty! Ember's weight would fall upon Romeo's face the moment her head crashed into the mat, sandwiching the guy's head between the canvas and that unstoppable ass! When the deed was done, Ember would let Romeo's body flop back to the mat, but Ember and her big ass would remain sitting triumphantly upon the devastated man's face!

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Re: Romeo Must Die - Ember Sykes vs Romeo D. Chad

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Romeo was flabbergasted that his arrogant proposal had resulted in him being effortlessly lifted into the air, before being positioned for a reverse piledriver! "How...?! Wh-what do you mean?! Unhand me, woman!" Romeo protested against Ember's ominous, taunting words, as he embarrassingly squirmed around in her grasp. He would find out his answer in the form of a physical demonstration. Ember tucked Romeo's head between her thighs, before pressing his face against her massive, leggings-clad booty!

"Mmmmghhhh!" Romeo groaned, already finding himself swiftly smothered by butt, with Ember's thighs squeezing him a bit to keep him there! To add insult in injury, the shortie then proceeded to wiggle her hips around. This jiggled her huge tush on Romeo's face as well as shook his head around a bit. This was embarrassing enough, making the man blush in humiliation. But Ember was nowhere near done yet!

"NGHHHMMMMPH!" Romeo muffled a louder groan, as Ember slammed his head hard against the canvas, by completing the reserve piledriver. And of course, due to the very much intentionally positioning of Romeo's head, the result would be the man buried even deeper in booty! The impact had stunned Romeo to the point of no immediate resistance. His arms laid at his side, and his legs flopped to the canvas. The resulting facesit wasn't just for humiliation, the lack of air was also slowing Romeo's recovery time, leaving him squished and smothered by his foe's huge, plump, punishing cheeks!

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Re: Romeo Must Die - Ember Sykes vs Romeo D. Chad

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Ember's opening move of the match would certainly be a big one! Not only would Romeo be spiked head first into the mat, he would full the full weight of Ember's butt crashing down on him at the same time, before ending with the shorty seated comfortably on the devastated man's face! It was not the first time Ember had used this unique version of a piledriver. If one were to study her usage of it closely, they would find she only seemed to execute it on those she really wanted to punish. All it took was one short conversation with Romeo for him to fall under that category!

After letting Romeo's body flop back to the mat, Ember now found herself sitting directly upon his face. His facial features were wedged deep between her butt cheeks thanks to her dropping down on him, creating an airtight seal around his nose and mouth! Only the top of Romeo's head would be visible underneath the shorter gal's booty, the rest of him disappearing into the blackness that was Ember's yoga pants. From the looks of things, Ember might have ended the match already!

"Thanks for giving me that opportunity, Romeo," Ember sneered, resting her hands upon her wide hips, looking completely at ease as she made the man her seat! "So gentlemanly of you! I guess it's only right that I give you a free shot too. So go right ahead and do something!" Despite her words, Ember would not move from her spot on Romeo's face! In fact, she would begin to wiggle her hips back and forth to really grin her rear against his features, forcing his nose deeper between her bubbly butt cheeks!

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Re: Romeo Must Die - Ember Sykes vs Romeo D. Chad

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Judging from the swiftness in form and technique, it certainly hadn't been the first time Ember piledriver-ed someone in such a matter. A matter that would leave foes buried deeply under her massive buttocks, which is exactly what happened to Romeo! The crowd of course cheered in response, enjoying both the sexy facesit and the male heel getting some quick comeuppance. Utterly stunned by the impact, it took Ember grinding her badonkadonk down on his face, to finally alert him to the reality of his position!

"Mmmmmmmphhhh!" Romeo whined, as Ember taunted him and worked his mug deeper and deeper into her cheeks. Romeo turned his face around as much as he could, trying to find some space out of that smothery embrace. But there was none. No matter which way Romeo turned his head, he felt Ember's big booty press against his nose and mouth in an airtight seal!

Option two. Romeo moved his palms to Ms. Sykes' cheeks, trying to get a good grip on them. While buried in cake, it was kinda hard to find the best position to attempt to push from. Nonetheless, he would at least make a little process in lifting Ember's butt away. The result was Romeo lifting Ember just barely over his face. Ember's booty would still loom over him, as his arms shook from fatigue. "Absurd..." Mr. Chad grunted, too strained to say much else at the moment. His arms were the only thing stopping Ember's backside from full plopping on him once more. Normally, Romeo would be able to lift a girl of Ember's weight just fine. But that devasting opening move had already done a number on Romeo's stamina, especially when combined with the follow-up smothering! So despite the bit of resistance he was able to put up, Ember was still very much in control here!

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