Match Ends via PInfall or Submission
Opponents must force the other to cum at least once before pins/submissions count
Rail calmly sighed to himself as he walked the halls of the LAW arena, earbuds on, playing some sweet synthwave, stepping in tune to the pulsing base and enjoying himself as he kept walking down the halls, memories of past fights running through his mind as he headed for the locker room. The young fighter hadn't been in Law very long yet, and had so far been involved in 5 different fights. the adorable Dizzy, her powerhouse mother Angela, the very pretty but mean Yvette, one of his idols- Gisselle, and the extremely beautiful Yuna. Some had gone his way, some hadn't, some had been embarrassing, some had even given him some of the best pleasure he'd ever had in his young life. All in all...5 matches in...he was just getting a taste of the kind of crazy-ness the world of wrestling offered...and he had to admit...he was hooked.
It was also...scary. Intimidating. The idea of performing in front of a crowd, of having sex in front of a crowd, of being humiliated publicly and beaten up...the very thought often gave Rail performance anxiety. But, he found a way around that, for the most part. That's why the Gold Ace persona existed. He could be the fighter Rail felt he couldn't, engage in all the things that made Rail anxious, and bounce back for more without issue. Sure, some kinks weren't worked out just yet, as unlike Rail, who shied away from sex and intimacy outside of the ring, Ace was overly eager to do the sexy stuff, and often got distracted by beautiful women and hentai tactics...but they were working on that.
..."They"...yeesh, sometimes Rails own thoughts made him sound weird.
Tonight, Gold Ace would get a chance to play again. As for who his opponent was...Rail honestly had no idea. That was a first. He had known Dizzy had a mom who was something of a big deal, had known of the reputations of Yvette, Gisselle, and Yuna before fighting them. But this new opponent..."Sha'ree", as he had seen written on the match card by the production room, was apparently someone knew, maybe even having their first match in Law against him, tonight. The unknown factor was intimidating to Rail, who liked to know something about his opponents if he could, but he could feel a tingle going up his spine at the same time, and it wasn't fear...Apparently, Gold Ace was excited about facing someone unknown to him.
...Could...could Persona's do that? He didn't feel crazy or anything soo...well...questions for later, he supposed.
For now, as he reached the locker room door, he had to focus. Unknown opponent aside, the question on if he was thinking too hard about this Persona stuff aside, all of it had to wait for now. Now, it was time to focus, and go to work.
Knowing his time was limited, as their match was scheduled soon, he came into the locker room, and sat in front of his locker, starting his process. He slipped on his headphones, letting the ambience of the meditation music fill his head, lighting the incense sticks that sent the scent of vanilla across the locker room, no doubt to someone's chagrin. He gelled his hair, changed into his black and gold leotard and matching gloves and shoes, then crossed his legs as he sat, breathed the incense, and began his mantra, feeling himself slip away...and feeling The Ace enter his headspace, Gold Ace opening his golden eyes and giving a cocky smirk as he got to this feet and cleaned up his mess, eager and ready to get into the ring.
The Ace had arrived.
His theme began to play over the PA system, and Gold Ace came running out moments later, slapping hands of those few in the front row while the crowd gave him a mixed response. Gold Ace was still new on the roster, and only had a couple victories to his name so far, with a couple losses to even those out, so it made sense, in a way, that the crowd wasn't totally on his side just, still making up their minds on the young teenager as he slid under the ropes and posed, holding his arms out high above him, his fingers making an A-Shape to represent Ace, then retreated to his corner, pacing back and forth as he awaited his unknown opponent.