Ultimate Surrender Tournament Promos

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Ultimate Surrender Tournament Promos

Unread post by Pegasus »

Author’s Note
This is the next step for the tournament and that is listening to the wrestlers cutting their own promo to promote themselves for the future event. Why they have come to Ultimate Surrender and what they have in store for their opponents when it comes to the event to come. This will give me time to at least get something with the tournament going, but I still have a lot to work out. Hope you guys enjoy listening to these sexy wrestlers detail their plans or simply give off eye candy.
US Arena
Kennedy would come out to the middle of the empty arena and stare down at the words on the circular ring as she wore her black leather jacket, white t-shirt, and blue jeans. She crossed her arms smirking as she looked at the camera that was zooming in to focus on her.

Pretty enticing, huh? Knowing this same arena was where all the other hot porn models put on a show for the horny individuals out there. Now, Ultimate Surrender graces its presence in LAW and 16 lucky gals will get to show each other who is the truest boss of the hentai division. A check of $100,000 has been provided by management to be the grand prize at the end of this competitive tunnel and a trophy will also signify the gloriousness of the tournament winner. Maybe you can even have some time will your lovely host. Anyway, the tournament will happen in due time, but while we wait, let’s hear what these girls have to say about their opponents and what we can probably expect in the near future,” Kennedy began explaining with a sly smirk as the scene transitioned to the first wrestler.
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Re: Ultimate Surrender Tournament Promos

Unread post by DarknessMaster »

Susanne would up appearing in her purple swimsuit that she usually wore for special occasions, blowing a kiss to the camera


”Hello darlings~ I am Susanne Violette, or on LAW the Goddess of sensuality~I am 44 years old and am more than ready for which ever beautiful woman they throw at me~”

Susanne said with a wink to the camera, she personally hated to admit her age but she knew she had to for the sake of the promo

”and I for one am here to show just how good I am at giving pleasure~ So sweeties, why don’t you watch your goddess do what she does best~ But don’t worry, I won’t be too hard on the girls here, I am after all a generous goddess, and am more than willing to share the spotlight if need be~”

Susanne said softly as she winked at the camera, before it transitioned over to the next promo
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Re: Ultimate Surrender Tournament Promos

Unread post by Bearhug Goddess »

It was now Nino's turn, the camera turned to her as she put on a rather angry expression, showing her displeasure. The young woman with pink hair wore beautiful underwear and black lace and fabric garter belts, the kind of underwear that is not offered to everyone. She stomped her foot against the ground as she took a step forward, moving closer to the camera as she had her arms crossed under her chest, puffing her out slightly to make her look a bit taller.

“Remember my name, you submitters because I won't repeat it, my name is Nino Nakano! I will be the wrestler who will win this tournament and I have very good reasons to confirm my words !"

She paused briefly before speaking again, placing her hands on her hips to give herself a slightly less authoritative air.

"First of all, I have 4 other sisters born on the same day as me! You wouldn't be surprised if I told you that I fought against them very often in catfights and won them Then I'm a dominant, for anyone who doesn't know, all the wrestlers in this tournament are my submissives and if one of them dares to say otherwise, I just have to settle her account and submit!"

She lifted her arms to rest them behind her head while lifting her hair slightly, striking a pleasingly sexy pose unlike the first two.
"And to finish, I am clearly the sexiest of this tournament! I mix domination, beauty and strength! None of these women have a chance against me so make the right choice, support me before that I stomp on the face of your favorite wrestler! You will all be entitled to a drum concert at the end of each of my matches with the loser's red ass as a drum!~"
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Re: Ultimate Surrender Tournament Promos

Unread post by NoChill27 »

Angelica Legrande, dressed in a white bikini that accentuates her radiant blonde hair and piercing blue eyes, nervously adjusts herself in front of the camera. This interview is an opportunity for her to share her thoughts on participating in the tournament known as Ultimate Surrender. Despite her shyness, there is an unmistakable eagerness in her gaze as she begins to speak.

"Bonjour, my name is Angelica Legrande, and I am a former opera singer from France. I have always been passionate about expressing myself through my voice and performance. But now, I am ready to explore a different kind of passion, a unique form of self-expression through Ultimate Surrender."

As she speaks, her soft voice carries a hint of excitement mixed with apprehension. She takes a deep breath, trying to calm her racing heart.

"For me, this tournament goes beyond the confines of society's expectations. It is a chance to embrace my true desires, to push my boundaries, and to discover a newfound level of confidence and strength within myself."

"I must confess, this is quite a departure from my days on the stage," Angelica says with a soft chuckle, her voice carrying the experience of her time during her opera performances. "But there's an undeniable thrill in trying something new, in pushing my boundaries."

A sheepish smile plays on her lips as she continues.

"I know many might wonder why I, a former opera singer, would choose to participate in such an event. But let's remember that music, just like sex, is an art form that can evoke intense emotions. It's about physicality, passion, and the connection between two or more individuals."

With a graceful gesture, she adjusts her bikini, her fingers briefly grazing the fabric. "I may be new to this, but I'm not one to back down. I've rehearsed, I've trained, and I'm ready to give it my all. Just like the crescendo of a beautiful aria, I intend to rise to the occasion."
She looks directly into the camera, her eyes filled with determination.

"Winning this tournament would mean so much to me. It would prove that I am capable of overcoming my adversaries just like the heroes in tales I have performed. And of course, it wouldn't hurt to have a little fun along the way."

With a nervous giggle, she playfully flicks her long blond hair over her shoulder before regaining her composure.

"So, here I am, ready to step onto that mat and surrender to this new adventure. I may be shy, but I am eager to explore, to learn, and to ultimately win with the same passion and dedication I once put into my opera performances."

She signs off with a confident yet shy smile, leaving the viewers with a sense of anticipation for what lies ahead.

"Merci beaucoup for listening, and I hope to see you on the mats of Ultimate Surrender. À bientôt!"
Last edited by NoChill27 on Sun Aug 27, 2023 9:37 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Ultimate Surrender Tournament Promos

Unread post by lyannapelon »

The scene would then change over to the study of one who either had more money than they knew what to do with or had gone broke trying to pretend they did, with thick blue carpets and dark stained wood walls that had been polished to a perfect shine. An ornate fireplace was lit to provide much of the lightning for the camera which sat near the floor a short distance away from a beautiful woman who was enjoying the warmth of the flames. The light from the fire made the blue of her hair and eyes pop even more than usual, while the white bikini she wore reflected the oranges and reds of the fire quite stunningly.

"For those who haven't seen me perform yet, I am Natasha Loclear, and to keep this short I intend to win this tournament." Natasha proclaimed with her head held high and a confident grin upon her lips, the pale woman pausing to let her words sink in and to provide a place to cut in case the interviews would be split up for the sake of the show.

"I have been waiting for an event much like this ever since I first stepped into the ring earlier this year, so you can expect I'll bring everything I have and more into this tournament. Any woman who faces me will be counted amongst both the lucky and the unfortunate, for while they will get to enjoy pleasure untold they will be going no further in the brackets."

There was another pause during which Natasha ran a hand down along the ample curves of her barely clothed figure, as if anyone watching hadn't already been well aware of what she was wearing. "Consider this just a tease for what comes next. For now it must be farewell, but rest assured you'll be seeing lots of me as this tournament progesses~"
Natasha Loclear

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Re: Ultimate Surrender Tournament Promos

Unread post by Lederface »

Now it would be Rose's turn, being pointed at with the camera now, she would smile, having her one piece outfit, she would just clear her voice a little before she began

I guess you have to do this right, I'm Rose, the Rose of Lust, the best in the erotic realm within my Roster..... and I guess I'm pretty excited to be able to enter an event like this, my participation in events didn't perform the best in that tournament, but this is a new opportunity.

So she would take a moment and speak again, but looking more serious and excited.

But I know that this tournament I come to win, everything I have in mind, can start from here, I know there are many strong opponents, and this is not something that dominates perfection...... but my normal fighting style, will fit quite well to this, so be careful girls, do not want to end up pricked with my thorns or caught in my stems

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Re: Ultimate Surrender Tournament Promos

Unread post by Random_Username »

Next up, Newbie Nuo, standing in her same appealing attire with only a pink mask and a white slingshot (No point wearing shoes in this kind of event). She had her arms crossed over her chest with one leg wrapped in front of the other. Her same leg twitched, showing signs of shyness.

"H-hello, as some of you may know who I am if you've watch my matches, I am Newbie Nuo," she introduced herself, "a-as you can see, I'll be participating the tournament."

Nuo then change her stance from her arms crossed to lowering them down to her lap with one hand holding onto her other arm's wrist. Her eyes looked away for a moment before looking back into the camera, her face turned red beneath her mask.

"If you've seen my matches, you should know I'm not good when it comes to hentai matches... W-which is why I thought joining the tournament could help me improve. I'm not planning on winning $100,000 but I like to see how far I can go~"

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