Sofia Kagami vs Hitomi Hattori

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Sofia Kagami vs Hitomi Hattori

Unread post by The460Slayer »

Sofia was told that she has a second match in LAW since she joined, and it's against... Hitomi. She, of course, was still new and haven't the chance to meet anyone yet, with the exception of 'Cat' in her debut match.


Once Sofia's entrance song starts plsying, the lights of the arena turn into light blue and white, as a curtain of smoke was launched in the top of the ramp. When it ended, Sofi shows up and the crowd cheers with her presence. Later, she does a quick run while giving some high fives to some fans before approaching to the ring. Once she got close, she slides quick under the bottom rope and rolls to get up. Once inside, she taunts the crowds to cheer her up.

Once she finished her entrance, the music cuts and the lights go back to normal. In the meantime, she takes off her jacket and drops it under the bottom turnbuckle, then she stands with the back leaning on the turnbuckles, waiting for her opponent to arrive.


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Re: Sofia Kagami vs Hitomi Hattori

Unread post by Foxboy614 »

The lights suddenly changed to orange and white as Hitomi Hattori made her way onto the stage.

She waved to the audience before making her way down the ramp. She even seemed to dance a bit before entering the ring. She bowed to the audience.
Last edited by Foxboy614 on Mon Sep 25, 2023 1:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sofia Kagami vs Hitomi Hattori

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Sofia was on her corner doing some bounce warm up as preparing herself before the match starts, until Hitomi gets inside the ring in a fast entrance. Once the music stopped and lights went back to normal, Sofia just leans in her corner.


After the rang bell, Sofia walks in circles around Hitomi as getting into a stance. Later, she goes against her into a test of strength in the middle of the ring and struggles, trying to move forward and push Hitomi to the ropes for the advantage.

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Re: Sofia Kagami vs Hitomi Hattori

Unread post by Foxboy614 »

Hitomi pushed back against her, keeping her feet planted firmly into the ground.
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Re: Sofia Kagami vs Hitomi Hattori

Unread post by The460Slayer »

Sofia was having the advantage at first, until she gets pushed back to the opposite ropes by Hitomi. Sofia, of course, shoves Hitomi some steps back to gain some space and distance, before walking out of the ropes and looking at her.

Some seconds later, Sofia goes as if going for another test of strength, but she goes behind Hitomi and locks both arms around her torso in a waist lock, with the argentinian-japanese girl doing some pressure.

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Re: Sofia Kagami vs Hitomi Hattori

Unread post by Foxboy614 »

Hitomi grunted as she was squeezed from behind, trying to break out.
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Re: Sofia Kagami vs Hitomi Hattori

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Sofia keeps Hitomi in that hold for some seconds more until she lifts her up for a takedown, later she slides fast to keep Hitomi upside down in the middle of the ring, with her left arm wrapped around her neck and head.

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Re: Sofia Kagami vs Hitomi Hattori

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Hitomi growled as she was trapped in the hold.
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Re: Sofia Kagami vs Hitomi Hattori

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Sofia keeps Hitomi upside down in the canvas in the hold, standing over both knees while struggling as much as she can to not let Hitomi get up, by rolling with her as both going back to the middle of the ring to keep the pressure.

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Re: Sofia Kagami vs Hitomi Hattori

Unread post by Foxboy614 »

Hitomi began to thrash around, trying to weaken the hold.
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