Main Event: Rylie Marshall vs Drake Benton - Falls Count Anywhere Match

Supercard event at the Tokyo Dome featuring mixed wrestling matches to showcase LAW's mixed division
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Main Event: Rylie Marshall vs Drake Benton - Falls Count Anywhere Match

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Falls Count Anywhere Match: Victory to be decided via pinfall, submission, or knockout anywhere in or out of the arena.

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Re: Main Event: Rylie Marshall vs Drake Benton - Falls Count Anywhere Match

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The time had come. Drake Benton was ready for war. He was already making history as the first man to go for a title belt. And given his size and monstrous physicality, he was an odds on favorite too. All that stood in the way of him getting historic gold was one woman: Rylie Marshall. The two had engaged in a war of words for many weeks now. Drake had one by one made his way through Rylie's friends, destroying them with overwhelming force. First Oscar, then Rylie's girlfriend Moira, then her friend Katrina Kelly. Now it was the two of them one on one. Drake shadowboxed to wait for his cue.
The crowd erupted in a chorus of boos when Drake's music played. However when Drake emerged, the crowd went quiet. None of them expected what they saw: Drake stood before them fully clad in hockey pads, a goalie helmet, and a hockey mask. With a hockey stick in one hand and a large baseball glove in the other, it was like the 6'6" monster was a giant armored mech. He lumbered to the ring like only an unstoppable force could. He walked up the ring steps and pushed his way in between the ropes where he waited for his opponent to show herself.
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Re: Main Event: Rylie Marshall vs Drake Benton - Falls Count Anywhere Match

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A new theme for Rylie filled the air as Rylie stepped out from behind the curtain one hand kept a grip of the belt she had over one shoulder while her other hand had her baseball bat resting on her other shoulder. She kept her head down, even as the crowd popped for their favorite Rascal as she just smirked as she kept her head down.

"Ladies and gentleman, here is your main event. This is a Falls Count Anywhere match for the Lawless Championship belt. In this corner at 6'6 and weight in at 275 pounds and hailing from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He is The Steel Collosus. Drrraaakkkkeee Bentonnnnnn! And his opponent, standing in at 5'10 and weighting in at 148 pounds. Hailing from your nearest game store dumpster. She is the Trash Queen and Lawless Champion. The Rascal Rrrryyyyllliiieeeee Marshalllll!"

And the ending of the announcement came the perfect time as Rylie kept her head down mouthing the lyrics to the entrance of what she chose for this match.
You wanna see a war?
I'm here to settle scores

Rylie then lifted her head up to stare at Drake.
Sic the hounds, cut you down from your high horse.

She then lifted her leg high into the air and stomped it down as a line of pyro rose up behind her as she let out a battle shout as she raised her belt in the air as she continued to mouth the lyrics as she made her way to the ring.
Is this what you want?
Is this what you need?
Rip the flesh from the bone of the hand that feeds
You wanna see a war?
I'm here to settle scores
Sic the hounds, cut you down from your high horse

As she was staring as she made her way to the ring, she kept a poker face as she observed how armored Drake was as she though to himself. "Damn, jockadin actually pulled a smart move and bumped up his AC with all that armor, and of course he's wearing a helmet to protect his face that deserves a good punch that mother fu.." Nevertheless she was always thinking and was looking at how to properly unfasten his helmet and how to properly strip away his armor. At that time of her thoughts ending, fireworks started to explode behind her, as more budget went into giving Rylie a show of an entrance since it was the final match of the night.

She marched up the steps walked along the edge of the ring, getting to the center as she turned around and sat on the middle rope as she leaned back, striking a pose as she smirked at the crowd before spinning herself to enter in the ring. She then tossed her bat to the corner of the ring and then gave her belt to the referee, who walked over to Drake to show him what he was fighting for as Rylie kept her eyes narrowed on the prize as she stretched herself. Despite her long hair and losing the racoon face paint, she kept her raccoon ears and tail and kept her wrestling outfit of her blue and black two piece bikini, her darker blue and black plaid flannel tied around her waist and black and blue leather steel-toed boots as she punched her fists and cracked her knuckles and cracked her neck as she waited for the bell to ring.
Last edited by SimplyWoo on Sun Sep 03, 2023 3:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Main Event: Rylie Marshall vs Drake Benton - Falls Count Anywhere Match

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Drake stood across from Rylie and soaked in the crowd as the announcer introduced them. Drake loved the big fight feel of this all and was smiling under the red-painted hockey mask. This was his moment, he felt. When the announcer finished, Drake mustered up as serious a tone as he could and said, ”Here we are, Rylie. You’re the last one of your band of nerds to beat. For glory!” As he talked, Drake pressed a clicker in his hockey pads. Boss music from Drake’s favorite video game series ever began playing from speakers Drake had previously placed around the ring.
The moment the bell rang, Drake wound up his hockey stick and swung for Rylie.
Last edited by ScylliasExoter on Mon Sep 04, 2023 1:03 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Main Event: Rylie Marshall vs Drake Benton - Falls Count Anywhere Match

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As the bell rang, Rylie took a few steps forward as she noticed Drake began to swing at her with a hockey stick. She brought her hands up to catch the stick, but the impact still forced her to jerk to the side a few steps as she kept a death grip on Drake's Hockey stick as she grunted through the pain as she growled at him. "Glory this asshole!" She growled out as she jerked again, this time pulling herself so she would fall back and make Drake stumble forward. When she did that, she swung her foot up, looking to either plant a foot into his abs or swing it into his groin, but the main thing she was attempting to do was guide Drake's stumble into slipping between the ropes to have him crashing to the outside!

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Re: Main Event: Rylie Marshall vs Drake Benton - Falls Count Anywhere Match

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Drake swung downward with his hockey stick. He felt a satisfactory Thwack! when Rylie raised her hands but was then surprised to see she had caught it. Now in a tug of war, Drake attempted to charge at her to flatten her like a pancake. Unfortunately for him, Rylie fell backwards and got a boot up. Drake’s momentum carried him into her boot and flipped him over Rylie. Drake went tumbling against the ropes and fell through them to the outside. His hockey pad armor protected him from the worst of the impact. Drake got up, red faced and mad.

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Re: Main Event: Rylie Marshall vs Drake Benton - Falls Count Anywhere Match

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"Liquid!!!!" Rylie screamed out, joking about a scene from Metal Gear Solid 4 as she then rolled her way out of the ring towards the direction of her bat, picking it up in the process. She then came around the corner, twirling her bat in her hand. She noted his padding and went for where he wasn't padded and cupped one hand over to top of the bat as she swung to try to jab him in the stomach with her bat that had a racoon tail keychain screwed to the bottom tip of said bat.
Last edited by SimplyWoo on Mon Sep 04, 2023 1:59 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Main Event: Rylie Marshall vs Drake Benton - Falls Count Anywhere Match

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Rylie was devilishly fast, but Drake still saw her coming. With her hated bat no less. Drake let out a grunt of pain as she jabbed him in the stomach. It was here that Drake would use perhaps the most valuable tool in his arsenal: the catcher’s baseball glove. The Colossus tanked the admittedly painful blow and grabbed the bat with his baseball glove. Drake attempted to tear the bat from Rylie’s hands and backhand her in the process.

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Re: Main Event: Rylie Marshall vs Drake Benton - Falls Count Anywhere Match

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Rylie smirked as she gut checked Drake with the bat, but then gasped out as Drake managed to jerk the bat away from her. "Hey!" She her face was then rocked by a backhand, but that made her let out a guttural growl as she lunged at Drake but twirled around behind him before leaping up to hook one arm around his neck while her other hand gripped at the face guard on his helmet, beginning to pull back on his helmet to try to force it off of his head as her legs clamped around his ribs to hang on while she worked on the helmet as Rylie's tail straightened up behind her like a pissed off cat.

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Re: Main Event: Rylie Marshall vs Drake Benton - Falls Count Anywhere Match

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Drake flailed about wildly while Rylie latched onto him like a human backpack. She relentlessly tore at his hockey mask. Drake turned around and began a lumbering run backwards towards the ring post. He was too slow to stop Rylie from pulling the mask off his face, but managed to slam her into the ring post back first. The two of them went tumbling to the ground, Drake now without his precious head protection. A look of frustration filled his face that he wasn’t putting her away as easily as he did Oscar and Katrina.
Last edited by ScylliasExoter on Wed Sep 06, 2023 1:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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