The SHE1 Climax

Post your pitch for an event here if you feel confident about your ability to run/drive your event idea yourself. You can engage moderators/staff if you need a dedicated subforum/section for your event to exist in, but outside of that, you will organize and schedule your event, yourself.
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The SHE1 Climax

Unread post by Hills »


Standard. Hentai. Extreme rules. These three pillars hold up the wide variety of matches that make LAW the uncontested pinnacle of the wrestling world.
Each category contains dozens of stipulations, and constant innovation expands these lists every day. While no wrestler can expect to spend their whole career performing only in ordinary matches without gimmicks, few indeed are those who can excel in all three areas. For those who consider themselves the best of the best, able to compete on every stage, against any opponent: this is your chance to prove it.

What is the SHE1 Climax?

Well, other than an absolutely atrocious pun, the SHE1 Climax is a round-robin tournament designed to showcase the skills of the most versatile wrestlers in LAW. Each participant will compete with the others across matches including all three of the broad categories under which most stipulations fall. Each victory earns 2 points. A draw provides 1, and a loss 0. The combatant with the most points at the end of the tournament is declared the winner, earning a prestigious pat on the back and possibly a plastic plaque celebrating their accomplishment.

What is the event structure?

This is a proof-of-concept for what I'm hoping to make an annual event, so I'm keeping the scope extremely limited. The tournament will have 4 total participants, meaning three matches for each wrestler. Every wrestler will need to compete in one each of a hardcore match, a hentai match, and a third gimmick match that does not fall under the previous two categories. In-setting, the stipulation for each match is selected randomly just before the match itself takes place, giving almost no time to prepare for the two wrestlers.

As the event organizer, I will be in charge of both determining each match's stipulation and booking winners and losers. I'll factor player opinions in, but the final decisions will be mine.

What do I need to enter?

There are only two requirements for participating characters:
  1. Must have competed in gimmick matches of all three types. Standard (any match stipulation that allows for loss by disqualification), Hentai (any match with rules mandating/explicitly allowing nudity or orgasms), and hardcore (any match that freely allows actions that are normally illegal).
  2. Female. If the proof of concept succeeds, I do want to eventually expand it to include MvM and mixed matches, but I'm keeping the scope as focused as possible for the test run.
For players, I'll be looking at the following if I get more than 4 applicants:
  1. Posting rate. More frequent and consistent posters will get priority. Stalled matches kill events. The round-robin nature of the event means that each player will need to handle all three matches simultaneously, which can be a lot depending on the player's comfort levels.
  2. Comfort levels. I'm not planning to push the limits of any of the matches to extreme fetishes or violence, but the sheer variety of gimmicks available means that I might touch on something that's not comfortable for some players, so broader comfort zones will work better. I will never deliberately ask for participation in any match that makes a player uncomfortable or triggered.
  3. Flexibility. If you're totally unwilling for your character to lose all three matches they participate in, I'd recommend against joining this event. I want to give everyone a chance to shine, but my highest priority is creating the best story from the event that I can.
Eligible Players and Characters
  1. Bare: Sheena
  2. Bearhug Goddess: Quetzlcoatl
  3. Black Akuma: Sheila
  4. Rymiscuius: Angelina, Evelyn, or Karla
Last edited by Hills on Wed Sep 13, 2023 3:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The SHE1 Climax

Unread post by Bare »

Hi hi! Would love to enter sheena into this :3 ... 58#p149258

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Re: The SHE1 Climax

Unread post by Bearhug Goddess »

Hey, I'd like to use Quetzalcoatl on this event uwu
Wha-What's this ?... A-A thread request ?! For me ???!
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Re: The SHE1 Climax

Unread post by anime_hentaifighter »

I be interested in joining this , but unsure who to use at the moment

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Re: The SHE1 Climax

Unread post by The_Soul_of_Kia »

I haven't completed enough threads to qualify for this, but very interested to see how it goes!

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Re: The SHE1 Climax

Unread post by BlackAkuma »

Must have competed in gimmick matches of all three types. Standard (any match stipulation that allows for loss by disqualification), Hentai (any match with rules mandating nudity or orgasms), and hardcore (any match that freely allows actions that are normally illegal).
Must the match be completed?

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Re: The SHE1 Climax

Unread post by Hills »

Completed is preferable, but substantial progress is still qualifying.
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Re: The SHE1 Climax

Unread post by FreestylePoet »

I'll offer Satsuki for this event. If the entry criteria are an in-universe requirement, she probably doesn't fit the bill. Out-of-universe/on a meta level, her FCA match with Wyvern and her bar brawl with Angie fit the bill for a hardcore match.

Full disclosure: I'm cool if my recent posting record bars me from the event. This is a really cool idea and I'm eager to see it pulled off!

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Re: The SHE1 Climax

Unread post by Monsy »

Angelina, Evelyn and Karla are the only ones that qualify on my roster. It would be neato to toss one in.
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