Smother Streaming - Ember & Ducky LIVE

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Re: Smother Streaming - Ember & Ducky LIVE

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Ember had greeted her fans on streams literally hundreds of times without issue, but this was the first one in a long time that made her really nervous! She was trying something completely new, which was always a risk in itself, and had hyped it up so much that it absolutely had to be a success! It had come to the point where she had to rely on the first stranger to come along, and although Ducky was famous around LAW, Ember had no idea how she would do in this kind of environment!

But to Ember's pleasant surprise, Ducky was a natural on camera! When she greeted Ember's audience, she did so with a professional charm that clearly came from years of practice! Ducky was a veteran of LAW after all; she had probably done camera work hundreds of times! Watching the blonde work the stream made Ember feel completely foolish about worrying! Not only that, the comments were blowing up over the fact that Ember had managed to get the Ducky Williams to co-star in her livestream! Seems there were plenty of Ducky's fans mixed in with her own, and the reveal that she would be participating in the stream led to a flood of positive emojis!

Taking the one-armed hug from Ducky with a smile, the two ladies stood side by side as the taller blonde finished off her introduction, even giving Ember a light poke on the cheek that made the shorty giggle! "Big thank you to Ducky for volunteering for us today!" Ember cheered, giving the veteran a short round of applause! "So for the of you who are just joining us, we're here today to do a little wrestling demonstration! With the help of my lovely assistant, I'll be showing you guys some of my most favorite moves to use in the ring! We'll go over which are the most effective, which are the most fun to use, and if we have a bit of time left, I might try out some moves I've never used before!"

With the explanation done, Ember would clap her hands together. "Okay! I think you guys have waited long enough so what say we just get right into it?" She would then turn to face Ducky. "You ready?" she would ask with a grin, and assuming Ducky confirmed that she was, Ember would shift into her wrestling stance to officially get this stream underway! If Ducky did the same, the shorty would waste no time getting in close to the vet so she could attempt to grab one of her arms! Then Ember would attempt to use the captive limb as leverage to flip Ducky over her shoulder, performing an expert judo toss to send the blonde crashing on the mat to her back!
Last edited by Darius 2.0 on Thu Jun 08, 2023 8:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Smother Streaming - Ember & Ducky LIVE

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Once the stage was set, Ducky would pop into camera view to greet Ember's stream, the blonde's appearance immediately provoking an excited reaction from the people watching online, happy to see such a big star there with Ember! And Ducky was happy to be here, genuine enthusiasm from her as she waved to the fans, an arm around Ember's shoulders as she happily teased Ember while poking her cheek! Of course, it seemed that this had become the best scenario for everyone, and so now it was all set up and underway! And that meant that herself and Ember would be ready to dive right in!

"Well, we don't wanna keep the people waiting! So let's get this show on the road!" Ducky said with a smile, turning to face Ember directly as the purple haired beauty got ready, Ducky giving her a nod in response! "You bet I'm ready! Let's see what you've got!" Ducky would also assume a more ready stance, getting into a ready position! Of course, the goal here was to let Ember show off her stuff, and so instead of moving forwards to initiate as she might normally do, letting Ember come at her instead!

Once the shorter woman was close enough, Ducky would step forwards as if to lock up with her, but Ember would turn all of her attention on to one of Ducky's limbs, snagging a singular arm and getting a good hold of it, before turning her body around! And with the leverage to swing Ducky over and take her off the mat, Ember did just that, with the blonde suddenly feeling her feet leave the mat, letting out an involuntary yelp as she was swung over and slammed into the ground, thanks to a textbook judo toss from Ember!

"UGH! Oof... damn girl, you sure don't take it slow..." Ducky slapped against the mat with a thud, landing hard on her back and tensing up on impact before falling to a relaxed position on the mat! After a low groan, she'd attempt to sit up, but after being tossed to the ground, she was still recovering air, and Ember was hovering close by! Meaning that Ducky was going to have some problems if the livestream host didn't want her up quite yet!

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Re: Smother Streaming - Ember & Ducky LIVE

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With the intro out of the way, Ember was eager to get straight to the action, and she was certain her viewers were just as eager as well! Now that everyone was suitably hyped up, Ember decided to start her stream out right by taking hold of her willing volunteer and flipping her right over her shoulder! Though Ducky was bigger than Ember, the shorty knew just how to use her low center of gravity to her advantage, and would send the blonde bombshell crashing to the mat on her back with enough force that the ring canvas would shake accordingly! In a matter of seconds, Ember had her partner laid out on the mats before her!

"Phew!" Ember said after doing the deed! Though the act was tiring, she couldn't deny the thrill of taking down someone bigger than her! Her fans loved it too, if the happy comments streaming in had anything to say about it! "You okay?" Ember quickly asked Ducky. Though pleased with her flip, she would hate to injure her volunteer accidentally! Fortunately, The spectacled blonde seemed to be fine, even giving a wry compliment that made Ember smile.

"As most of you may have noticed, I'm a little smaller than most of the other girls on the roster!" Ember said, addressing the hundreds watching from home. "That's why it's important for me to take my opponents to the mat where the playing field is slightly more even! Once they're down, I can wrap them up in as many submission holds as I want! I'll be showing you some of my favorite ones today, so let's get started!"

In a flash, Ember would move to practically pounce on the downed Ducky! After stunning her partner with her expert flip, Ember would move to pin the the blonde down and hover her spectacular behind right over her head! Ember would give Ducky quite the view of her butt, barely contained by her stretchy black pants, before it would lower down to completely consume Ducky's face! Right off the bat, Ember would move to sit on the face of the veteran wrestler, smothering her deeply between her butt cheeks before her very excited fans!

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Re: Smother Streaming - Ember & Ducky LIVE

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Being only about five feet and five inches herself, Ducky rarely ended up going against wrestlers who were much shorter than her, most only being a few inches, but Ember was one of those ladies who was a fair deal smaller, and that was new for Ducky! The fact that she was still a middleweight while standing so small meant that she still had enough mass to handle Ducky, and Ducky found this out as the smaller woman turned and flipped Ducky over her, tossing the blonde to the mat with a hefty thud! The impact was enough to rattle her, but not enough to seriously damage her, and when Ember asked if she was okay, Ducky would hold up a quick thumbs up, not wanting to worry the short streamer!

Of course, this would give the go ahead to Ember to continue with her offense, and as Ducky would attempt to catch her breath just a bit, the shorty would stop any attempts to rise back up to a seated position! She had explained to the crowd that she was ready to get started with some submissions, and show everyone watching her favorite holds to use on other women in the ring, and it seemed that Ducky would be getting ready to experience the first move of the night! But, knowing they were being watched, why not play it up a bit for the stream!

"S-submissions? Surely you don't wanna crush poor little me?!" Ducky teased, flashing a wink to Ember to let her know to play along, while Ducky assumed the roll of the jobber! She wasn't sure how Ember would feel about it, but she figured that she likely wouldn't end up getting much talking in anyway in all those submissions, so might as well give her the option to play along! However, it was when Ember suddenly jumped on top of Ducky, straddling the blonde while facing her feet, and hovering that massive ass right over Ducky's head, that Ducky's act would slip away for just a moment!

"...Good lord... Mmmmmph!" Ducky couldn't help but audibly marvel over the sheer size and perfect roundness of Ember's thick ass, before it would suddenly descend the rest of the way, quickly parking itself on her face! Instantly, Ducky's pretty features were buried deep in between Ember's buttcheeks, as the shorty would apply the first of what would likely be many smothers, Ducky buried in ass from the jump!

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Re: Smother Streaming - Ember & Ducky LIVE

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When Ducky made her joke about being stuck in Ember's submission holds, the shorty let out a light laugh in response! Ducky was quite good at playing to an audience! That was a veteran wrestler for you! Ember was quite fortunate that the blonde was the one to stumble upon her when she did!

With her ass lowered down onto the awaiting face of her partner, Ember settled into her new seat with a content sigh. Her yoga pants stretched to their near limit in order to contain the amount of booty that now covered Ducky's face! Only the blonde top of the veteran's head would be visible once Ember had full sat down, with the shorty's ass sealing up all airways in an instant! It was a classic facesit that would leave Ducky pinned firmly underneath of Ember, and all within full view of the camera!

"Figured I'd start us off with one of your guys' favorites," Ember announced, carrying on her stream with a smile, all while remaining seated on Ducky's face! She would rest her hands upon her wide hips as she continued, looking completely at ease! "Since nature saw fit to give me a booty that won't quit, I decided a long time ago to incorporate it into my fighting style! After all, it doesn't matter how big a fighter you are; everyone needs to breath!" Looking over her shoulder to where the top of Ducky's blonde head poked out, Ember would give a wry grin. "Isn't that right, Ducky?" she would ask before wiggling her hips back and forth to really grind her booty into the veterans face, sinking deeper between her covered cheeks!

"Not many people know this," Ember would continue, turning her attention back to camera. "But it's actually pretty difficult to get out of a facesit; doubly so if you've got a butt like mine!" Looking over her shoulder briefly, Ember would say, "Go ahead, Ducky. See if you can try to escape!" Ember would then settle herself in for Ducky's attempts to free herself from the smothering attack, though judging from the confident look on Ember's face, the shorty did not seem at all worried she would!

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Re: Smother Streaming - Ember & Ducky LIVE

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With her surprise addition to Ember's stream, Ducky figured that she might as well play along with it for the audience, knowing that Ember's followers likely wanted to see her interact as well, when she was able to of course, instead of just lying there and standing in for a ragdoll! Ember seemed to appreciate this as well, but Ducky would soon find it hard to talk, as with only a brief moment to gawk in awe at the massive rear end of Ember that hovered above her, the purple haired beauty would drop her thick rear end directly on Ducky's face! The blonde let out a grunt as Ember's rear settled down onto her, Ducky's face sinking between Ember's large cheeks, and just like that, the shorty had applied the very first, and perhaps best hold, to kick things off!

"Mmmmmph! Mmmmhh!" Ducky let out a low groan, feeling Ember's hips wiggling back and forth as she got nice and comfortable atop the blonde's face, her contented sigh mixing with Ducky's muffled groans into her ass for the fans to hear! Ember quickly introduced the move as one of her favorites, and it happened to be one of Ducky's favorites as well, and now she got to be on the receiving end of one from someone with a booty that was large enough to rival her own, something of a rarity! Ember's enjoyment of the maneuver was clear, she sounded awfully proud of her rear end, and as she happily pointed out that even the biggest wrestlers needed air, she'd shake her hips side to side to illustrate her point, grinding her massive ass against Ducky's pretty features!

Ember's explanation continued, as she spoke to her chat about how exactly difficult it would be for someone to escape a facesit, something that was perhaps perceived as being easy, but of course, was not quite the case! Ember looked to show this off as well, as she invited Ducky to attempt to get out of the facesit, with Ducky just barely able to hear Ember's words past her cheeks, the blonde now having been invited to try and escape!

"Mmmmph... MMMPH!" Ducky grunted and groaned, planting her feet flat and arching her back, her hands coming up to grasp Ember's thick cheeks, before she would give a hard push, attempting to lift her foe off! Her hands squished into Ember's soft backside, but despite all that she put into it, the awkward position her arms were in, combined with the lack of air thanks to the facesit, meant that all she was really doing was squishing those cheeks against her facial features! Ducky twisted and writhed, pushing at her foe, but it was soon becoming clear that this facesit was quite thoroughly applied! Ducky struggled for a few moments more, before she finally would relax, her hand slapping Ember's thick cheek a few times as she tapped out, signaling that she wasn't able to get herself free!

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Re: Smother Streaming - Ember & Ducky LIVE

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From her perch atop of Ducky's face, Ember watched as the likes began to pour in on her phone screen! Already her fans were loving what Ember was doing with the stream and the comments started to show why! Many were expressing amazement that Ember managed to get Ducky Williams as her helper, while others were praising Ember for her excellent facesitting skills! A lot of them were expressing envy at Ducky's current position! It all made Ember grin proudly. Well, if her audience loved the first move of her stream, then she was sure they would love everything that would come next!

Back with her demonstration, Ember waited for Ducky to react after challenging the blonde to try and escape her smother. And try she did! With great vigor, Ember's facesit victim attempted to free herself from underneath Ember's booty! Everything was tried; from Ducky arching her back to slip out to pushing against Ember's hefty cheeks to get some breathing room! But after awhile, it was becoming clear that not one of these would work! As the minutes ticked by, Ember continued to sit proud and pretty astride the veteran's face, barely having been moved an inch since Ducky began! So large and heavy was Ember's cake that even turning her head would be an impossibility! For all of Ducky's struggles, the only effect she would have on Ember's facesit was making her quiver with her hot exerted breath against her sensitive skin!

After several fruitless minutes of trying, Ducky would eventually concede defeat to Ember's smother with a tap out on Ember's butt, causing the shorty to grin in victory! "You see? Not so easy to escape," Ember would conclude, and for some reason, despite Ducky's submission, she would remain seated on the veteran's face! "The only thing that gets them is wasting oxygen that they're desperately going to need! Makes it a lot easier to smother them out that way!" Ember would then wiggle her hips again on top of Ducky, as if to demonstrate the ease at which she kept her down!

"There's also lots of opportunities for other kinds of attacks once I get in this position," Ember explained to the camera. "If you're feeling mean, for instance, you can do this!" Ember' would then aim to land quick punch down onto Ducky's exposed midsection, though not so hard that she might hurt the blonde! "If you're feeling naughty, you can do this!" Ember's hands would then wander to Ducky's breasts, where she would aim to give both of them a quick, teasing squeeze! "My personal favorite, though, is to do this!" And then Ember would reach forward to grab both of Ducky's legs so she could haul them backwards! Tucking them under her arm pits, Ember would aim to fold the veteran in half with a matchbook pin, putting Ducky's own massive butt in full view of the camera!

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Re: Smother Streaming - Ember & Ducky LIVE

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Once Ember's giant rear end had ended up on her face, Ducky quickly realized why Ember had the reputation she did, and why her Instagram was just so popular, because this girl had an absolutely amazing rear end, and one that worked beautifully for smothering! Ducky nearly couldn't help but marvel at the sheer size and roundness of the short woman's behind, and as it rested on her face, she instantly realized that breathing was next to impossible, a prime reason why Ember was so keen on using these moves! And with the task laid out for her to try and escape, to demonstrate to watchers how hard it would be, Ducky would brace herself and begin to try and muscle her way out from underneath Ember!

Ducky's back arched, she planted her feet, she pushed and pawed at those soft cheeks, but all it ended up doing was causing Ember's rear to wobble and shake against her face, Ducky stuck firmly underneath her as she lacked the leverage to get Ember off! Ducky squirmed and wriggled, as best she was able, but before too long, she was nearly completely out of air and forced to tap her hand against Ember's mighty rear end! Only, despite Ducky signaling that she couldn't get out, the smother didn't end! Ducky could only give a muffled groan of surprise underneath Ember, wondering what was happening, before the shorty would begin speaking once more, explaining how little air Ducky likely had, and wiggling her ass on the blonde's face to illustrate! And she was right!

Ducky was really running short on air now, but Ember wasn't moving, as she apparently still had some things that she wanted to show the fans watching! And that happened to be other forms of offense she'd use in this position! The first of which being a quick punch to Ducky's stomach, just hard enough to force out a muffled groan into Ember's ass!

"Gmmmph!" Ducky grunted from the fist hitting her stomach, a bit relieved it hadn't been a full force punch, but given she couldn't recover any lost air, it wasn't that much better! Another grunt from underneath Ember followed as Ducky suddenly felt two hands grab onto her large breasts and give them a squeeze, an embarrassingly high pitched one thanks to the surprising lewd action! But finally, Ember would cap it all off by making Ducky's predicament even worse, grabbing her legs and tucking them under the shorty's arms, as she folded her up tight, all while Ducky's face was wedged in her ass, leaving her completely trapped in a matchbook pin!

"Mmmmph! Mmmmmhh!" Ducky groaned out loud, with the crowd now given a chance to appreciate their view of Ducky's massive rear end, having a booty that would most certainly be considered just as large as Ember's if not larger! And her usual leotard attire did basically nothing to cover it, so the fans got quite a view, all at the expense of the blonde! But while everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves, Ducky had been smothered for quite some time, and her movements were slowly beginning to slow down, looking very much like she'd be passing out in the next few moments if Ember kept this up!

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Re: Smother Streaming - Ember & Ducky LIVE

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First, Ember made quite a display for her audience by demonstrating the ease of pinning down an opponent with her butt, easily outriding all of Ducky's attempts to escape until the veteran was forced to concede defeat! Next, Ember would showcase the range of options that such a position brought her! She sent her balled fist smacking against Ducky's gut, though with nowhere near enough force to actually hurt the blonde! She gave a small squeeze to Ducky's breasts, earning a small squeal into her butt cheeks that made Ember smile! Then, for the finale', Ember would roll Ducky up into a tight little package, tucking her legs under her arms for a matchbook style pin; one that would continue to smother the already fading veteran!

"There we go!" Ember declared after the hold was fully in place! The shorty had folded Ducky up like she was a lawn chair, sticking the woman's own bountiful rear end up in the air, in full view of the recording camera! Ducky's leotard would do little do cover her shame at such an angle! "There's a couple of reasons why this position is one favorite! One, it makes my opponent completely helpless! Two, this is a great position for a pin! And three....the view's not too bad!" Her blue eyes landing landing upon Ducky's big upturned butt, Ember would give one of her cheeks a teasing slap, watching it jiggle afterwards with a grin on her face!

But it seemed that her lovely volunteer could no longer endure the airtight seal that Ember's booty had forced upon her! Her movements started to become much more sluggish and the muffled cries into Ember's butt (which Ember enjoyed quite bit) started to quiet into whimpers. It was at a point that even Ember's audience noticed that the big-bootied blonde was close to passing out! Several comments on Ember's phone started to warn the shorty of before Ducky took an early nap! Fortunately, as something as an expert in smother knockouts, Ember was well aware of the situation, and just before her veteran helper could doze off, Ember would release the hold on Ducky's legs and lift her butt off of her face!

After freeing Ducky from the facesit, Ember would dismount the woman and come to kneel herself next to her. "Hey, you okay?" Ember would ask, and would use her hand to gently tap Ducky on the cheek to try and bring her out of any stupor she might have been under. "I told you this might get a little intense. You sure you can keep up?"

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Re: Smother Streaming - Ember & Ducky LIVE

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Despite tapping out on Ember's impressive rear end, Ducky would find that her newfound friend was not quite so eager to get up yet, as while she had showcased the ability to keep Ducky pinned down despite her best attempts to rise, Ember still wanted to show off some other things she could do! And so Ducky would suffer a quick punch to the stomach, a teasing squeeze to her breasts, all before Ember would grab her legs and fold them up and underneath her arms, a matchbook pin with Ducky's face still stuffed into her ass! The blonde went through all of this with a few muffled grunts and groans, but as shown before, it's not like she could break free, and certainly not now with her body folded in half while being smothered!

Ember continued with her happy explanation of the facesit, now explaining why this matchbook variation was quite effective in all aspects, from the way that it left Ducky unable to fight back to the way that it was a great method for pinning! But it seemed that the biggest reason was Ember being able to show off Ducky's own thick ass, giving the blonde's massive rear a quick spank that had it jiggling in pleasing fashion for the crowd, Ducky's thong-like leotard showing off all of her pale behind as well! However, that blonde behind was fading fast!

"Mmmph... Mmmhh..." Ducky groaned from between Ember's cheeks, and as her movements slowed, even the stream chat began to worry that she might get an early KO, only for Ember to assuage all those fears by suddenly rising off the blonde! Ember was a smother professional it seemed, and gave Ducky a moment to recover as she stood up and slowly leaned down, giving Ducky a pat on the face to focus her, before making sure she was still good to go!

"Gah... hah... yup... I'm in... tip top shape... Don't even worry about me..." Ducky gasped between breaths, a somewhat comical answer given how close she came to passing out, but the blonde was no stranger to being smothered, and she wasn't going to let Ember's stream come to a stop now! The shorty was in need of a partner for her broadcast, and if Ducky needed to take a few facesits from her incredibly thick friend, she was going to do just that! Any personal enjoyment was just a coincidence!

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