A Fresh Face in the Gym

Spars, workouts, and other such gym rp's go here. There are many different LAW gyms stationed throughout Japan.
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A Fresh Face in the Gym

Unread post by alexTcarlson »

It was Molly's first time at the LAW Arena, pushing through the doors to the gym. She'd heard about the promotion numerous times, who hadn't? But Red-Light Wrestling was good to her and she never had any reason to look to join, until recently. She entered wearing a matching green sports bra and booty shorts combination and carrying her gym bag loaded with her regular clothes.

There were other people there, but since Molly didn't know anyone, she hung back and checked her phone for messages from the woman she was meeting. “Elsa Winters...” she repeated to herself, going over the texts. She felt a little awkward being an unknown just standing around waiting, but she figured nobody was going to bother her.

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Re: A Fresh Face in the Gym

Unread post by SleeperAgent94 »

Elsa herself had been waiting patiently in the gym, waiting for this mystery woman Emerald. Ever since she had been hired, she made it a point to meet as many of the new talent as possible. Give them a warm welcome, have fun, and show them the ropes! Spotting the lost looking woman checking her phone, she giggled, making her way to the newcomer.

Tapping her on the shoulder, she greeted Emerald with a warm smile,"Well well! Hello there! You must be emerald! The name is Elsa Winters...welcome to LAW!"

She held out her hand in a friendly gesture.

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Re: A Fresh Face in the Gym

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Molly was relieved when someone approached her, and happy to shake her hand. "Hi Elsa! Thanks, I'm really excited to be here. But outside the ring you can just call me Molly."

"So LAW must be a really big production, huh? This place is huge."

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Re: A Fresh Face in the Gym

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Elsa winked, "Molly? Lovely name. Yeah...LAW can feel pretty overwhelming when you first get here. Took me a few days to find my place. But I'm happy here. Hope you will be too!!"

Gesturing for the woman to follow her, she pointed to the locker room, "You'll find a locker in there. I got my gear stashed there for later. Planning a fun little play wrestling session. Nothing competitive. Just for fun!"

Once Molly finished her affairs, Elsa gestured for her to follow her around, "So happy to have you here!"

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Re: A Fresh Face in the Gym

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"Thanks," Molly replied with a smile. It felt a little odd that she'd be wearing just her workout gear while being shown around, and rather skimpy gear at that, but part of her wanted to show off her toned yet smooth physique. "I'm thrilled to be here."

"Fun little play wrestling session, huh?" she said while stashing her bag with her street clothes in it. Molly was already sizing Elsa up by the time she finished the question; she chuckled. "That'd be great."

"So what kinds of wrestling do you usually do here, Elsa?" Molly asked as they walked.

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Re: A Fresh Face in the Gym

Unread post by SleeperAgent94 »

Elsa smiled, a bit embarrassed, "Me? Well I mostly observe the newcomers. I hang around the midcard. Lot more fun there. Have matches with a lot of the talent here. Sometimes I win.....other times I come up short. Not that I mind being pinned by these amazing women. Great wrestlers. Every one of them."

Looking to Molly, she took in her body with an appreciative look in her eye, "You are more than welcome to join! Again, with these sessions, we try to relax a bit. Nothing competitive. OH! Down this hall are the offices...and the private rooms for bed matches. Seriously the beds are so comfy."

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Re: A Fresh Face in the Gym

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"Oh yeah? I can find some good competition here? Great," Molly said, trying to sound tough. "The place I wrestle for now always teams me up with losers, and it's like, what the hell, you know?"

"Nothing competitive, right," she repeated. "That's fine, I like to relax--wait, bed matches? What are those?"

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Re: A Fresh Face in the Gym

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Elsa shrugged, "Winning and losing doesn't matter to me. It's all about the experience wrestling. As far as bed matches....well....they are more hentai focused encounters between two people. Well maintained. I like using them for spars myself.

She smiled at Molly, "This hall is to the main arena. Good proximity to the gym so you can squeeze in a workout before heading to Gorilla position."

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Re: A Fresh Face in the Gym

Unread post by alexTcarlson »

"Hentai, huh? Weird," Molly muttered looking down that particular hallway, then hustled after Elsa. "You use them for spars, like normal spars or like, you know...? If you don't mind me asking... I mean, I'm not judging or anything. They do that kind of thing where I usually wrestle too."

"Oh cool. That'd be great to get a bit of a workout going first. This place is really amazing."

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Re: A Fresh Face in the Gym

Unread post by SleeperAgent94 »

Elsa giggled, "Normal spars. Haven't met a woman who has built up to something like THAT Molly. But I am glad you are enjoying yourself! Is there anything you wish to do?"

She looked her friend up and down with a small smirk, already having a general idea.

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