Madeline Christiansen vs. Aspasia El-Shenawy - Snakes & Ladders

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Re: Madeline Christiansen vs. Aspasia El-Shenawy - Snakes & Ladders

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If her amateurish dance performance told Asp anything, it would be that Madeline isn’t afraid to try something new. It never helps to be headstrong, and while Madeline is a grappler, she’d be remiss if she kept banging her head against the wall; when something doesn’t work, best to change tactics. Especially when you’re dealing with such a slippery opponent.

Slippery as a snake, as Asp put it. Which meant that Madeline had to be cunning as one, too.

Like her abilities in belly dancing, Madeline doesn’t delude herself regarding her skills in strikes. She had her doubts about a solid hit, mostly because the match was still in its infancy and Asp’s reactions were on point. A more proficient opponent would hit the mark, but Madeline’s dexterity and flexibility alone carried the kick attempt. The attack struck at the redhead’s guard, sending her back a few steps. No doubt her arms were stinging more than the kick to Madeline’s thigh.

However, the Englishwoman didn’t give chase. Instead, Madeline’s stirrup-clad foot dangled in the air, swaying from one side to the other like a snake head. It's as if there can’t be enough snake references in this match already. Madeline’s foot would find its way back to the floor, the Englishwoman straightening up, flicking her brunette mane back with a flourish of her hand, before the same hand was used to gesture at the Water Snake. One finger, curling inward, challenging Asp to slither her way towards Madeline. For her to do the chasing.

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Re: Madeline Christiansen vs. Aspasia El-Shenawy - Snakes & Ladders

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After taking the brunt of that kick, Asp fell back and shook her hands, trying to get the feeling back into them. It had been a solid strike - fast, stiff, impressive, and if she hadn't gotten her hands up and taken it in the head, she would likely be staring up at the lights. Not a knockout, even she wasn’t so fragile as to be laid out by one blow. But it would undoubtedly leave her in a poor spot.

Not that the one she found herself in now was all that desirable. She was on the retreat, backpedaling wide open for whatever Madeline threw her way next, which turned out to be…


Asp skidded to a stop and looked up with a raised brow, her interest thoroughly piqued at the lack of follow-up from her foe. Instead of closing the distance, Madeline hung back and struck a pose, leg raised and hand waving her on. A taunt. ”Little minx.”

The initiative was on her, then. Fine. She could've taken things in quite a few ways, but she decided the best approach was a direct one in this case. Move in fast, see how well she could take things, and deal with whatever came her way.

Asp threw herself forward at full tilt, rushing in, hoping to take her off guard. Her leg struck out with the beginning of a snap kick, going for the chest, but it turned out to be a feint - instead, she pulled her foot back, whipped it around, and sent her heel flying towards Madeline’s lovely face, trying to hit her with a hook kick.

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Re: Madeline Christiansen vs. Aspasia El-Shenawy - Snakes & Ladders

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“A saucy little minx.” Two words added to the taunt, all while Madeline gestured Asp to come hither. Much as Madeline could have pursued this slippery snake further, she wasn’t in any rush to see this match, as well as the night, end abruptly. There was much more to see, more to witness. And Madeline felt she had only scratched the surface regarding Asp’s abilities. Besides, it wouldn’t be fun if Madeline was the only one doing the chasing, isn’t it?

Now, Madeline would have to deal with whatever Asp would throw at her. So many ways to approach, so many ways to counter. A foe like this exotic redhead meant that any option wouldn’t be so easy to deal with. But Madeline embraced it. To come at her in any manner she chooses.

Instead of careful, slow steps like Madeline did, Asp swiftly dashed in with haste. Her feet carried that smaller form with ease, never heavy-footed or clumsy. They didn’t create strong reverberations along the canvas on which they both stand. Nimble, deft steps rapidly closed the gap between the two, all before Madeline could count herself truly ready for the assault. Her right leg swung back, moving to move back before Asp’s leg lashed out straight. An attack towards her voluptuous breasts was something Madeline could handle, and her hand moved to guard those orbs from damage.

Again, nothing from Asp could ever be considered simple. The same foot changed course and whipped towards Madeline for a higher, valuable and vulnerable target. Had Madeline not leaned back, she wouldn’t have gotten out of it with just a harsh graze on her chin. A light grunt could be heard if Asp’s ears were more tuned to her opponent and not to the loud crowd surrounding them. Madeline’s long legs sought to move back and retreat. Although, as Madeline backpedalled, she doubted Asp would be as kind to show mercy.

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Re: Madeline Christiansen vs. Aspasia El-Shenawy - Snakes & Ladders

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”Saucy.” Even in the heat of battle, she remained playful, managing a small smile as she headed in. ”I stand corrected.”

It was an apt description of the woman, though. While she’d enjoyed her matches in LAW so far, this was the first time Asp had felt the call of a kindred spirit - wrestling with someone with the same love of combat and female form. It made her eager to bring this woman to the ground. She wanted them on the floor as much as she enjoyed the dance. Squeezing. Grinding. Touching. Kissing. Tha was where a snake did her best work, after all.

That drove her on as she closed the distance, coming in with her kicks, trying to catch the nimble woman off balance. It worked to some degree. It only clipped her chin, not a genuine hit, but it put her foe in retreat, keeping her on the back foot. There were only so many places she could go, so far she could run, and Asp intended to hound her every step of the way.

From low to high, then high to low. Asp moved in and raised her deadly legs again, striking out the instant she came into her foe’s range. A high roundhouse kick came towards Madeline’s head, a clean strike. Whether it landed or not, Asp would pull it back and fire again without even bringing her foot to the canvas - another roundhouse, stronger than before, going for the ribs.

Two swift strikes, and she would leap back right after, trying to cover herself in case of a counter. Always moving, always attacking, never a still target.

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Re: Madeline Christiansen vs. Aspasia El-Shenawy - Snakes & Ladders

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There’s no need to panic. Madeline may not have gotten out of this situation unscathed, but a heel to the face could have brought worse outcomes than this. Especially since it landed on her chin. She just has to keep moving back and not remain in the same place.

Unfortunately, Asp was on the hunt, hounding towards the brunette. Whatever distance Madeline tried to create, Asp closed in. The limbs kept firing towards the Englishwoman, leaving the taller grappler to predict where the strike was going to land. As far as strikers go, Asp was like an unyielding whirlwind.

The Water Snake didn’t just attack, it was like a dance. Each motion leads to another, flowing with such elegant precision. Such a style complimented her physical capabilities perfectly. The blistering kicks may not hurt that much by themselves, not like a single strike from a mightier opponent, but they all accumulate over time. Sapping at her energy, whittling away till their defences fail. A fitting method. Snakes are not known for ending things quickly.

That being said, they still do damage, as Madeline realised from that brief graze. A low kick prompted Madeline to reach out and grab at that limb but to no avail. The leg slipped away before streaking high; the instep catching Madeline’s head with a dull thwack. A white flash in her vision, a solid blow that left her blinking, if not for the sharp roundhouse to the ribs that followed as further punishment for her lapse of judgment.

Madeline found herself backed into a corner, feeling the padded turnbuckles. She had no more distance to backpedal to. Which would have spelled bad news for the Briton, if not because Asp leaped back. Madeline shook her head, her thumb wiping at her stinging cheek as she eyed the emerald adversary. “Quite the bite you have.”

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Re: Madeline Christiansen vs. Aspasia El-Shenawy - Snakes & Ladders

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Asp was not as well-trained as many wrestlers - in truth, she had only begun real combat when she came to Japan, with it mostly being a cordial affair before that, something done in private rooms with good friends and casual acquaintances. Still, she thought she had done an admirable job of adapting to the world of professional wrestling, holding her own against formidable opponents. Her match with Sophia was a testament to that, as she took on a woman with far more experience between the ropes than she. It was a losing affair, but she had learned a great many things through it, and she hoped to apply those lessons.

So far, the results were promising. Her instinct to move away after the kick had been a savvy one, as she narrowly avoided Madeline’s grasping hand, allowing her to stay untouched and avoiding whatever her counter might have been. She approached fighting with the same elegance and passion she brought to the dance floor, moving with choreographed precision. An uncanny style, but it yielded results.

”You’ll come to like it.” Asp teased as she stepped back and lowered her stance, a viper preparing to strike. It was a shame she had to come on so rough early on, but it couldn't be avoided - to defeat her foe, she first had to subdue her, before they could move onto true intimacy. Perhaps she could begin planting the seed for both falls, but she needed to get this woman down first, and that proved a tricky endeavor. It was one that she hoped to make headway on with her next move, however.

With Madeline trapped in the corner, she moved in, looking to keep her pressure up. She stepped left, shifted right, then leaped forward, raised her leg, and shot it out like a spear, thrusting the heel of her foot towards her opponent’s chest with a strong push kick, one that would hammer her against the turnbuckles and, ideally, knock the wind out of her.

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Re: Madeline Christiansen vs. Aspasia El-Shenawy - Snakes & Ladders

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There are some who had questioned the idea of mixing the harsh brutality of combat with the carnal erotic aspects. Madeline has heard all the opinions and angles from many during her time in the lesser-known clubs. And while she could see the appeal of a pure battle of sex, the Englishwoman saw the need to evolve. Obtaining control is one thing, getting into a dominant position to make things count. Keeping it was another. Nothing really mattered if one can’t fully control the other, subjugating all resistance so that you could manipulate their deepest desires. A point that the Englishwoman would emphasise once her grappling background gives her the edge over her foes.

A point that is made law (pun intended) within this league. You could have the most gifted tongue to override one’s senses, your fingers can bring a salacious melody from their lips, your abs could make them buckle under tension, buttcheeks that can make someone breathless, even the soles of your feet are a tool to bring someone under your heel. None of that matters if you have nothing to supplement those skills. And those that can’t evolve are left behind.

“So long as they are not venomous.” Quipped the Briton. While it’s certainly a figure of speech, Madeline knows she can’t afford to take too many of those “bites” from Asp. Although that turned out to be an arduous task so far, Madeline felt that all was not lost. Especially since the match is still in its infancy. Just like with her kick attempt, Madeline has to be creative in order to catch this snake.

Brief as it may be, Madeline at least had some respite after the flurry of attacks Asp threw at her. It was only a matter of time when Asp would soon dash right in, zig-zagging towards the brunette with masterful steps. If Madeline was in any place in the ring, then she might have a tricky time discerning which direction Asp would be attacking from. But with Madeline’s back against the corner, the only path is forward, directly towards the scarlet combatant. Which mak

Madeline’s hands gripped tight on the ropes on each side, her body bracing from the emerald viper’s advance. Once Asp got in close enough, Madeline leapt up in the air, bringing her knees towards her stinging chest, body coiled up tightly before releasing. Her long limbs fired straight at the Water Snake like a cannon, seeking to smash both feet right onto Asp’s face. An intercepting pike to go against Asp’s spear.

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Re: Madeline Christiansen vs. Aspasia El-Shenawy - Snakes & Ladders

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Despite never being a violent person growing up, Asp couldn't deny the thrill of combat. Perhaps living such a peaceful lifestyle let her appreciate it more than she would have otherwise - it was such a new sensation to her, even now that she’d participated in a fair share of matches. She could feel this rush as she closed in on Madeline and prepared her next strike, this heady excitement that consumed her. Not at the thought of hurting this woman; she wasn’t a sadist. Still, the competition, the strife, the struggle, the undeniable pride from matching wits with another human being and coming out on top - an easy drug to get addicted to.

She was on her way to getting her fix, too, as she closed in on her cornered opponent, keen to take advantage of the gap she’d created. She lunged forward, prepared to strike, even raised her leg, fully prepared to drive it deep into her opponent’s chest.

That was when things grew…fuzzy.

Asp saw Madeline’s body rising up at the last second, and it put a pause on her charge, forcing her to stop in mid-attack, trying to adjust. She only realized what was happening at the last instant, right before the legs shot out and came towards her face, hitting full on with a crushing blow. Everything went white, and she had the sensation of flying through the air, weightless, until her back came crashing down on the mat.

Asp shot her legs up in reflex and rolled with the momentum, tumbling backwards and popped to her feet straightaway, only to stumble forward and nearly fall flat as soon as she was upright. Stunned, disheveled, she teetered one way and tottered the other, her world utterly rocked.

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Re: Madeline Christiansen vs. Aspasia El-Shenawy - Snakes & Ladders

Unread post by Lightman »

Madeline would be lying if she didn’t feel regret after that. Contrary to her desire for total victory, Madeline never sought to maim and batter someone to a pulp. And if she could avoid bloodshed, then it would be perfect. Hence her style is more centred around wrestling and grappling. However, such is the way of combat, things may not go as one desired. Madeline wouldn’t have imagined that she had got more success out of strikes than in grapple attempts. A testament to how special Asp truly is. Being able to force the Englishwoman to adopt new tactics in order to subdue her foe.

With her longer reach, it was easy to beat out Asp’s attempt in the corner. Both feet smashed hard and direct, sending the emerald viper flying across the ring. Madeline landed upright, the soles of her feet touching the match just as Asp’s crash landed onto her back. The brunette’s heart almost skipped a beat when she saw the redhead roll and tumble up to her feet, almost surprised at how deceptively tough Asp was for a woman of her stature.

However, Asp would get up too quickly, it seems, almost completely falling on her face as soon as she got up. Her lips curled into an amused smile as the Briton began sauntering towards the stunned woman. “Someone’s had a bit too much venom, it seems.” Her hips swayed with a sensual trance, unlike how Asp was unsteady, staggering around as if she was on a boat within stormy waters. Once Madeline got close, the crowd was expecting another strike, or at least the Englishwoman pressing on the advantage.

Instead, Madeline’s hand cupped underneath Asp’s chin, forcing the dishevelled redhead to look directly at Madeline. “Good thing I have the perfect antidote.” And then Madeline leaned in for a kiss. A deep kiss. Savouring Asp’s lips once more, Madeline’s tongue explored deep within Asp’s mouth, her taller form pressing into Asp’s. Breasts mashing against each other, legs tangling like serpents, abs touching as they move in one shared breath. Moments later, Madeline would break the kiss soon after, staring into Asp’s soul, her tongue lapping her lips as if to relish in that flavour. “Feeling better, dear?”

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Re: Madeline Christiansen vs. Aspasia El-Shenawy - Snakes & Ladders

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As Asp stumbled away, she ran her tongue along her teeth, doing a quick check to make sure everything was still properly aligned. One of her biggest fears was having her teeth knocked out. One would think a hentai wrestler wouldn’t have to worry about such things, but thanks to her style, things often came down to strikes before they moved onto softer matters…it was a real concern. Thankfully, she seemed to have taken most of the blow to her forehead instead of her jaw, and everything was were it was supposed to be, with the possible exception of a few misaligned brain cells.

She needed a moment to recover, but her opponent wouldn’t give her that luxury. She was already moving in, closing the gap, and Asp expected any number of attacks to be coming her way. Perhaps a trip to take advantage of her unsteady legs, a suplex, or even a submission. Something to start sowing the seeds of her defeat and grasp control of the match. A powerful blow to make the most of a convenient window.

Instead, she was given a kiss. Unexpected, but welcome.

Asp yelped in surprise as their lips met, but she was quick to accept the pleasure. Her arms found their way around Madeline’s svelte waist and pulled them in for a tight embrace, eagerly accepting every contact, treasuring every touch of skin with this wondrous woman and the bounty of her body. The crowd voiced their approval with all the predictable noises, but they were all background as far as she was considered, a distant din she paid little mind to. The only person she cared about was right in front of her.

”I feel fine, yes.” She rubbed her forehead against Madeline and slid her leg around, letting her toes slide along her calves' back and pulling her even deeper into her coils. ”Pleasant as this is, I must ask - this is still a match, isn’t it?” She dipped her head to the side, planted soft kisses along Madeline’s collarbone, and worked her way up to the obvious destination. ”A more mischievous opponent could take advantage of a situation like this. And I am a snake…”

It was a warning that Madeline didn’t need to heed, but Asp liked throwing it out there, anyway.

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