The Bitter End

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The Bitter End

Unread post by Teenwrestler »

This was not how he envisioned his LAW wrestling career to start. He had high hopes for trying to capture of the heart of Belinda but it was made clear from the day he met her that he would have no chance in that. With that revelation, the Dane decided to re-evaluate his decision to even coming here at law and that maybe this was all a mistake. The silver haired male wrestler decided to stall his contract signing because he was sure that he would not be able to co-exist in a federation with Belinda and Astrid. One of them had to go and after years of trying to overcome his weaknesses, he was not going to back off without a fight.

He would confront Astrid but now he had to face Belinda. He came here to try and impress her, win her heart and wrestle with her not against. Things did not work out the way he wanted and now he was wrestling against the very reason he decided to come to LAW in the first place. He had a lot of thought on this, the stakes were high but he was ready. He changed into his wrestling attire which was simply a pair of red wrestling briefs and black boots. There would be no rules or limits, all they had to do was make the other say I quit leading to one of them leaving LAW forever.
Main Wrestling Attire
He would make his way out of the locker room, having a stoic and serious expression while walking towards the empty ring in the gym. There was nobody here that would disturb them, no gym goers, no officials, no management. He was ready to put everything on risk for this wrestling match. Lucas has been training, wrestling hard and though this was going to be his first official match against a pro, he was certain that he would defeat the woman he loved.

He would stand in the middle of the ring. "Belinda...." he said, watching her make her way to the ring....
Last edited by Teenwrestler on Fri Sep 01, 2023 2:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Bitter End

Unread post by Devastated »

Things had certainly taken a turn for the worse in terms of the relationship between Lucas and Belinda, she hadn't expected a confession in their first meeting after a few years, but that was what had occurred. She also hadn't expected to get hit with a challenge right after that, one which the blonde wasn't very comfortable with. She would shake her head as she finished putting on her attire. This wasn't really an official match or anything, but because Lucas seemed to be serious about this, she was going to oblige him and be as serious about it as she could be.
Belinda had chosen to go with her standard attire, she would roll her shoulders as she stepped out of the locker room and entered the gym. She would make her way towards the ring where Lucas was standing. Climbing into it and walking up to the center of the ring to stand face to face with the Dane, Belinda would let out a soft sigh.

"Well, here we are Lucas. Are you sure you want to do this?"
Last edited by Devastated on Fri Sep 01, 2023 2:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Bitter End

Unread post by Teenwrestler »

He was not quite so sure how things ended up the way they did but he was sure that there was no way he could share the ring, locker room or common areas with Belinda while she was in a relationship with someone else. He was so sure that things would work out that he didn't really have a back up plan, when Belinda was not ready to see him as a love-interest he had no choice but to challenge her to a match and should he be victorious then the blonde would be the one forced to leave LAW and have her dreams be shattered.

Those were the thoughts racing in his mind as he heard Belinda enter in the gym room and make her way towards the ring where was standing still and in a stoic manner. She would walk up to him, face to face. She asked if him if he really wanted to do this, the truth was that he was not sure but once again they were too far in this to back down. One of them will have to quit.

"I don't think I have a choice" he would say, looking to ram his knee into her abdomen. If that worked, he would grab her hair and shove her head under his arm, looking to try and lift her up and slam her down for a vertical suplex.

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Re: The Bitter End

Unread post by Devastated »

Belinda looked on at Lucas, she questioned if this was really what he wanted to do, if this was really how he wanted things to go down between them. His solemn answer was all she got though, there was no hope for this situation it seemed as they would be forced to battle out and the loser would leave LAW. That point was made all the more clear to Belinda when Lucas threw his knee up and smashed it into her abdomen!

"Guuh!" she gasped out as she was forced to double over in front of him, having not been prepared for that knee she was left quite vulnerable in front of her old friend, who took a hold of her short blonde mane and yanked the Belinda forward, placing her head in under his armpit as he then took a hold of her hip and pulled her up into the air, she remained upside down for but a second before she was slammed down hard into the canvas with that vertical suplex!

"Aagh!" the blonde's body bounced upon hitting the canvas, she hissed out through gritted teeth and tried to turn to the side to alleviate the pain in her back.

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