
Belinda Northman had been on quite a ride here in LAW, facing off against quite a colorful cast of wrestlers and ending up with a few rivals and enemies. People she couldn't stand and people she had become great friends with. One of the women that had always rubbed her the wrong way since their very first match had been Helena Dubois. A fearsome competitor whom the blonde had clashed with two times already! Both fights had been neck and neck...however after their cage match things had died down between them. There was no clearing of the air or anything of the sort, but their feud had for the moment at least simmered down.
As Belinda was leaving a meeting which she'd been a part of at the LAW HQ, talking to certain members of staff about somethings with her renewed contract. The blonde found herself thinking about Helena and hers matches. She wasn't entirely sure why, but perhaps it had been something like a premonition, because as she left the office and headed down the elevator...ending up in the lobby, she saw her.
The eyes of Belinda would widen as she ran into Helena, she would walk towards the Canadian wrestler and trying to maintain a friendly disposition the blonde would nod her had. " Helena? Hey there." She spoke out, of course she couldn't exactly fully hide that she felt a bit awkward when it came to greeting a woman whom she'd seen as an enemy.