A Clash of Legacies: Kyo Akamatsu vs Valley Doll III

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A Clash of Legacies: Kyo Akamatsu vs Valley Doll III

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Standard prostyle match
Victory by pinfall, submission or KO


It was another intense night as the arena was prepared for another intergender clash. The audience was cheering as Kyo made his way into the ring, striding down the ramp as his entrance theme blared. Kyo gave them no acknowledgement other than an appreciative nod, keeping his eyes focused on the ring ahead. Still, though, the fact that they were cheering him on was encouraging: he had gone through a handful of matches so far in AFW, and had even scored a win here and there. He liked to think that he was actually making a good impression so far among LAW's fanbase, and even though he absolutely refused to let anything as crass or temporary as fame go to his head, he had to admit that he appreciated the acknowledgement the fans were giving him. But even then, if he was honest, he didn't wrestle for the fans. He wrestled because it was what he enjoyed, what he excelled at.

Truth to be told, Kyo knew he would need a lot more than just the appreciation of the fans to succeed tonight.

When he had first been told he'd been scheduled for this match, he was given a few details about it. Nothing too flashy-- just a standard prostyle match, with the usual win conditions. Nothing gimmicky or over the top, which was absolutely how Kyo liked them. He had never been too fond of some of the more entertainment-driven dramafests that passed for matches in some leagues (and unfortunately also happened quite a bit here in LAW). It wasn't until he had seen the name of his opponent on the match card that he realized this was going to be more than any usual match.

Valley Doll.

The Valley Doll.

Way back when he was a kid, Kyo had idolized his dad, the (in)famous Keichi Akamatsu, also known in the ring as "King Crimson." While personality-wise he had really taken more after his serene, stoic, and self-disciplined mother, he had always known early on that he wanted to follow in his dad's footsteps, and he and his sister Makie had almost religiously watched their dad's matches every night he wrestled. Sometimes he won, sometimes he lost; sometimes he absolutely devastated his opponent, and more than a few times he had to be carried out of the ring by his valets. But no matter what, he always gave each match his all, and his gregarious (some might even say arrogant) meant that he had an eager fanbase that always followed his matches as much as Kyo and Makie had.

His father had had more than a few rivalries during his career: one that stuck out in Kyo's mind was a trio of matches against an American woman named Valerie-Dolores Cotes-Welles...better known by her ring name, Valley Doll. She had been an impressive sight in the ring, her athletic, slender body, pink and white wrestling gear, short cropped blonde hair and winning smile earning her an eager following among the fanbase. But she had been more than a pretty face: she was well known as one of the most tenacious and skilled wrestlers at the time, man or woman, and she would fearlessly take on anyone who would face her. And King Crimson had been more than up to the challenge.

There had been three matches between them, in total. Kyo had remembered them all vividly: in the first match, his dad and Valley Doll had fought back and forth in a fairly standard match, one that Valley Doll had eventually won after a lucky counter turned into a top rope death valley driver and pinfall. The match had been popular enough that they couldn't end it there, though, and so a rematch had been scheduled. This time, the match had been much more intense and fast paced. Kyo could tell that his dad had been holding back even less than usual this time, and it showed after he piledrove Valley head-first into the ring to pick up the win.

The third match had been one of the most intense Kyo had ever watched. The two wrestlers did not hold back at all, slamming, stretching, and striking each other relentlessly for half an hour, to the point where they both seemed about to collapse from injury and exhaustion. Finally, though, Valley had ended it, landing three successive moonsaults in a row on Keichii before wearily covering him for the three count. Despite the fact that their father had been soundly beaten, Kyo remembered that he and Makie still cheered over how hard-fought and exciting a match it had been; his younger sister had even exclaimed "I wanna do that!" in reference to Valley's triple moonsault-- and, funnily enough, Makie would go one to adopt just such a finisher years later when she started her own wrestling career. At the end of the match, Keichii had picked himself up, laughed, and gave his victorious opponent a grateful hug for an excellent fight.

That had all been years ago: and now, Kyo was going to be facing this woman in the ring.

It couldn't be her, he told himself. Hadn't she retired years ago? Surely this was some sort of mistake? But there was no denying it: according to the schedule, he was fighting Valley Doll tonight. Or at least, someone using her name. If it was the former, then he would be up against a legend, someone whose matches he had watched as a kid; if it was the latter...then someone was using Valley Doll's name, and Kyo couldn't be more furious about that.

Calming the conflicting thoughts racing in his head, Kyo slid under the ropes, Kyo stood up to his full height and did a few rotating stretches, waiting for his opponent...whoever she ultimately was...
Last edited by Underdoggo on Wed Oct 11, 2023 12:30 am, edited 5 times in total.

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Re: A Clash of Legacies: Kyo Akamatsu vs Valley Doll III

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As Valerie waited in the guerilla position for her cue, a single thought went through her head. She didn’t want one in there, but it slipped in, and she hated herself.

She should’ve asked Garfield to come.

Valerie fought the insatiable urge to smack herself in the head for even thinking about it. She hadn't told him about her official debut, in part because she didn’t want the pressure, but also because she didn’t have much of a right to after skipping out his own first match. Even so, she was still tempted to call him, get him to tune in from home, maybe offer some encouragement. She would take whatever she could get, especially since she’d learned who she was going up against a few minutes ago

Kyo Akamatsu.

She did her best to calm her nerves as she stretched, but only so much could be done when a name like that was making the rounds through her head. The history behind that name was interwoven with her own, inextricably tied in the Valley Doll lineage. The matches between Keichi and Valley were the stuff of wrestling legends. Documentaries were made about them, essays were written, and typing those two names on YouTube would bring back more content than you could hope to watch in an entire week. It was a staggering amount of story, and when she had learned that she and Kyo were in the same promotion, she realized it was only a matter of time before she had to slay this particular dragon.

But she had thought that would be a PPV, or some special event, with months to build up, time to prepare. Not in her first televised match, damn it. She hadn't studied him, gone over his matches, or done any of the prep work. While she was sure she’d looked over some of his matches when she was training, they were just some of the many she’d sifted through, and couldn't have been that current. She was going in blind.

She could almost hear her namesakes chastising her, both her mother and grandmother. Wrestling was a sport that revolved around unpredictability. You had to be adaptable, flexible, able to roll with the punches. This wouldn’t be the last time a curveball was thrown her way, and from what she knew about Kyo, he was a decent man. She wasn’t getting thrown to the wolves. Relax.

She stood up straight, closed her eyes, and forced her breathing to study, taking in deep breaths. In, out. In, out.”[/color]

”Valley-san?” She was interrupted by a voice from down the hall, one of the stagehands calling her way. ”You’re up! It’s time!”

So it was. Valerie gave herself a quick slap on the face, hyped herself up, and marched towards the curtain.
Valley Doll III
What are you willing to lose? You cover your wounds, but underneath them
A million voices in your head that whisper, "Stop, now"
Another twist of the knife, turn of the screws, it's all in your mind and it's fighting you
Arm yourself, a storm is coming…
Valerie emerged from the shadows as her theme song thundered and the crowd cheered, recognizing the rare treat they were about to receive. She appreciated their enthusiasm, but she wouldn’t acknowledge it. She’d never been much of a people pleaser, and she only wanted to focus on one thing tonight. Only one man.

She made her way up the steps, vaulted over the ropes and dropped down to face him in the middle of the ring. She would give him a thorough look over after a moment, but before she did, there was something she needed to do.

Valerie made her way to the middle of the ring, leaned forward, closed her eyes, and gave him a solemn bow. ”Akamatsu-san.” She spoke with the kind of natural accent that most wouldn’t have expected from a woman who looked like her - she’d been born in Japan, raised here more than anywhere else, and it seemed fitting to speak with him in the language of their shared homeland. [“It’s good to finally meet you. I’m looking forward to this.”]

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Re: A Clash of Legacies: Kyo Akamatsu vs Valley Doll III

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As Kyo waited, he realized that he should have told Makie about this match.

It had been hard to get a hold of Makie as of late; when she wasn't doing her current studies at university, she was either training intensely or, in what little downtime she had, hanging out with her few friends. Even so, a simple text would have been enough. She would have liked to know that Kyo was possibly, maybe, about to fight the woman who had feuded with and defeated their father all those years ago. The more Kyo thought on the matter, the more he realized she was going to be pissed that he didn't tell her.

He was snapped back to reality when an entrance theme blared, and his opponent made her entrance.

He didn't know what to expect at first, but the woman who came striding into the ring at that moment was definitely not Valley Doll. For one thing, she was a lot younger-- not just younger than Valley Doll probably was right now, but younger than that woman had been when she had fought his father. Her body shape was different as well: Valley Doll had been tall, slender, graceful even, with a body that had been well suited for high flying acrobatics. This woman, though, was notably stockier, with a lot more firmly-defined muscle. She looked less like a high flyer and more like a power house, and her posture and the way she walked reinforced that impression.

And yet, all the same, she still had several similar visual hallmarks to Valley Doll: the short cropped blonde hair, the California tan, the white and pink outfit...

And then it suddenly clicked. Kyo dimly remembered that Valley Doll had ultimately settled down with her partner, the equally famed Haley "Silver Ace" Cote, and the two of them had started a family. A family, Kyo now remembered, that included a daughter who had been named after one of her moms.

And Valley Doll III had certainly followed in her mother's footsteps. As she slid into the ring, Kyo finally took a few seconds to look his opponent over, just as she did the same to him. She was definitely a powerful woman, easily a match for Kyo in height and weight, and he got the impression that she was probably well-versed in a variety of power moves with which to take advantage of that toned physique. As Kyo watched, Valley took a step closer...and to his surprise, spoke to him in perfect Japanese, even doing a proper bow as she greeted him (a simple act that so many foreigners got wrong by bowing far too deeply). Clearly, Valley Doll III was full of surprises.

Kyo smiled and returned the gesture. "As am I, Valley-san," he replied. "And the pleasure is all mine." He allowed his smile to widen a little. "If I remember correctly, the score between your mother and my dad was two-one in her favour, right? I look forward to evening that score tonight."

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Re: A Clash of Legacies: Kyo Akamatsu vs Valley Doll III

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While Valley knew about Kyo by reputation, this would be their first time meeting face-to-face, and she knew nothing about him from a personal standpoint. That brought with it a certain amount of risk. A risk that she could insult him without know, as occasionally happened when her countrymen would refuse to see her as a native and think she was mocking them with her gestures. He could’ve been the type to take their parents' rivalry too seriously, and come at her with hatred, thinking they had something to prove for their legacy. There was the off-chance that Kyo was just a jerk for reasons that had nothing to do with anything.

Fortunately, that seemed not to be the case. She was greeted with the same warmth she put out, and she couldn't help but smile a little at the kind words. She wasn’t looking to make friends in LAW, but she wasn’t out to make enemies, either. No more than need be.

”Is it? I honestly can’t recall.” A lie, clearly, and a bit of a taunt. Not her forte, but she couldn't resist a tiny jab. ”But if you say so. I don’t think our parents would see it that way.” She tipped her head to the side. ”A shame we’ll never find out.”

And that was as much trash talk as she was willing to indulge in. For the moment.

She stepped back and looked at him, sizing him from head to toe. Fit, athletic, she would even go as far as to say handsome, not that the last one mattered much at the moment. They were either the same height or so close that you couldn't tell who was taller without a ruler, and a fine one. There was no way to know how he wrestled - it was tempting to just think of him as a clone of his father, but the apple could fall from the tree, and she knew that better than just about anyone.

Start slow. Be observant. Patience, Valerie.

Not wanting to waste more time, she dropped into her grappling stance and took her place in the middle of the ring as the referee came between them. Bouncing on her heels, she stayed loose, with her eyes focused straight ahead. Just waiting and watching.

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Re: A Clash of Legacies: Kyo Akamatsu vs Valley Doll III

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Unlike her legendary mother, Kyo knew next to nothing about Valley Doll III-- her skillset, any of her matches, any federations she had previously fought in, etc. It was possible that she was new to LAW, though if she had any unease over this fact, then she was hiding it well. Either way, he was happy to see that she wasn't coming into this match with any hostility over their parents' rivalry, or any arrogance from having come from such a prestigious wrestling bloodline: she seemed amiable and good-natured, and even returned Kyo's playful quip with one of her own.

A shame we'll never find out. That comment almost broke Kyo's smile, though. Both of his parents had been dead for years now: neither of them would get to see this matchup. He tried to put the thought out of his head and focus on the match-- that, at least was what Valley seemed to be doing right now, stepping back and dropping into a classic grappling stance, both the pose and that white-and-pink singlet of hers making it clear that she was coming from a strong amateur wrestling background. Getting into a grapple with her was definitely going to be a challenge...though Kyo was not going to be so rude as to turn it down.

Mirroring Valley's posture, Kyo locked eyes with her...and then the bell rang. Hopping lightly on his feet, he circled his amazonian foe, arms raised, moving in to meet her for a classic collar and elbow lockup...

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Re: A Clash of Legacies: Kyo Akamatsu vs Valley Doll III

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Valerie couldn't help but notice Kyo’s smile falter - had she done something wrong in mentioning his father? Even though she’d never had one - not in the traditional sense - she knew that could be a sensitive subject, especially with some men. If it was a taboo topic, it didn’t seem like it upset him enough to mention things - no, he focused on her, eyes locked on the fight as the crowd raged around them.

She dropped into her stance, and he did the same, almost mirroring her own to perfection. That alone didn’t tell her much, it was nothing she wouldn’t expect from any half-decent professional wrestler, but there was no way to know if he was just versed in the basics or was familiar with the more advanced techniques.

She knew how to find out, though.

Valerie moved in, locked horns, and put much of her strength into a forward push. Not her full power, mind you - just enough to keep him at bay and not get overpowered, enough to jolt him this way and that, to get a good feel for what he could and couldn't do.

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Re: A Clash of Legacies: Kyo Akamatsu vs Valley Doll III

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Kyo's eyes locked with Valley's as the two circles. At that moment, all other things-- the crowd around them, the family legacies they were carrying-- none of that mattered. Each of them was focused solely on their opponent as they circled, watching, waiting for the moment to go for it...

And then, in an instant, they were both darting in, arms intertwining in a classic lockup. They collided with a crash, arms interlocking as they pushed and twisted against one another, foreheads almost meeting as they tussled. Kyo was not going in with his full strength, though, and judging from the pushback he was feeling from Valley's powerful arms, he could tell she was doing the same. Both were just getting a feel for one another, each getting a sense of the other's strength and technique.

Kyo decided to ramp it up a notch, pouring on the pressure as he tried tried to force Valley back, wanting to see how she would react...

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Re: A Clash of Legacies: Kyo Akamatsu vs Valley Doll III

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Not bad, not bad. He knew what he was doing, no question there. He reminded her a little bit of a younger Riyu - solid technique, intelligent movements, strong form. She suspected he would be more lively than the older wrestler had been, trading in that wealth of experience for youthful vigor.

He amped up the pressure and forced her back a few steps before she hammered down with her foot and stopped it cold. A little more, a little more - she could hold her own, but it didn’t feel like she was making much headway. She would say they were even, for the most part, with a slight edge on his part. Not enough to matter. His body wasn’t for show, this was good confirmation of that.

Nice, nice. But could he dance?

Valley twisted hard right, then made a sudden shift to the left, trying to throw him off, while her arm came around his head in a headlock attempt, trying to see if she could take some early control.

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Re: A Clash of Legacies: Kyo Akamatsu vs Valley Doll III

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And just like that, Kyo felt a buildup of pressure back from Valley, and then he was stopped dead in his tracks. Valley became an immoveable wall, and all of his pushing against her yielded nothing. Damn it all, but those muscles of hers clearly weren't for show.

He was able to compliment her on just that, albeit through gritted teeth, when the blonde suddenly twisted hard. The next thing Kyo knew, he was being locked in a tight side headlock, immediately catching his head in a vice between her powerful arm and her rock hard abs. A slight exhalation of pain escaped Kyo's lips as he felt like his head was now being ground between a rock and a hard place. And,of course, he was trying to ignore the fact that the side of his face was also being pressed up slightly against Valley's ample cleavage...

Well, if Valley wanted to dance, two could play this game. He grabbed onto his wrists with both hands, and twisted. If all went according to plan, he would break Valley's hold and twist free, folding her arm up behind her back as he caught her in a standing chickenwing hammerlock.

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Re: A Clash of Legacies: Kyo Akamatsu vs Valley Doll III

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Valley Doll Sr. always liked to chide her daughter about how slow her style was, trying to get her to add more flash to her substance to please the crowd. The moonsaults, the flips, the dives, the wild moves left the crowd gasping and made their hands clap. It was something that her brother was good at, that showmanship that was part and parcel of the trade, but she frankly didn’t care much for it.

Grounded wrestling. Basic. Fundamentals. They worked just fine for her most of the time, and it wasn’t as if that style didn't have its fan. She saw more than a few eyes gazing at her form intently as she and Kyo grappled, trying to see who would come out on top of their heated exchanges. Of course, they could’ve been ogling her in the singlet, but she liked to think better of people until given ample reason to do otherwise.

It was a distant thought in her head as she tried to keep Kyo under control, securing a tight headlock. The man proved to be more wily than she expected, though, and showed his ring prowess when he slipped free an d took her with a hammerlock, deftly locking it in. She couldn't stifle her yelp as her arm was wrenched, but she resisted the urge to fight with a futile struggle - this wasn’t a move she could power out of, and they both knew it.

Instead, Valerie spread her legs, lowered, and leaned forward to create some space between their bodies - not much, but just enough for her to reach back, trying to get her arm around his neck and pull him to the mat with a headlock takedown.

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