Restart, Revile, Rebuke

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Restart, Revile, Rebuke

Unread post by Devastated »


Belinda Northman had been on quite a ride here in LAW, facing off against quite a colorful cast of wrestlers and ending up with a few rivals and enemies. People she couldn't stand and people she had become great friends with. One of the women that had always rubbed her the wrong way since their very first match had been Helena Dubois. A fearsome competitor whom the blonde had clashed with two times already! Both fights had been neck and neck...however after their cage match things had died down between them. There was no clearing of the air or anything of the sort, but their feud had for the moment at least simmered down.

As Belinda was leaving a meeting which she'd been a part of at the LAW HQ, talking to certain members of staff about somethings with her renewed contract. The blonde found herself thinking about Helena and hers matches. She wasn't entirely sure why, but perhaps it had been something like a premonition, because as she left the office and headed down the elevator...ending up in the lobby, she saw her.

The eyes of Belinda would widen as she ran into Helena, she would walk towards the Canadian wrestler and trying to maintain a friendly disposition the blonde would nod her had. " Helena? Hey there." She spoke out, of course she couldn't exactly fully hide that she felt a bit awkward when it came to greeting a woman whom she'd seen as an enemy.

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Re: Restart, Revile, Rebuke

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Helena had recently been in a bit of a funk. Having lost twice to that part time fortune teller, part time pyschopath Lyra had really put a damper on Helena. Her career had somehow stalled despite her trying to make a case to LAW to put her in more high profile matches. It was a travesty. She was wearing a black suit jacket, pink dress shirt underneath, black skirt, pink heels and had a small laptop bag ready to go make her case as LAW apparently was blind to seeing true female superiority.

It was then that she saw Belinda Northman. Helena scowled, she wanted to just outright destroy this woman right here and now! However part of her knew she couldn't afford to shoot herself in the foot. Her mind raced as Belinda approached with Helena simply glaring and shaking her head at the woman. "Belinda."

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Re: Restart, Revile, Rebuke

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The scowl that Helena threw her way was met with a glare from Belinda, she would fold her arms underneath her chest. The shaking of Helena's head did annoy Belinda though, she clicked her tongue rather loudly. She narrowed her eyes as she stopped a couple of feet away from Helena. The blonde had no love for Helena, they had been rather fearsome competitors...and while she had respect for Helena as an opponent, for her skills in the ring. Belinda had no respect for the woman's conduct or behavior.

After all the first match they had, the blonde had been defeated by Helena grabbing a hold of her trunks for leverage. Though she felt as if she had managed to clear get even with Helena in the cage match they had following that...Belinda couldn't help but feel the animosity in the air between them. It wasn't just coming from Helena either.

" It's been a while." Belinda attempted to make something akin to small talk, but it was rather difficult given the heavy atmosphere that was building up between them. "Didn't think I'd ever run into you again after our cage match." Belinda spoke out, glaring away at her brunette rival.

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Re: Restart, Revile, Rebuke

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Helena could not figure out why the blonde wanted to talk to her. Still she had to put up something of a facade right now. At least for the moment. "Ah yes of course. Everyones favorite plucky hero beat the big bad wolf and it was a joyous occasion wasn't it? I remember that." Helena said still glaring at Belinda. "Are you here to remind me how great and superior the Northman women are?"

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Re: Restart, Revile, Rebuke

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Belinda tried to perhaps ease the tension in the air with a bit of small talk, though judging from Helena's response it was clear that wasn't going to happen. She stopped and would fold her arms underneath her chest as Helena glared at her. Narrowing her eyes a bit in response to her rival's words.

"Didn't peg you for such a sore loser after how you acted after our first bout. Though maybe that's my fault, as bad a loser as you are a winner." Belinda spat out at her rival. She would take a few steps forward until she was just a couple of steps away from Helena. " I hadn't planned on it, but with you spitting venom like's making it rather difficult not firing back."

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Re: Restart, Revile, Rebuke

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"Of course you would say that dear. You show up and everyone loves you for no real reason, and you parade around like some sort of gift to the masses don't you?" Helena said with a smirk. Her smirk turned to a scowl as she stepped up and raked her nails across Belinda's eyes before taking her by the hair smashing her head off the wall as hard as she could before turning to toss Belinda by the hair onto the ground!

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Re: Restart, Revile, Rebuke

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Belinda would keep glaring daggers at Helena as she spoke back, she would keep her hands folded underneath her chest as she let Helena talk. She took a deep breath when Helena was done, huffing out a good deal of air and took a step forward as if she was going to throw a rebuttal at what Helena had said! To Belinda's surprise though, Helena at the same time closed the gap between them...catching the blonde off-guard!

The hand of Helena came right up at the blonde's face, raking those nails across her eyes! "Gaaaaahh!" Belinda shrieked out, she staggered back as her hands reached up to grab at her eyes, trying to rub the pain away and get her vision back. Her hated rival took full advantage of Belinda's temporary blindness though as she grasped at the blonde's short hair and yanked her along, smashing her head into the nearby wall "Gngh!" she grunted as she felt slightly groggy from the hit, her hands reached up to grab at Helena's wrists, but the brunette was already moving! Throwing the blonde by her hair, swinging her down onto the floor where Belinda rolled a bit before coming to a stop.

She groaned out as she started to force herself up towards her hands and knees, bringing one hand up to rub her eyes again. Really taken aback by Helena's sudden attack...and still not really in any shape to fight back.

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Re: Restart, Revile, Rebuke

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Helena was already moving as she threw Belinda to the ground. She had grabbed a chair and folded it up already swinging it down onto Belinda repeatedly! "You are just some spoiled little brat! You shouldn't be mentioned among the greats, you aren't worthy of being in my ring!" Helena shouted as she kept hammering Belinda before thrusting the chair into her abdomen a few more times. Helena was pissed and swinging so wildly that no one dared to try to get in her way until more people arrived to play the numbers game.

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Re: Restart, Revile, Rebuke

Unread post by Devastated »

Belinda was dazed and hurting as she was thrown down onto the floor, she hissed and kicked her feet against the floor a bit. Her eyes still watered from the eye-rake she had been subjected to! She would try and roll over onto her back and rub her eyes...trying to clear up her vision. That was when Helena approached with that folded up chair! She felt it smash right down into the body, the edge of the chair being driven into her belly! The blow caused Belinda to gasp out, air and spittle burst out of her mouth.

Multiple blows followed as Helena hammered away with that chair down on the blonde's belly, meanwhile Belinda did whatever she could to bundle up, trying to use her arms and legs to protect herself...rolling to her side and practically going into a fetal position to protect herself from Helena's violent attack!

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Re: Restart, Revile, Rebuke

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Helena kept hammering Belinda with the chair and knew the rushed footsteps coming were going to try to separate the two. She threw the chair to the side and yanked Belinda up. She stood her up and got underneath her, standing up and then angling herself to face the wall sending Belinda crashing down on the hard floor with her Japanese Ocean Suplex finisher Helena's Hell!

"A parting gift you snobby, bratty bitch." Helena hissed as she stood up and was pulled away from Belinda by a crowd of officials all with a cruel smile etched on her face.

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