The Graveyard Girls by The Sea

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The Graveyard Girls by The Sea

Unread post by MidMorii »

Raven was driving through a long trip back home, Louise on the passenger seat, still utterly exhausted from her match. She had started to grow some bags under her eyes from all of the crying, her head leaning on the car window. She still petrified in place; this time not filled with fear but sadness. She had Raven's jacket over her wrestling attire, the rising sun casting a soft ginger light over her beaten and bruised body, cold blood underneath her nose trailing over to her lips. She had been defeated by a complete newbie, who had made a fool of her, and was afterwards put in checkmate against her rival. In a sense, she had fallen into Renee's trap and paid the price for it.
Minutes would pass, Louise's eyes laid on the city, the harbor, and the endless number of houses in the neighborhood. However, she begins to come back to her senses, noticing a small bay area as they passed through it. She had been completely silent beforehand, not saying a word to Raven, but after she saw the sea, she ordered Raven to stop there. She asked her to bring them to the bay, distraught comfort in her expression.
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Re: The Graveyard Girls by The Sea

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Raven was driving silently and had given Louise her jacket to keep warm in occasionally giving her a worried glance wanting to maker sure she was ok as Louise looked like a wreck. Louise clearly didn't want to talk so Raven didn't want to push her into talking so she just drove. The city and harbor came into view after a few minutes of driving and she heard Louise finally speak and asked to stop at the beach Raven glanced at her and nodded making a right turn to go down to the beach, it didn't take long for Raven to find a spot to park either as the two pulled up and Raven turned off the engine and got out of the car and began slowly walking towards the sandy shore so that Louise could catch up.

When the two reached the beach Raven finally spoke. "Are you alright Low?" Raven asked wanting to make sure her bestie was okay.
Last edited by Sigma Morgan on Fri Sep 22, 2023 2:58 pm, edited 2 times in total.


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Re: The Graveyard Girls by The Sea

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She sat down on the sand, hugging her knees. Looking at the sea for a few minutes, she cried hysterically, hiding her face underneath her legs. She was a mess, not listening to Raven whatsoever. Renee had all the cards within her grasp; it was only a matter of time before she exposed her secret or got that rematch. She could sign the contract and fight Renee and end this whole conflict, but Louise knew she was afraid of her. Not because of the difference in strength, Louise could handle that, even better now, but seeing how revenge changes people. She saw how far Renee was willing to go to defeat her while Louise began to settle down and ease into wrestling. Louise knew she was full of herself, which has led to many of her recent losses. She could barely keep her ego together after losing to a newbie; just imagine if she lost to her rival. She could never live it down. How could she maintain the person she was now if she lost badly to her self-proclaimed rival?
Maybe it was just her insecurities taking over. She knew she had better resistance and skills than Renee, but it didn't mean shit when Renee had strength and athleticism. She continued to weep aggressively, knowing that all of it didn't even matter when her opponent literally had evidence that could be pinned to a murder.
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Re: The Graveyard Girls by The Sea

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Raven remained standing up next to Louise who sat down in the sand and began crying and ignoring Raven. Raven sighed and after a minute sat down in the sand next to her friend putting her arm around her trying to comfort her friend. "Low, come on talk to me, tell me what's wrong" Raven said in a calm comforting voice moving Louise's head to her chest gently and letting it rest there not unlike what Louise did for her not too long ago, it helped Raven calm down and even made her happy hoping it would do that same for her best friend.


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Re: The Graveyard Girls by The Sea

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"Raven.. I have a secret that my worst enemy, Renee, found out about. I don't think I have much time left to be here with you," Louise explained, "Louise Heisenberg isn't my real name."
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Re: The Graveyard Girls by The Sea

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Raven perked her ears up a bit when Louise confessed what Raven figured from a time Louise almost slipped up with her words. "Well Low.. erm I kinda figured that when you almost slipped up that one night at our place" Raven explained not really bothered by her friends name just being an alias and more happy she just got to be friends with her. "I don't know why you have a fake name and it honestly doesn't bother me, we've both probably done some awful shit in our lives and I want you to know that I was lucky to meet you and be your friend regardless" Raven explained wanting to make sure Louise knew she wasn't bothered by her sudden confession.
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Re: The Graveyard Girls by The Sea

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Louise looked over at Raven, fear in her eyes despite her reassurance. She figured that her friend didn't understand the implications of what she meant. She considered not telling her but eventually gave in, knowing she'd be sad if Louise were put in cuffs with no explanation. Louise felt bad it would silence the atmosphere, but she had to. She didn't know what Renee had planned with her true identity, so her life was bound to change if her secret was in the hands of her enemy. Moreover, she had figured out about her brother. She needed to get ahold of him before she did anything rash, but not until she confessed her secret to Raven.
"Raven, before I joined LAW, I did sex work until I could finally join an amateur division.. but uh.. when I did, I killed someone..!" she puffed, her eyes growing watery, "If Renee reveals my secret, I could potentially be sent to prison...!"
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Re: The Graveyard Girls by The Sea

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Raven saw the fear in Louise's eyes and understood the situation truly was shitty and Raven forced herself to stay calm when Louise confessed a murder to her, and Raven could care less about the sex work part of her story. "Okay, okay, lets relax for a minute. I'm sure you didn't mean to kill them and if you did... I just don't see you as someone who do that" Raven said. "She still needs to prove you committed the murder, and I'm going to be fucking damned if I let anyone take you away" Raven said before hugging Louise tightly with a tear rolling down her cheek.
Last edited by Sigma Morgan on Fri Sep 22, 2023 5:48 pm, edited 3 times in total.


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Re: The Graveyard Girls by The Sea

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She held onto Raven tightly, knowing there wasn't much she could do to save Louise. She wasn't ready to tell her that she was indeed wanted for the murder back in her hometown, but her manager had changed her identity for her in order to keep her financially perfect. If the executives at LAW found out, she had no clue if they'd kick her out or not. It was clear that if Renee said anything about her real name, people on all sides would do a background check on her, finding the murder and sex worker history fairly easily. From that alone, she'd surely lose custody of her brother.
"You're amazing, Raven.. You've always been there for me.. but I don't think I can win against Renee.. How could I possibly when all the odds are stacked against me like this..?!" She yelled, pushing Raven away slightly. She didn't want for them to get any closer, knowing what could happen next.
Let's all take a moment to appreciate the emotionally saturated. ... 56#p321056

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Re: The Graveyard Girls by The Sea

Unread post by Sigma Morgan »

Raven felt Louise shove her back and Raven sighed losing control of her emotions. "IF RENEE DOES ANYTHING I'LL RIP HER FUCKING THROAT OUT" Raven screamed in overwhelming anger while punching the ground letting her tears flow down her face for a minute before wiping them away and looking into Louise's eyes. "Low, I do have a confession of my own... I- I love you" Raven confessed deciding to finally reveal her love for Louise deciding she might as well do it now or she might not get another chance to, ever since that first night Raven developed a massive crush for her roommate and now she wanted her to know how much she really loved her
Last edited by Sigma Morgan on Fri Sep 22, 2023 6:26 pm, edited 7 times in total.


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