Aoi Fukiwara

120lbs/54.5kg and below
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King of Darkness
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Aoi Fukiwara

Unread post by Dragonofdarkness »

Name: Aoi Fukiwara
Sex: Female
Eyes: Blue
Hair: medium blue
Height: 5'2"
Nationality: Japanese
Alignment: between
Entrance music: absolutely (story of a girl) by nine days

Wrestling Information

Strategy: moving around and striking one body part at a time or just plain out beating the opponent up

Style: grappling or brawling

Preferred Attacks: punches and kicks to the opponent and sometimes sexual attacks

Preferred Matches: any


Favored moves: manly grappler moves

Finishing moves: None

wrestling outfit wears under her warrior outfits.

Personality: she is spunky and loves a good challenge even if she'll lose she well keep trying and get better at what ever she needs to work on. She doesn't talk much unless she has something to say or she finds someone she would like to talk to, she would like to talk more and make friends but sometimes is scared to reach out. During a fight if she and her opponent are having a good time and she gets comfortable she would think of that person as a friend, But if her opponent is mean she would do her best to kick their ass and teach them its not nice to be mean.

Past/History: Aoi doesn't have much of a past she was a good girl and never got into trouble with her parents . She wasn't much of a troublemaker nor a social kind of person but she tried to be social at times though it was hard for her. During her first year of high school tho Aoi was walking home form school and took a short cut through an alley when she got ambushed by some girl that claim to be better then, Trying to ignore the girl Aoi wanted to leave but was blind sided by the girl and soon a fight broke out that got kinda bloody during the fight Aoi and the girl started to get horny and they taunted each other into a sex fight but some adults came and broke it up before they could start and didn't had a clear winner in there fight. Since then Aoi enjoyed fights and would wanted to do more but didn't know how ot approach other about it. when she heard about LAW she would join as soon as she was !8 against the wishes of one of her only friends she had made.

Fun Facts:
Aoi likes lots of things . She enjoys the beach and sunsets but not much is know about her and what other things she likes.
When she ever thinks of the girl that she first fought she gets angry and upset since there was never a clear winner and she would love so much to teach that girl a lesson.
She goes to a bar run by a hooded mask man who doesn't show his face named shadow. *has a sorta crush on the guy but he treats her like a little kid*
LAW information
Record 6-3-0
wins: vs Adriana by KO'ed orgasm
vs GASTER by strip her to bra and panties
vs Asuka by submission
vs Alex by pinfall
vs charlie by pinfall
vs the adorable cuties w/ruby blaze by 10 count face sit.
lose: vs GASTER by pinfall
vs Miranda by pinfall
vs Adriana by KO


Friends:Rebecca watatsumi
Rivals: Alex, GASTER
Enemies: Alex, Adriana, and GASTER
Last edited by Dragonofdarkness on Mon Jul 08, 2024 4:30 pm, edited 7 times in total.

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