Type: Strip Match.
Rules: Both wrestlers are free to come with as much clothing as they wish. Other than undergarments, no more than two items of clothing may be worn by each wrestler. Accessories are convenient as long as they do not hinder the removal of the garments.
The erotic moves, low blows and other maneuvers that do not involve eye raking or striking are permitted. The Rope break is cancelled if one of the wrestlers is having an erotic move applied to them - it does not resume until it is over.
Win by: The winner is the one who manages to leave their opponent in underwear.
Rules: Both wrestlers are free to come with as much clothing as they wish. Other than undergarments, no more than two items of clothing may be worn by each wrestler. Accessories are convenient as long as they do not hinder the removal of the garments.
The erotic moves, low blows and other maneuvers that do not involve eye raking or striking are permitted. The Rope break is cancelled if one of the wrestlers is having an erotic move applied to them - it does not resume until it is over.
Win by: The winner is the one who manages to leave their opponent in underwear.
The idea of this match was not among her favourite things to do today. As hypocritical as it sounds for her to disavow the concept, because of what she is willing to do to a careless opponent, but the idea of losing clothes has always made her nervous. Oddly enough, it is the only thing that makes her inclement expression flush with embarrassment and she to over ducking down for cover to digest it in the midst of combat!
How did she end up in this? Well, she doesn't know herself. Maybe it was a suggestion from her managers to get her more attention or maybe it was a way opened by LAW management themselves. But here she is. About to enter a contest of undressing each other - and finding her happy place wasn't helping her.
Entrance music
Right, show time!!!' With that mental shout, the wrestler supposedly strongest of pub-club broke through the curtains to block herself in front of the top ramp and pose with her arms up in the air to make her full presence known as the anchor shouted her name: GABRIIIIEEEL VINLEEEE!
Needless to say, one of her variations on her usual outfit only got the audience cheering her on for looking so good, showing off her curves of tough wrestler - barely left any details to the imagination with her loose fitting dress shirt crop top, and almost nothing with that red mini skirt open at the sides.
And back to the reality of the matter at hand, the queen made her way to the ring without shaking any outstretched hands in its path, but she did give the occasional wink to a few or planting her beautiful eyes on the lucky person who would hold her gaze - she even infantilised herself by walking backwards to keep looking at them with that smile of hers.
And once inside the ring, the queen just climbed into her corner and gave a loud whistle from side to side to draw a cheer from these people. It wasn't her approach to win over the crowd like that, but she needed to find the fun in it and adding herself, somehow, to the spectators. Seemed like a good plan.
Gabriel's gear