Infernal Hierarchy

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the funny girl
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Infernal Hierarchy

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Name: Emma
nickname: w, speed demon, speed demon god
Sex: Female
Age: 22
Eyes: Red (but when emma gets angry to the limit her eyes turn orange)
Hair: White
Height: 5'3
Weight: 125
Nationality: Japanese
Sexuality: Bi-Sexual
Alignment: face
Name: madison reinhold (although she prefers to be called by his nickname)
nickname: mudrock, nemesis prime emma
Sex: Female
Age: 24
Eyes: red
Hair: white
Height: 145 ibs
Weight: 5'7
Nationality: Japanese and french
Sexuality: Bi-Sexual
Alignment: face
Name: saria miyazaki
nickname: hellstar dragon, apocalyptic dawn dragon
Sex: Female
Age: 26
Eyes: orange
Hair: white
Height: 180 ibs
Weight: 6'0
Nationality: Japanese and american
Sexuality: Bi-Sexual
Alignment: tweener
Name: gladiia rossi
nickname: abyss huntress, underworld huntress, unknown huntress
Sex: Female
Age: 28
Eyes: red
Hair: white
Height: 151 ibs
Weight: 5'7
Nationality: Italian
Sexuality: Bi-Sexual
Alignment: tweener
Name: skadi nanimi
nickname: unknown god, goddess of seaborn, killer whale, goddess of the corrupted heart
Sex: Female
Age: 22
Eyes: red
Hair: white
Height: 110 ibs
Weight: 5'4
Nationality: Italian
Sexuality: Bi-Sexual
Alignment: face
Entrance music:

History: This particular group was previously made up of two members, those were Madison and Emma who, despite being so different, got along well, they certainly had a good relationship and Madison slowly began to warm to Emma because of her attitude which was very friendly and cheerful, One day, while they were training, both girls decided to give their all in training, she pushed their bodies to the limit but that brought the attention of a dragon who saw how they trained and pushed their bodies to the limit, the dragon decided to approach them because She was quite interested in the way they trained.

The dragon introduced herself with the name of Saria Miyazaki, she approached the two girls to see if she could train with them, Mudrock did not want anyone else to interfere in her training with what she considered a friend but Emma was excited about the idea of ​​training with someone else and was able to talk to Mudrock about Saria joining them to train, although it was about thirty minutes that they were arguing about it but at the end of it all, Saria could train with both girls, at first it was quite difficult Due to the fact that Mudrock and Saria behaved in an almost similar way, several times they had conflicts between them but Emma was there to calm the situation

As the days and weeks go by, she slowly shows more interest in the actions of these two girls and she saw that both girls had great potential in battles, Emma had great speed that made her very unpredictable and Mudrock had great resistance and durability, this made Madison last much longer in fights that lasted so long, so Saria made a decision and so after a month, Saria wanted to join Emma and Madison's team, that took both girls by surprise who They did not wait for the white-haired woman to want to join their team and it was with reason since Saria never showed interest in joining them, as they appreciated Saria even though she did not express herself well, they accepted her into the team.

After a few days, Emma was going to the gym but she was a little distracted, since Madison and Saria certainly had quite similar personalities and she thought it would be something great if they had another girl in their group who was just as happy as her, although being Deep in her thoughts, she did not realize that two people were walking towards her talking about various things and inevitably Emma collided with those two people, causing the three of them to fall to the floor. The taller woman with the elegant hat complained to her about that. The woman with white hair and red eyes was ready to hit her but the girl stopped her from doing so, calling her by her name, which was Gladiia.

The other girl introduced herself, her name was Skadi and Emma apologized for the accident and she was about to leave but Skadi stopped her, and asked her if she and Gladiia could join her team, since she had heard that her team was Pretty good at training and that made Emma smile because she was going to have more teammates.

Fighting Style: The fighting style can be varied but they have a strategy, first Emma or Skadi will come out first to use fast movements against their opponents but when the opportunity presents itself, the two of them can use their speed to make combined attacks, then there is Gladiia who will use her powerful grabs to gradually weaken her opponent for mudrock or saria to finish her off

team moves:
northern impact v3
The North Impact v3 is a version where it combines the "North Impact" and Emma's roundhouse kick, giving a guaranteed blow to the jaw of the poor victim who is hit by that improved and powerful version of that movement

earth dragon kai
dragon rage v2
true hydropump
abyss catapult G2
burning catch v3
double jaws v2
LAW Information

Record: 1-0-0



-Not yet


Last edited by the funny girl on Wed Jan 10, 2024 9:59 pm, edited 5 times in total. ... 56#p211856 all my girls are here and if you are interested in having a match with some of them let me know ^^

my discord name is: thefunnygirl

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