Louise Heisenberg vs SENA

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Louise Heisenberg vs SENA

Unread post by MidMorii »

Match Type: Normal (One fall to a finish, can win via Pinfall, Submission, Count-out and disqualification)
Louise had been in disbelief when she was offered to fight Sena Kobayashi. The professional wrestler had been her role-model even before she joined LAW. Sena had only been a year older, but that was the exact reason why she idolized her. During her years taking care of her brother, she'd watch Sena's amateur matches, hoping to be as deadly and pretty as she was someday. Louise might even be able to say that Sena was basically her first crush. She didn't consider it that, but she had been absolutely floored by Sena's beauty. She couldn't imagine fighting her role-model, not even in her dreams.
She was once again in the bathroom, freaking out in front of the mirror. She couldn't help but giggle and smile cutely like a schoolgirl. She was about to meet Sena in person for the first time ever, and even fight her. Louise had to bring her A game to this match if she wanted to form a tag team with her, and potentially become close to her. The brunette had completely forgotten about her alliances with Raven and Lily, absolutely obsessed with getting Sena to work with her.
To others, she probably wasn't such a big deal, but to her, Sena was the one who encouraged her to fight. In a sudden burst of adrenaline, she put on her wrestling attire, and dashed out of her room, running towards the entrance of the arena. She looked completely out of character to the audience, but she didn't care as she gleefully ran into the ring, sliding down the bottom rope and picking herself back up. Her heart was racing, terrified of meeting her literal idol. She even outpaced her own theme music as it began to play by the time she was already in the ring.
She could barely even keep her composure, leaping up and down the canvas.
Match Attire
Last edited by MidMorii on Wed Sep 20, 2023 3:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Louise Heisenberg vs SENA

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SENA was certainly looking forward for her match tonight. Already dressed for the match, SENA waited for her turn to make her entrance. Soon, after receiving her cue, she made her way out of the locker room, heading out to the ramp as her music was played. The crowd certainly showed their appreciation to her as she playfully winked at them. She wasn't exactly a crowd-pleaser, but even she loved the attentions she was getting from the audience.
Reaching the ring, SENA entered the ring and stood tall. Smiling as she looked at the crowd, she then looked at her opponent, who was a lightweight. She looked cute, and SENA was excited to face a cutie in the ring. "Hello there~" SENA waved her hand at her opponent, Louise, wanting to strike up a conversation before the match started. "I'm not sure if this is your first time hearing this, but I'm glad that I get to face a cutie tonight, hehe!" SENA said in playful tone as she continued looking at Louise.

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Re: Louise Heisenberg vs SENA

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Louise was practically hyperventilating when Sena stepped into the ring. She was literally standing before the woman who pushed her to become a wrestler. She could hardly speak, stuttering rapidly, "I-I-I-Holy s-sh-it, It's l-l-literally you!! Oh my god, Sena Kobayashi, you've been my role model ever since I was a teenager! You inspired me to become a wrestler, and-and-and, we're actually pretty close in age, so I really l-looked up to you!"
Louise had grown as red as a cherry, already becoming lightheaded before the match began. Louise internally shrieked that Sena had flirted with her, quickly reaching out to her for a handshake. It was a complete shock to the commentators and the audience, but she barely even noticed, so enthralled to have such an opportunity. A part of her even thought that she should act more like herself if she wanted to impress Sena, but she'd be damned if she was going to fight her before even telling the girl how much she respected her. She didn't even question if it would make Raven jealous, who actually managed to dig up the information for Louise to propose a match.
"I have a cool scar just like you!" Louise gleefully remarked, pointing down at her stomach—a three lined scar from Renee stretched over her belly button, "Though, you're clearly prettier! You-"
She had cut herself off, realizing that she almost told Sena that she was the one that helped her realize she was sexually attracted to women. On top of the fact that she thought it would make her opponent uncomfortable, she also didn't want to turn this into a romantic affair, her heart strongly leaning towards Raven. Though, she didn't know exactly why she felt that way just yet, conflicted on pursuing Sena's flirtatious comment further.
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Re: Louise Heisenberg vs SENA

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SENA giggled when Louise was fangirling over her. Shaking hands with her, she listened to what she was saying. Winking at the smaller woman again, she said, "Well, we can continue this conversation once we're done with our match, alright? For now, let's fight. Let's do our best, okay?" SENA would then move back, turning around and unintentionally displayed her ample backside to Louise, though the unintentional part was debatable as another chuckle escaped her lips.

SENA would wait until it was time to start the match. Getting into position, SENA looked at Louise, her smile remaining on her face. Soon, the bell was rung, and SENA would hold out her hands, offering Louise a test of strength to start the fight.

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Re: Louise Heisenberg vs SENA

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Louise was in absolute euphoria, Sena offering to talk after the match. Louise had an innocent smile on her face; she was finally getting to meet her idol. She had noticed that she left her backside exposed to her, but just this once, she wanted to play fair. She could never do something so undermining against her. Before long, the bell rung, Sena still smiling at her. Louise at this point was flustered and red as a cherry. Sena was literally offering her hand for a test of strength to her, which could have been seen as a sign of trust.
She quickly placed her hands over hers and put only half of her strength into the test, not wanting to make Sena look bad if she was stronger. She struggled a bit, but eventually began to be pushed back a bit. At that moment, she wondered if she had the will to even hurt her idol. She originally asked for the fight in hopes that she'd find herself again, just like she had during her match with Renee. The difference this time, was that she was fully in control of the situation, she just needed a plan; one that allowed Sena to still look good without injuring or humiliating her.
"Of course! Don't go easy on me now," she giggled; the commentators mentioned how it looked like her scarlet eyes were morphing from flames to hearts. Of course, she couldn't see that, but she surely believed it when put so close to Sena.
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Re: Louise Heisenberg vs SENA

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Locking up in the test of strength, SENA would push against Louise, and she could feel that she began to push her opponent a bit. Smiling, SENA would exert her strength more, looking to push Louise down onto her knees in order to gain an upper hand over her.

Also, she didn't miss the signs on Louise's face, and that greatly amused her. Well, it was certainly something to look into once the match was over. For now, she would focus on the match, looking to bring Louise down onto her knees so that she could carry out her next plan.

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Re: Louise Heisenberg vs SENA

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Then realizing she had to impress Sena some more, she slipped her hands out of her opponents, sending a hard elbow to her stomach. She hoped to have sent her back to the ropes, prepared to send a jab into her face if she bounced off the ropes and approached her. She was somewhat on guard, but also, she didn't want to hurt her too badly. Then again, she regrets her attack already, not wanting to seem unhanded to her opponent.
"Ah- I'm sorry! I hope I didn't hit you too hard," Louise apologized, idiotically inching towards her to see if she was okay.
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Re: Louise Heisenberg vs SENA

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SENA received the strike to her stomach, causing her to gasp out in pain. Then she was sent towards the ropes before she rebounded back to Louise. But she saw her opponent's attack, so she would duck and avoid the jab aimed to her face. Stepping away from Louise, SENA would quickly regain her footing, pressing her hand on her stomach. "Don't worry. Just give me your best." SENA smiled at Louise before she charged towards her, planning to hit her with a shoulder block right at her body.

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