Loretta Sombra vs. Ren Akery- Wild and Untamed

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Re: Loretta Sombra vs. Ren Akery- Wild and Untamed

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Ren get humiliated and destroyed so hard by the move of Loretta, he can't expected this kind of humiliation, that was a Classic match but turn fast into a humiliation match, the Power of Loretta was to High for Ren and evrybody see the the differenze between him and her

N-no no...

He Say whit a Little moan when her crush him down on the mat, he get knock so hard and fell some pain on his head, he look Loretta and can't do anything to stop her, too strong for him, her can do evrything her want on this poor guy, the crowd want see hard thing!

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Re: Loretta Sombra vs. Ren Akery- Wild and Untamed

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Loretta thought about what to do for a while before she came up with something. "Well, there's nothing to say I can't enjoy myself after I beat you." Grinning maliciously, Loretta approached the downed Ren, grabbing him before pulling him up. "Come on, brat. Let's finish this once and for all. And even if we're finished, we aren't done yet." Shoving Ren's head between her thighs, she would then hoist him up onto her shoulders, setting him up for a powerbomb.

Of course, due to Ren being practically naked, with his cock all hard and erect, Loretta nuzzled against his member before she swung him down, powerbombing him to the mat. And she would immediately go for a prawn hold pin, making sure that his shoulders were on the mat. Seeing this, the referee would come over and start counting for the pin.


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Re: Loretta Sombra vs. Ren Akery- Wild and Untamed

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Ren can't do anything for stop the Fury of Loretta, her Power Is to High for Ren and her look so scary when Say She not end when the ref Say three, so Ren was so scare, the her take him up and crush down whit a powerbomb Ren's eyes go down and the ref can count Till 3 and let the luchadora win that fight in really hard way

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Re: Loretta Sombra vs. Ren Akery- Wild and Untamed

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With the third count, the match was over. But it was clear that Loretta wasn't done with Ren just yet. She smirked as she looked down at Ren. Even as the bell was rung, Loretta didn't let him go as she would pick herself up and grab him. When the referee tried to raise her arm to declare her the victor, the black-clad luchadora glared at her before she put her attention back on Ren.

"Come on, boy. Let's see if you are a quick-shot or not." Loretta said with a smirk as she would place herself behind him before she reached down to his cock so that she could start pumping her hand up and down the shaft. She wanted to see if she could drive him to climax with this.

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Re: Loretta Sombra vs. Ren Akery- Wild and Untamed

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Ren listen the bell ring and his defeat is complete, Loretta is too strong for him, after the ref rise her hand and end the fight her go to him and start jerk his poor cock he start moan like a little girl and his cock be so hard and ready to burst his cum! Loretta have totally control over that boy cock and can let him cum or ruin him when her want, the crowd love see Loretta do that thing on that boy

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Re: Loretta Sombra vs. Ren Akery- Wild and Untamed

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Loretta tilted her head as she continued moving her hand, pumping Ren's cock with it. "Well, well... let's see how long you can hold it back..." Loretta purred evilly as she would keep stimulating his cock, looking to make him shoot out his load for her own amusement. "Come on, boy! Cum!" She commanded. She quickened her pace as she did so.

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Re: Loretta Sombra vs. Ren Akery- Wild and Untamed

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No no no~

Ren continue moan like a girl and After some stroke cum so hard on her hand, he cum in really hard way and out out a lot of seed, Loretta can see ren's cock Explode for too hard stimulation and Ren go down for some pleasure

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Re: Loretta Sombra vs. Ren Akery- Wild and Untamed

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Finally, Loretta was able to make Ren shoot his load, and she cooed, totally pleased with herself. After a while, she would drop Ren down onto the mat as she would think of what to do next. She had already won the match, and this was her post-match celebration.

"Hmm... I wonder what to do with you next..." Loretta said before she got an idea. "How about this? Boy, lay on your back, now." Loretta demanded. She had one thing in her mind, and she had that evil smile on her face as she made that demand.

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Re: Loretta Sombra vs. Ren Akery- Wild and Untamed

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The boy fell so weak and humiliated by the power of Loretta, he can't expected that end of fight, he think was only a normal fight but it turn into a hentai humiliation match, loretta force Ren to cum and don't want stop there

After he listen her he lay on his back and moan a bit, he is ready for evrything her have in mind

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Re: Loretta Sombra vs. Ren Akery- Wild and Untamed

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Seeing Ren having laid himself on his back, Loretta would stand before him, looking at his cock. Smirking darkly, Loretta would bring her boot right on his cock. Not to stomp it, but to rub against it. She wanted to see if Ren would react to having his cock rubbed against the sole of her boot. As she did so, she laughed, clearly enjoying her torment on the young man.

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