Secret Weapons

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Secret Weapons

Unread post by CaptainL »

As she prepared to enter the arena, Cynara Morgan looked out through the curtains with a smile on her face. Since she had come to LAW, the former AHW Champion had seen a resurgance in her career, bringing her name to heights it hadn't seen since the glory days of her title run - and she was loving every minute of it. Not only was Cynara integrating herself well in the machinations of LAW, establishing herself as a manager, her daughter Mina had taken part in active competition, and with a strong start to her record, it was looking like the Morgan Dynasty was going to dominate the world of professional wrestling just as it had done with apartment wrestling in decades past. Now, she felt, she was on the cusp of surpassing even her greatest achievements of the past. When she compared those days to how she was now, she never wanted to go back!
At last, the curtains parted, and Cynara stepped out onto the top of the entrance ramp, standing tall and proud. With a dignified grace, she made her way down to the ring with long and careful strides, her chin held high with the regal demeanor that fit her Queen moniker. Several of the fans cheered Cynara, who never failed to get attention wherever she went - she was, after all, an icon of the wrestling world, and even those who weren't familiar with her previous work had quickly become captivated by her commanding presence. Others booed, knowing that she was one to turn a blind eye to the brutality of her clients, and was even willing to bend the rules to give them an edge. But she met those jeers with little more than a pointed glare, never breaking her stately composure. She had a few words to say tonight, and she wouldn't let anything get in the way of those plans.

Something was different about this time, though. This time, Cynara had an entourage. A crew of attendants, all dressed in identical black shirts, followed closely behind her, and they pulled along a wheeled platform, on which was placed a box covered by a black cloth - or, as it became apparent when one looked closely enough to catch sight of bars poking out from beneath the cover, a cage. At this point, there was no way of knowing who - or what - was inside, or why Cynara had it with her. Those sitting closely enough at ringside could swear they heard sounds coming from it - breathing perhaps, or...growls? Regardless, as Cynara went to enter the ring, the platform came to a stop just beside it. Everyone's questions would be answered in time.

One of the crew members passed Cynara a microphone, and she was quick to lift it to her lips, addressing the crowd. "Ladies and gentlemen of LAW and beyond...I'd like to once again give my thanks to this great company for all they've done for me and my family," she said, winning a few cheers in the process. "When I look at where I am today, it's hard for me to believe that just a few years ago - ah, it feels like it was yesterday - I was languishing in obscurity. Oh, sure, I was the trophy wife of a millionaire publisher, living the high life up and down both coasts. But let's be honest, folks, if you know me, you know that that's just not good enough. I may be rich, but I'm not the idle type. People like me, we crave the action. The excitement! The thrills of knowing there's a million eyes on you, waiting on every move you make and everything you say, because to those people, you may just as well be a god! When I was wrestling in the apartments for Dave Moll and the elite, the captains of the industry, that brought me something I could never quite forget. And ever since I've come to LAW, thanks to the generous efforts of Mr. DeFranco here, I dare say I've been able to capture some of that lightning in a bottle again." She lifted a hand to gesture to the crowd. "I'm looking at all of you, right now - go ahead and give yourselves a hand. You people make it all possible. Were it not for your support, this company wouldn't be big enough to even bother to get a name like mine to attach itself to it. So its's thanks to you I'm up there in lights once again!"

After another burst of cheers and applause, Cynara continued. "But, folks, it ain't just that I'm here to talk about! Since I've come on board with LAW, I dare say I've seen my career come to even greater heights than it did in the golden age of AHW! Sure, I may not be a wrestler any more - believe me, I'm just as disappointed about that as all of you are - but thanks to LAW, I'm still able to get involved with the business as a manager, and let me be the first to say there are plenty of ladies in this company who would benefit from me being in their corner for a little advice from one of the greats, and to help shine that spotlight their way. Or take my daughter, Mina, for instance. No, she couldn't make it today, and that's because she's busy training. She's been dominating the competition in every match she's in, and she's got even bigger things on the horizon - I certainly hope you didn't miss her audition tape for Outmatched in Oil. It's to my knowledge that Starship is taking a very close look at her, and I'm optimistic as only a mother could be."

"Let's face it - in the grand scheme of things, the Morgan Dynasty has never been doing better; yes, I'll go ahead right now and call it as it is! By the end of next year, we'll have shown you that we are the most powerful family in wrestling! But my influence goes beyond my flesh and blood. I'm sure you've noticed the cage. I think it's about time we answered the questions I'm sure are on all your minds."

With a flick of her wrist, Cynara unfurled a black paper fan, holding it up to her chin. "Inside this what has been, up to this point, the Morgan Dynasty's secret weapon. A woman more dangerous and more deadly than anything you've seen in LAW so far. A woman not even my own daughter could surpass in ferocity, so I'm very glad they're on the same side. With our resources, we've been able to bring the most fearsome wrestler money can buy over to LAW - and if anyone had any doubts as to the future of the Morgan Dynasty, rest assured, when she's doing our bidding, there's not a soul out there who can stand in our way! So, may I introduce to you all...the newest addition to the LAW roster, paid for by yours truly..."

Gesturing to the cage with a flourish of her fan, Cynara signaled for her attendants to get into position. There, they took hold of the four corners of the cloth covering the cage, and pulled it aside...
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Re: Secret Weapons

Unread post by Monsy »

It’s fantastic to have a job. Any job. Even if she didn’t grasp what it was entirely. It’s a learning experience — one she didn’t expect to get. The job search before had been going poorly — from building to building and crossing it off her list. Bouncer? Not licensed. Delivery courier? Didn’t own a bike or a car. Fast food worker? Couldn’t talk to customers… Meh. Then it was here. LAW. Wet resume. Tryouts. Boom. They don’t comment about what happened there, but it wasn’t a closed secret. She thought it was what they wanted her to do. And to some extent, yes. On the other hand, they REALLY needed to teach her the rules.

But she had the job. At least, they allowed her to creep around the lounge until time was up and she could leave. Strangely, she didn’t see many other wrestlers. The lighting was natural, and easy access to the back roads and alleys. Tall trucks came in and out daily, with teams of employees unloading with hand trucks. Her seat was right by a dumpster and a raccoon, digging out old cups of coffee and leftover fish bones and other trash. She fed him vegetables. Mister Stripe. They were almost on hanging-out terms. When Mister Stripe left for the day, Maze went for her last cup of coffee on the inside, and that’s when, suddenly, she got a promotion—a very undeserved one from a distinguished woman. Someone with a finger on the pulse and knew far more than Maze did, years of experience on top, chatty-chatty but smart. A double thumbs up from Maze.

Things were looking up. The pay seemed better. It would be her first spell with crowds, and she didn’t even need to talk. She just needed to be herself and do as told. Be that animal in a cage. Dark, but not quite so cold. It was claustrophobic. Her arms were crossed over and stuck tight. She began leaning with the cell after overcoming the anxiety of falling. People were buzzing out there, not miles away — but mere metres. Busking never got this intense. Her heart pinched into a new beat.

She recalled one of the things she was told in private. To step up. Easy to say when you’re being thrown into some deep end, with all these new concepts, new wear that restricted movement, something squeezing her neck all at once. That’s when the curtain was pulled, and the crowd soaked her in. Everything from before? Times it by ten. She felt naked and watched, yet trapped in her skin somehow.

Her nose puffs became light pants, growing into snarls. Her neck went stiff and rattled, with neck veins beginning to bulge out. The straitjacket felt tighter, so she twisted side-to-side, kneeing the cage, rearing her head back and slamming it against the bars. Her head was tilted down from the dog muzzle wedging against the bars. She looked between them, panting, glaring with clenched teeth, eyes narrow and stalking the crowd. But once the drama passed, Maze remembered her job — she did her best to calm. Her shoulders slacked, and she sighed, standing upright and smiling with a head tilt, then nudged her shoulder twice. It’s the best wave she could muster.
Last edited by Monsy on Thu Aug 31, 2023 2:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
Monsy's Jobbers

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— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
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— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
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— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
— Vorona = #BFFFFF
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Re: Secret Weapons

Unread post by CaptainL »

With how much Cynara was hyping up her latest client, the fans were on the edges of their seats. Who could be inside the cage - and what would greet them when the cloth that covered it was lifted aside? A menacing heavyweight who would dwarf even Astrid Ostberg? A ruthless veteran who could tear her opponents apart limb from limb without even breaking a sweat? If she was going to be the secret weapon Cynara claimed she was, then certainly she would have to be a fearsome foe indeed. But when the woman in the cage was finally unveiled, the reaction was...underwhelming.

The white-haired girl inside was scruffy-looking, yes. Disheveled, with messy hair and a twitchy look in her eye. But she was far from the most physically imposing specimen. On her, even the straitjacket that bound her arms and the muzzle strapped to her face seemed comical, like she was cosplaying as some ferocious monster more than she actually was one. A few groans of disappointment were heard, and even a few worked up the will to giggle. But Cynara shot those hecklers a withering glare that soon silenced any unwelcome interjections. She had arranged for all this to happen for a reason. She wasn't going to have this moment taken away from her.

"This here," Cynara explained, "is Mazikeen Messina. And if you think she doesn't look like much, well - honey, you haven't seen anything yet. Don't let her size fool you; this chick has more than enough in her to bring even the most accomplished of champions to their knees. It was the folks right here at LAW - yes, those fine men and women who let me stand where I am today - who discovered her, brawling on the streets. Looked like any other street rat - but this one had potential in her. This one wasn't backing down from anything, and she had that killer instinct in her that could make her unstoppable in the right hands. As we took her backstage, we just learned more about her and what she could do. She had the skills, yes. But we needed to bring the best out of her. And me, being the generous soul I am...why, I decided to take her in. With the funds at my disposal, I would be able to provide that extra push she needed to compete at the top of her game. And I felt that if I could bring a poor, unfortunate little urchin off the street, and to use that temper in her to a more...constructive aim, so much more the better. We wouldn't want her to go hungry out there, weould we?"

Even with Cynara's hype, the fans didn't know what to think about Maze. She still hadn't demonstrated anything she could do, exactly. But Cynara had a plan for that, too. And it was then that she looked back over her shoulder at one of the attendants who had helped carry the cage in.


It wasn't just employees and loyal retainers Cynara kept around her. She knew that she needed someone she could trust to let her showcase Maze's abilities to the fullest. And luckily enough, she knew there was someone who would do anything for money. Mizuki Sakura, one of LAW's resident enhancement talent. She knew that, no matter how out of her element she was in the ring and how much she struggled against her foes, Mizuki would stick around as long as she got a paycheck at the end of the day. Cynara, meanwhile, had money to spare, and she knew Mizuki would take her up anything she needed, no questons asked. When Mizuki accepted the job, she had been hesitant about it - she knew how ruthless Cynara was, and she couldn't help but worry there was at least a chance of getting into something illegal. But money was money. And Cynara had been able to offer quite a lot of it.

And it was right then that eagle-eyed fans would notice that one of Cynara's lackeys was none other than LAW's long-suffering college girl herself.

"Mizuki, honey, won't you come on up here?"


With a gulp, Mizuki stepped forward, following Cynara into the ring. She bit her lip and hugged her arms a little closer to herself, trembling as the lights shined down on her - she didn't expect to be part of an announcement this big. Now, it felt like all eyes were on her - more than she was prepared for. At least when she wrestled, it was at least early on in the cards, without much fanfare or attention, which helped to temper the stage fright. Here, though? She was being made a spectacle of in a segment Cynara had already built considerable hype around, and now she was front and center for it. At the least, Cynara wasn't expecting her to wrestle now, right?

"Everyone, say hello to Mizuki Sakura. You no doubt know her well. But she's graciously agreed to help me out tonight. And she's going to be filling in as Mazikeen's first opponent!"

Well, so much for that.

"W-What..!?" Mizuki blurted out, but Cynara continued without skipping a beat. "If you still have any questions about what this girl can assured, those will be answered. You'll get to see her in action, in the spotlight - against Mizuki Sakura, in a match scheduled for one fall! Right here and now, in this very ring!"

The reaction was...mixed. Some people were eager to see a match, and they cheered at any prospect of action, even if they knew Mizuki wouldn't be able to put up much resistance. In fact, for some, that very fact was part of the appeal. Others, however, booed Cynara. If she needed to fall back on paying a jobber like Mizuki to be Maze's first opponent, it cast doubts on whether the white-haired girl would be capable against someone more accomplished, or if Cynara was doing this to make her new client look better than she actually was.

Whatever the case was, however, Mizuki was the most nervous of all. No matter how good Maze was, she was sure she wouldn't stand a chance against her - the only thing she could hope for was that she might maybe be able to leave the ring without a broken bone. She glanced frantically back and forth as a cold sweat ran down her brow. And when her eyes came to rest on Maze, she flashed her an unsteady grin, trying and failing to act natural, before she raised her hand for a hesitant wave. "H-Hi..?" she said, chuckling nervously. Maybe her future opponent wouldn't be that bad. That was all she could hope for.
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Re: Secret Weapons

Unread post by Monsy »

We all had our roles.
Maze knew hers rather simply. Follow the leader. Do that, and it's a job well done. Simple enough. She didn't remember anything else to the itinerary besides standing there and being a type of eye candy they wanted no part of. And to step up. The crowd didn't seem enthused either way, even after she attempted to wave. It likely made no difference. That wasn't her fault, right? Was there something else she needed to be doing? No way was she cutting a promo, and there didn't seem to be anyone to fight. Maybe today was going to be rough. And so long as she wasn't fired, that would be ok.

However, Cynara then calls a name.
It had her searching, then over to the brunette. Both Mizuki and Maze shared a moment of confusion and, just as quickly, resigned to their posts when the intention was revealed. Just who was she here? A helping hand?

A relatively well-known one, if Cynara says so, and the mixed crowd reactions. She had no idea what she was listening to. Why are they cheering? And why are they booing? There was something wrong and perplexing about it. It made her look out to the rows and start staring at them like they were the weird ones. At the very least, it made her anxiety calm down. The bandaid was ripped off, and she began to adapt.

The lock on her cage clicked, and Maze focused. The door creaked open, and she stepped onto the canvas, looking down at her boots. Then, the straitjacket is opened at the chest, and Maze lets it slip off her shoulders and hang on her arms. She stretched her arms high, then slowly folded them down to undo the muzzle and let that fall too. It's all free.... Except for her collar.
She was left in a two-piece set. A tight black cropped top over the bust, dog-tags on-top and loose white wraps underneath, then black short-shorts and finished with shin-high black lace-ups. Her exposed midriff was toned, with a black strap over just under a scar over her waist. To Mizuki's greeting, Maze stepped closer to her, looking slightly down, neutral-faced. She placed a hand to her forehead and extended it for a simple hello. Then she took both hands, folded the middle fingers, and flicked her hands up from her chest, tilting the head. What's up?
Last edited by Monsy on Thu Aug 31, 2023 2:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
Monsy's Jobbers

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— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
— Daishouri = #FFEB80
— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
— Nyarlathotep = #0000FF
— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
— Vorona = #BFFFFF
— Maisilyn Madison = #00A36C
— Jianying Tai = #464645
— Karolina Reinhardt = #FF0000
— Karla Reinhardt = #A30000

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Re: Secret Weapons

Unread post by CaptainL »

Now came the time for Maze to be released from her restraints - and as Cynara's other hired goons led her out of the cage and undid all the locks and chains about her one by one, Mizuki could only look on with wide eyes, hugging her arms closer to herself to try and keep herself from trembling too much. She had no idea what to expect from Maze, but anyone who needed this many chains to keep her under control had to be formidable indeed - what other reason would she need to be locked up so tightly, unless she was a danger even to her own masters? Certainly, when the white-haired girl strode out in front of her in her full glory, she cut a tall and imposing figure, one that made the hairs stand up on the back of Mizuki's neck as her muscles went tense and she took in a gulp. She looked exactly like the sort of opponent who would give her a reason to be afraid. Maybe even for her life.

...Which was why it came as something a surprise when, rather than make threats or talk big or fix any withering glares on her, Maze simply returned her greeting like they were just here to make small talk, and not about to beat each other up. Mizuki had to blink a few times - it didn't make any sense to her, with how much of a threat her opponent was being hyped up to be, that she'd be so nonchalant, and so personal. But meant that Maze wouldn't be so bad after all?

Before Mizuki could say anything more, however, Cynara cut in, shooting her a cold look. "Alright, Mizuki. You're gonna get ready too, aren't you?"

"H-Huh? Me..!?" The brunette looked back at Cynara with a gasp, as sweat beaded on the back of her neck. What did she mean by that? How was she supposed to prepare when she didn't even know, up to this point, that she'd be in a match at all? She didn't have any gear on her - not that she had any proper gear to begin with right now. "B-But I don't-"

"Mizuki." Cynara punctuated her words with a step forward, crossing her arms; her footsteps fell with all the weight of her imperious presence, and when Mizuki let out a gasp, everyone knew she felt all of it. "You're not going to leave these fine people waiting, are you?"

", ma'am..."

"Good. Then get to it. Chop chop."

Mizuki swallowed another gulp. She was blushing hard even before the act had begun. But she tossed her hat toward Cynara before she looked down, squeezing her eyes shut to avoid needing to face the crowd as her trembling hands began to unbutton her shirt. Then she stepped out of her shoes, shrugged her shirt off, and started working on her pants. She was faced with plenty of laughs, cheers, and wolf-whistles from the fans, which only made her cheeks flush hotter; she had to squeeze her eyes shut even tighter to stifle any tears of embarrassment. But when at last she stood in the middle of the ring in nothing more than her bra, panties, and socks, her scrawny build stood in sharp contrast to the lean, toned physique of her opponent. And when she trembled from both the chill air and from the sheer terror she felt, it was readily apparent that Mizuki had no confidence she was going to win this match.
"I'm...I'm ready, ma'am..." That was a lie. But she was as ready as she'd ever be, at least.

"Good." With a nod of her head, Cynara stepped back, through the ropes and out onto the ring apron. As she did, one of the other crew members passed her some sort of remote. "Then, in that case...I think it's time we answered what's on everyone's mind~" And with that, she pressed a button...

Continued here
Last edited by CaptainL on Mon Sep 04, 2023 7:04 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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