Gold Ace vs Sha'ree Fleming: The Ace meets The Dancer

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Gold Ace vs Sha'ree Fleming: The Ace meets The Dancer

Unread post by The_Soul_of_Kia »

Hardstyle Hentai Match:
Match Ends via PInfall or Submission
Opponents must force the other to cum at least once before pins/submissions count

Rail calmly sighed to himself as he walked the halls of the LAW arena, earbuds on, playing some sweet synthwave, stepping in tune to the pulsing base and enjoying himself as he kept walking down the halls, memories of past fights running through his mind as he headed for the locker room. The young fighter hadn't been in Law very long yet, and had so far been involved in 5 different fights. the adorable Dizzy, her powerhouse mother Angela, the very pretty but mean Yvette, one of his idols- Gisselle, and the extremely beautiful Yuna. Some had gone his way, some hadn't, some had been embarrassing, some had even given him some of the best pleasure he'd ever had in his young life. All in all...5 matches in...he was just getting a taste of the kind of crazy-ness the world of wrestling offered...and he had to admit...he was hooked.

It was also...scary. Intimidating. The idea of performing in front of a crowd, of having sex in front of a crowd, of being humiliated publicly and beaten up...the very thought often gave Rail performance anxiety. But, he found a way around that, for the most part. That's why the Gold Ace persona existed. He could be the fighter Rail felt he couldn't, engage in all the things that made Rail anxious, and bounce back for more without issue. Sure, some kinks weren't worked out just yet, as unlike Rail, who shied away from sex and intimacy outside of the ring, Ace was overly eager to do the sexy stuff, and often got distracted by beautiful women and hentai tactics...but they were working on that.

..."They"...yeesh, sometimes Rails own thoughts made him sound weird.

Tonight, Gold Ace would get a chance to play again. As for who his opponent was...Rail honestly had no idea. That was a first. He had known Dizzy had a mom who was something of a big deal, had known of the reputations of Yvette, Gisselle, and Yuna before fighting them. But this new opponent..."Sha'ree", as he had seen written on the match card by the production room, was apparently someone knew, maybe even having their first match in Law against him, tonight. The unknown factor was intimidating to Rail, who liked to know something about his opponents if he could, but he could feel a tingle going up his spine at the same time, and it wasn't fear...Apparently, Gold Ace was excited about facing someone unknown to him.

...Could...could Persona's do that? He didn't feel crazy or anything soo...well...questions for later, he supposed.

For now, as he reached the locker room door, he had to focus. Unknown opponent aside, the question on if he was thinking too hard about this Persona stuff aside, all of it had to wait for now. Now, it was time to focus, and go to work.

Knowing his time was limited, as their match was scheduled soon, he came into the locker room, and sat in front of his locker, starting his process. He slipped on his headphones, letting the ambience of the meditation music fill his head, lighting the incense sticks that sent the scent of vanilla across the locker room, no doubt to someone's chagrin. He gelled his hair, changed into his black and gold leotard and matching gloves and shoes, then crossed his legs as he sat, breathed the incense, and began his mantra, feeling himself slip away...and feeling The Ace enter his headspace, Gold Ace opening his golden eyes and giving a cocky smirk as he got to this feet and cleaned up his mess, eager and ready to get into the ring.

The Ace had arrived.

His theme began to play over the PA system, and Gold Ace came running out moments later, slapping hands of those few in the front row while the crowd gave him a mixed response. Gold Ace was still new on the roster, and only had a couple victories to his name so far, with a couple losses to even those out, so it made sense, in a way, that the crowd wasn't totally on his side just, still making up their minds on the young teenager as he slid under the ropes and posed, holding his arms out high above him, his fingers making an A-Shape to represent Ace, then retreated to his corner, pacing back and forth as he awaited his unknown opponent.

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Re: Gold Ace vs Sha'ree Fleming: The Ace meets The Dancer

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A tight-lipped Sha'ree silently chided the young woman in the mirror for not being more specific when she had asked for a one-on-one match. The people in charge did mention that a potential match might include some sultry rules and stipulations. She wanted the opportunity and her friends had supported her, so Shay had readily agreed despite the footnote.

But Shay had not expected "some sultry rules and stipulations" to make the dramatic leap to "push your opponent to orgasm," and she did not know how she was going to wrap her head around that stipulation in the next five minutes.

She had known about the match for three days and had not summoned all the confidence she needed, so she did not hold out much hope that her fate would change before taking the plunge. The dancing beauty sighed at herself. Many people told her that given her looks and talents, she should be overflowing with raw, sexual poise. Poise she possessed. Was it raw or sexual? Shay believed she carried that energy when she danced, but that did not equate to publically driving someone to orgasm. Presenting herself in such a way had never been her focus. She wanted simply to perfect her art.

Maybe to perfect herself as a League wrestler, she needed to perfect this art, too. Holding onto that goal, she drew in a breath to tame all the fluttering butterflies in her stomach. Then another. Then another, relegating the purpose of the match to the back of her mind and focusing on the overall performance instead. She almost achieved some sense of calm in the process. Then Rayna finally rumbled back into the room.

Shay had asked her friends for some time alone, and Adel had kept Rayna at bay for longer than Shay expected. But here they were, and honestly, it was nice to have a break from the silence. As they both poured into the mirror's frame around her, Shay stretched out her arms to hug them both.

"IpromiseIwon'tbotheryoutoomuch but you're gonna do great!", Rayna exclaimed, squeezing Shay's head against her chest.

"I did tell her to give you more time... but yes, you will be fine, whatever the result." Adel's much less enthusiastic support did not strike the same chord, but Shay summoned a grin for them anyway.

"You're right, and I know that. And I appreciate you two." She wished they were facing this obstacle with her, but Adel would faint if she had to have a sexual fight with someone in public. "You two go on ahead to guerrilla. I'm coming once I finish up with my outfit." After one more giant hug from Rayna and Adel's squeeze of her arm, the two scurried off.

Shay, knowing the plunge was coming, put aside all anxiety long enough to pick and prod at her attire. When she was as ready as she could feel, she started to head to guerrilla herself, just in time for someone to come tell her that she was on in one. With her heart attempting to beat its way free from her chest, she scurried off into position. Rayna and Adel gave her one last smile and nod before stepping out to head ringside. They promised they would be there for her as she had asked but didn't want to take anything away from her spotlight. Wouldn't bother her.

But as her opponent's music died, it truly was time for the spotlight. As the arena lights dimmed, Shay rubbed her face as if she could rub away her nerves, stepped onto the dark stage, and gently, gracefully fell into a contorted dance pose. After several quiet seconds, a singular light finally illuminated her, and after another beat and at the cue of the music she had listened and danced to so many times with her grandmother, Shay began a Romani dance rendition, softly flowing across the stage.

It only lasted twelve seconds before the music and light passed from her, but it did her a world of good. This was her element - what she knew she could do as well as anyone, and once the lights returned with the more traditional entrance music she, Rayna, and Adel had chosen for their team, she felt renewed. Ready. The crowd clapping and lifting for her helped, and she strolled down the ramp slapping hands with a strut in her step. Rayna didn't need to pat her on the butt as she passed her two teammates, but she supposed it didn't hurt.

Seeing Gold Ace? That did. As soon as she had ascended the stairs with almost dance-like steps, her eyes fell on him, and the red crept from her neck to her face at the thought of what the two of them were about to do. That he was cute for a wrestler didn't help.

Avoiding eye contact and the danger of sinking into her thoughts again, Shay bounded to the turnbuckle and climbed to bow to the crowd and distract herself.

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Re: Gold Ace vs Sha'ree Fleming: The Ace meets The Dancer

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As soon as his opponents music started, Gold Ace moved from the corner to the center of the ring, intending to get a good look at his opponent. He knew nothing about who this person was going in, so anything he could get even just from her entrance could help him out.

From first glance...she was small, smaller than him even by a few inches. Looked...roughly the same height. Probably about the same weight, roughly, so they would be overall similar in size and could dance...that was...huh.

Ace's thinking faltered as he watched the woman on stage dance and move about on stage. It only lasted a short while but it was...rather entrancing, he had to admit, his eyes followed her form and he felt a bit of...excitement shiver through him as she finished. He wasn't sure what that dance was, but it was obvious she was pretty good at it.

Then the lights came on and she made her proper entrance, and Ace was able to get a real look at her.


Turns out...she was a complete knockout. A true beauty, with incredible features and curves all the way down to the most incredible pair of legs he'd ever seen in his young life. Possibly the most beautiful woman he had fought so far, and he'd fought plenty of beautiful women already in his short time in the league.

And they had a hentai match against each other. Man...he had a wonderful job for sure.

He felt a twitch in the bottom half of his spandex, and blushed immediately. Oh crap. The last thing he needed was for him to get a boner before the match even started! Gulping, he tried to ignore the woman's looks as she entered the ring, though from the look of her butt as she climbed the ropes and posed for fans...he had at least a half-chubby poking through his leotard that he tried to ignore, as he walked up to his opponent when she came down, the red blush still on his face as he came up to her and stuck his hand out.

"H-Hi there! I'm uh...I'm Gold Ace. It's nice to meet you miss...?" He said, asking for the name of this beauty stepping into his life.

Of all the wrestling rings in the world for her to step into, she had to step into his...

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Re: Gold Ace vs Sha'ree Fleming: The Ace meets The Dancer

Unread post by Crossedes »

Once Shay's dance instructors had learned that she was not a natural, as they called it, "flaunter," they had worked to help her. They taught her that, rather than thinking about each individual person in the crowd and what those people might think while they were watching her, she should see crowds as nothing but sympathetic and reactionary. If she did her job well, the crowd would have a positive view of her and throw their support behind her. If she struggled, some would judge her harshly, but others would still root for her because they were not perfect, either.

She needed only to present herself as a hard worker trying to win them over, and she wouldn't need to worry about outside factors. That trained attitude had taught her to dance in front of full rooms, perform at gymnastic meets, and hopefully, wrestle in front of huge arenas and cameras. While she stood on the turnbuckle and asked for the crowd's support, the comfort of those ideas started to wash over her to the point that she was turning Gold Ace back into a faceless man who would be part of a... performance. Right. They would perform, barely meet each other, and then-

That idea crumbled away as she dropped back down and found him looking back at her, red-faced. Her color deepened to match his again, and she couldn't look him in the fa- okay, she couldn't look down either. She took his hand while becoming utterly fascinated with the fifth row to her right. "S- Sha'ree. Fleming," she answered through a dry throat. It didn't help that Rayna's voice broke above the crowd's cheering to tell her she "had him in the palm of her hand." "It's... very nice to meet you too."

When they broke the handshake, she sheepishly gestured behind her. "I should... you know, stretch a second."
Last edited by Crossedes on Wed Aug 23, 2023 2:14 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Gold Ace vs Sha'ree Fleming: The Ace meets The Dancer

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Gold Ace had thought he was about to meet a bright and confident woman, given how exotic and powerful that dance had been. But too his surprise...she blushed as bright red as he had, and couldn't even look him in the eye when she shook his hand and introduced herself, then immediately excused herself to go stretch.

That was...interesting to say the least. Perhaps she was nervous as he was. Maybe she was new to hentai matches?

He went back to his corner, feeling confused, and did his own stretching and breathing, trying to calm his own nerves. It took a minute, but it worked and his nerves calmed, luckily, his "Friend" did as well, and the bulge in his leotard was now at normal size. Maybe he should have re-thought the leotards...and not wearing underwear in said leotard.

Finally though, the two would be called by the referee to the center of the ring as the ref explained the rules, once again bringing Ace face to face with this...stunning woman.

"So...that dance you did to come out here...that was pretty awesome. You looked like you must really know a lot about dancing and technique!" He said with enthusiasm, trying to come off as friendly instead of...horny...

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Re: Gold Ace vs Sha'ree Fleming: The Ace meets The Dancer

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Shay realized after several seconds of bending her legs over her back until they nearly touched her head that she was doing the same stretches over and over again and didn't have time to repeat herself. Utterly flustered, the dancer sped her way through another few stretches to beat the coming bell. She couldn't... focus. She couldn't decide if his courteousness would make the circumstances easier or more difficult or whether she would have it in her to have so much as a chance to beat him and he already looked horny about the chance to fight her and-

The Canadian rubbed her face with her hands again, but she knew she couldn't hide in the corner all night. Besides, if he was excited by her, that gave her a chance, right? Maybe... maybe she could use that to her advantage. It was not in her nature to play on other's desires, no, but she would have been cold-blooded or ignorant to think people didn't have them. Maybe she could dance her way to a good performance.

Holding to that jolt of confidence, Shay turned to see him awaiting her in the center of the ring with the ref. She took a deep breath and walked over, still avoiding perfect eye contact outside of gleaning his expression. He looked... chipper. And he was making conversation again. Shay figured she would rather listen to him than hear the ref repeat the stipulations.

She managed a small smile. "Thanks. I worked at it a lot." A pull to level with him hit her, and she gestured at him and back at herself. "Didn't really prepare me for this."

On cue, the ref asked them if they were ready. Nope. No, she wasn't. Not fully, anyway. But Shay nodded regardless, rubbed her hands together, and fell into an open-palmed and wide-legged fighting stance, almost like capoeira.

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Re: Gold Ace vs Sha'ree Fleming: The Ace meets The Dancer

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Well, he got some conversation out of her this time at least...still wouldn't look him in the eye though...and she had such a pretty smile, it made Ace blush again despite himself. It seemed, from her final comment, that she had some issue with...wrestling men? Hentai matches? Probably hentai matches. An understandable situation, given he himself had some issues with them, and he'd already won one.

He wanted to reach out to Sha'ree, say something positive and encouraging, since she looked like she could use it, but the referee interfered, asking them both if they were ready, and she got into a combat stance, one he'd never encountered before. That was interesting. What kind of style did this girl use? What sort of attacks? How did this style let her defend from his own techniques? This beauty continued to be a mystery to him.

Well...only one way to find out.

The golden eyed fighter got into his own wrestling stance, arms up and out, fingers spread, legs spaced apart in a manner that would let him quickly turn around if he needed, and waited for the bell to ring to start them off. Just before it did though, he made another attempt at communication, offering Sha'ree a friendly smile. "'ll be alright. Let's have a good-"


He was cut off by the sound of the bell ringing, and immediately had to get back into wrestling mode, starting to sidestep, looking to circle around the lovely woman as he tried to take in her unfamiliar stance, starting things off cautiously for once.
Last edited by The_Soul_of_Kia on Thu Aug 24, 2023 3:06 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Gold Ace vs Sha'ree Fleming: The Ace meets The Dancer

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Shay understood that continuing to ask herself why he was so nice was foolish. How much worse might this have gone if he was a six-foot-five inch, two hundred and twenty-pound behemoth who could manhandle her? She didn't care to think about that alternative. But he appeared humble and warm and thoughtful, minus his little friend earlier, for Shay to have been willing to hang out with him if he introduced himself in any other setting. And they would spend the next few minutes trying to force each other to orgasm in public. The circumstances were as jarring and disharmonic as an out-of-tune orchestra.

Kind to the core, she supposed she shouldn't leave him thinking that she found him... distasteful. She caught that he was trying to get in one last friendly word before the bell interrupted him, and she compelled herself to change that nervy uncertainty in her smile into something sweeter. "Yeah. Good luck," she said. No, she did not hope he had good luck, but she thought the sentiment mattered nonetheless.

His tension looked as if it matched hers when he broke into sidestepping. With educated feet, she matched his pace. He waited, she waited. The crowd cheered and Shay became absorbed by the moment, but... her mind tried to wander again. Nope, none of that, she told herself. She should just get stuck in and stifle her anxieties with action. With a sudden stop to her circling so that his step brought him closer to her, Shay planted her front foot to give her the balance needed to lift the other, aiming a violent roundhouse at his side.

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Re: Gold Ace vs Sha'ree Fleming: The Ace meets The Dancer

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Good luck? Not the response Ace expected, and one he doubted she truly meant...but he chose to accept it anyway. After all, "Break a leg" didn't sound encouraging either, but was meant to be...and who knows...Ace might actually get lucky, considering the nature of the match.

The two circled each other, Ace's golden eyes watching her feet...then her legs...then her wais-Gah, stop it, stop it, stop it. Stop being horny. Yes, the woman is beautiful and you might get to tap that, but focus on her footwork, not her body! Gold Ace mentally berated and gave his head a small shake to re-focus.

Unfortunately, that came at just the wrong second as to be costly, as Ace refocused just in time for Shay to suddenly halt her circling while he was mid step, forcing him to stumble as he tried to immediately adjust, momentarily off balance and guard. He would pay for this, as, with surprising speed, Sha'ree's leg swung out at mid-height, clapping Ace right in his side, under his arm, crashing into his ribcage, getting a high pitched yelp out of the young blonde teen, her kick having enough force to send him stumbling sideways a few steps, trying to correct himself, hands instinctively going to his side as he got the first taste of what one of Sha'ree's kicks felt like!

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Re: Gold Ace vs Sha'ree Fleming: The Ace meets The Dancer

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Shay would always have something over her wrestling opponents, and that was agile footwork. He did stumble when her circling came to a halt, and she had her leg buried in his side before he could get far enough away from her. It was the proof of concept she needed, in this her first solo match, that her way of fighting could work - or she took it as proof of concept because she needed the confidence tonight. The resistance against her leg clued her in that the blow struck deeply. The yell was a better clue.

She rocked back, watching him teeter and asking that age-old question one did after unexpected success - what now? The answer, she supposed, was simple. After regaining her own balance after the kick, she sucked in a breath, burst towards him, and left her feet. In hindsight, it wasn't a perfect solution, but the bowling ball of a wrestler was mid-air and throwing her knees out to try and bury them in his stomach by the time she experienced that hindsight. This landing would not be pleasant.

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