Two Clueless Girls

Spars, workouts, and other such gym rp's go here. There are many different LAW gyms stationed throughout Japan.
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Two Clueless Girls

Unread post by saasländer »

Few days passed since her introduction to the LAW facility, to be specific the facility made extra for the young lioness program. Shyvanna was still after the days and even meeting a few people, skeptic about this whole thing. It still felt slightly brighter, nicer and with different rules, fighting organization, like the one from her past. In the end it is the same. Being strong, so you can survive them trying to kill you.

Still she tried. After all her caretaker, Mr. Kento tried his best to make sure she did not end up in prison, a place worse than her previous stay, something she did not want. So in the end all she could do was doing what was asked from her and train to be a wrestler.

She could atleast got her collar removed while being in the facility. She was confused, why she needed to wear it outside of the LAW buildings, but Kento told her, that beside her cooperation is a forced safety measurment from the law, so she could not do much against it other than behave.

This led her to find the sparring and training room, with a big Ring in the middle and various tools and machines around it. Wearing her standard purple Sport pants and bra, her face showed clear confusion, as she never saw this kind of tools before.

"What is that?"

She asked as she approached a treadmill. Being alone in the gym for now, she had no one who could explain to her what it was. So getting on it she looked at the various buttons and with curiosity pressed one.

"What does it-Wooaaah!"

Without warning the treadmill sprung to life with max speed launching the unprepared lioness of it making her fall on the back hard.

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Re: Two Clueless Girls

Unread post by The460Slayer »

Another girl was around in the gym, laying in the floor while doing abdominal exercises. The girl was known as Yun, someone with a little more experience in MMA than in wrestling, but she thought that nothing could go wrong if she gives it a try.

The bluish black haired girl stopped at the number 30 and rests for some seconds. When she was doing her routine, she didn't noticed the presence of the other girl. When she was going to start her second series, she hears the noises of someone falling from a treadmill and stops at number 1, sitting and getting up to check, and... there she sees the girl in the floor after failing to use the treadmill.

"Uhhh, are you okay?" Yun asked to the other girl as trying to help her to get up after what she could hear as a rough landing.

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Re: Two Clueless Girls

Unread post by saasländer »

Shyvanna groaned in pain and tried to make sense of things, wondering what the purpose of this device was. What was the purpose of these things to fling people away? Maybe there were these kinds of strong people who could fling even her away like nothing?

All these thoughts were able to distract her long enough for Yun to grab her hand with her own and get her back up. Now she was finally able to notice the new presence, as she looked closely at the smaller, bluish-haired fellow lioness. Normally she was very wary of new people, especially an obvious fighter like Yun, but her caution was replaced by two other things that piqued her curiosity.

"You're very strong." commented Shyvanna as she didn't let go of Yun's grip and felt how tight the grip was, showing her that Yun was physically strong. Instant of letting go, she bent down slightly to be at eye level with Yun before pointing at the treadmill with a curious look.

"Do you know the purpose of this launching device? I'm new to this......wrestling stuff, so I'm curious what it's all about, flinging people away?"

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Re: Two Clueless Girls

Unread post by The460Slayer »

After coming closer to the blonde to help her, she just smiled at the compliment. Later, she hears the question and wanted not to laugh, but the words 'launching device' made her laugh softly.

"Oh no no, this isn't a launching device, it's a treadmill and the use of it is to walk, or do a little run. All you have to do is this." Yun said to the blonde while walking towards the same treadmill that 'launched' Shyvanna and steps on both sides before using it and pressing some buttons to chance speed to low, so she can start walking like if she was casually walking on street.

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Re: Two Clueless Girls

Unread post by saasländer »

Shyanna's eyes widened as her expression resembled that of a child seeing something she knew for the first time, like an experiment that made liquid steam.

She watched the bluish-haired girl push the buttons before the launching device went off - no, the treadmill moved slower than she had entered it. With a curious look, she stood on the treadmill next to Yun and pushed the same buttons she had been watching.

With a small yelp of surprise, the machine started as Shyvanna casually walked on it.

"That's interesting."

Shyvanna admitted, amazed at how this device worked, before tilting her head in confusion and turning to Yun.

"But why do we need this? Isn't it just as effective to just walk around?"

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Re: Two Clueless Girls

Unread post by The460Slayer »

Yun got confused again by that question, but she wasn't confused at all to not think of what to say.

"Well, you can change the speed of this thing to a regular number which can make you walk easier. I don't recommend set it up to maximum or you'll be launched again."

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Re: Two Clueless Girls

Unread post by saasländer »

Shyvanna still looked uncertain, but pressed the buttons as her eyes widened and the treadmill increased its speed. She panicked a little, but then her eyes widened when she realized that she could also slow the speed back down. With that, she kept an easy jogging speed and gave Yun a small smile.

"So I still don't see the point if we could just run outside at our speed instead of waiting and determining our speed. Thanks for the explanation though."

Shyvanna thanked her before tilting her head and looking at Yun in confusion.

"I was told that this place is a gym, a place to work out. Are you here to work out too, ....?"

Shyvanna asked, but then broke off awkwardly when she realized she didn't know the name.

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