Ninja vs. School Girl! Gabriel Vinlee vs. Red Dawn

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Ninja vs. School Girl! Gabriel Vinlee vs. Red Dawn

Unread post by Hagen-Autem »

Type: Strip Match.
Rules: Both wrestlers are free to come with as much clothing as they wish. Other than undergarments, no more than two items of clothing may be worn by each wrestler. Accessories are convenient as long as they do not hinder the removal of the garments.
The erotic moves, low blows and other maneuvers that do not involve eye raking or striking are permitted. The Rope break is cancelled if one of the wrestlers is having an erotic move applied to them - it does not resume until it is over.
Win by: The winner is the one who manages to leave their opponent in underwear.

The idea of this match was not among her favourite things to do today. As hypocritical as it sounds for her to disavow the concept, because of what she is willing to do to a careless opponent, but the idea of losing clothes has always made her nervous. Oddly enough, it is the only thing that makes her inclement expression flush with embarrassment and she to over ducking down for cover to digest it in the midst of combat!

How did she end up in this? Well, she doesn't know herself. Maybe it was a suggestion from her managers to get her more attention or maybe it was a way opened by LAW management themselves. But here she is. About to enter a contest of undressing each other - and finding her happy place wasn't helping her.
Entrance music
She exhaled as her entrance music was triggered by the monitors. 'Everything will be fine. You can master this,' she reiterated. 'It's not a hentai match where everyone is going to see you as you came into the world,' seconded her more level-headed side. Even she herself saw the irony in her musings, it was so hypocritical to feel that way... and that it made her laugh in amusement before the storm ahead.

Right, show time!!!' With that mental shout, the wrestler supposedly strongest of pub-club broke through the curtains to block herself in front of the top ramp and pose with her arms up in the air to make her full presence known as the anchor shouted her name: GABRIIIIEEEL VINLEEEE!

Needless to say, one of her variations on her usual outfit only got the audience cheering her on for looking so good, showing off her curves of tough wrestler - barely left any details to the imagination with her loose fitting dress shirt crop top, and almost nothing with that red mini skirt open at the sides.

And back to the reality of the matter at hand, the queen made her way to the ring without shaking any outstretched hands in its path, but she did give the occasional wink to a few or planting her beautiful eyes on the lucky person who would hold her gaze - she even infantilised herself by walking backwards to keep looking at them with that smile of hers.

And once inside the ring, the queen just climbed into her corner and gave a loud whistle from side to side to draw a cheer from these people. It wasn't her approach to win over the crowd like that, but she needed to find the fun in it and adding herself, somehow, to the spectators. Seemed like a good plan.
Gabriel's gear
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Re: Ninja vs. School Girl! Gabriel Vinlee vs. Red Dawn

Unread post by Gh0st »

The stadium lights turned off, leaving the stadium in darkness, then suddenly the lights came back to life in a flurry of red, gold and white flashes to the beat of the rookie's theme song.

Entrance Music:
This was the rookie kunoichi's cue to make her entrance as she emerges from the backstage. Her red ninja outfit accentuated her impressive figure and womanly assets and did enough just to hide and tease everyone present, crimson eyes glowing brightly and her silky pony tail gleaming in the stadium lights as she smirked and struck a bombastic pose for the audience which gained her a lot of cheers and cat whistles from a few as suddenly a rose scented and colored smoke bomb erupted beneath her covering the ninja's silhouette. The crowd fell silent in shock and surprise and wondering what happened. Another smoke bomb erupted in a corner turnbuckle of the ring, drawing the crowdโ€™s attention, as the red kunoichi once again appeared, leaning on the turnbuckle and the crowd roared in approval of the newcomerโ€™s entrance.

Red Dawn:
โ€œRed Dawnโ€™s the name and I will take YOU & LAW by storm!โ€ Hana proclaimed loud and proud, while putting her arms behind her back in a light warm up, intentionally puffing out her generous chest and showing off her smooth armpits while boosting her womanly charms and appeal to the masses. She went towards the the middle of the ring to meet her opponent, smiling and waving, while her crimson eyes glances and observes her opponent, the school girl doesn't seem much and Hana's confidence and pride swelled up as she notes that she has better feminine and womanly assets than her opponent, she can't help but give a sly smirk at her opponent, and that is the first win in her mind, so far so good. If ever she can't win in the ring, then she would have to win the masses.

Hana might be new to LAW and in wrestling and wasn't expecting a strip match as her debut but seems easier enough than the other types, and her opponent was also a rookie but with experience but Hana is confident she can beat her. Thinking of the rewards and benefits of a rookie beating a experienced wrestler in a strip match would surely do wonders to her reputation and career in LAW and she can't help but grin.
Last edited by Gh0st on Mon Aug 28, 2023 2:17 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Ninja vs. School Girl! Gabriel Vinlee vs. Red Dawn

Unread post by Hagen-Autem »

Gabriel had been leaning on the turnbuckles in her corner, elbows hanging from the ropes and one knee raised, waiting to see what kind of opposite she would get - there was already so much to process, assimilate and offer, and that this kunoichi was doing everything to show off in a grand entrance and captivating the masses with her natural attributes, above her, did nothing to intimidate Gabriel. On the contrary, the blonde was now looking forward to taking a female ninja as a trophy to her dressing room.

So, when both wrestlers were chest-to-chest, each being a beauty from a different continent, finally making sense of why they were taken for this kind of match, Gabriel couldn't help but respond to that flirtatious sly smirk with a bright eye above a predatory grin. Almost as if she didn't want to hide anything of the plans that are cooking in Gabriel's imagination about this unknown woman a few moments ago.

'Her eyes were captivating' is what everyone who sees Gabriel from the stands or from their pictures says. Beautiful pearls of a more polished lime shade of jade on the face with features of someone who could easily represent the idealisations of what one aspires to see in a royal being, if one wanted to be more poetic. And the pub rep was as interested in Red Dawn as anyone could be who saw Hana get into a match with that kimono, attitude and possible talent - the difference was that the First Queen was in the V.I.P. zone to interact with the female ninja. And that was a privilege she wasn't about to waste!

"Ready?" As soon as the bell struck three times, Gabriel took an unexpected step back, keeping her vain eyes still on Red. Raising one arm high in the air, she dared her to reach for her. If Dawn heeded the ruse, Vinlee would do the same with the other arm, and before they could consolidate the typical test-of-strength hold, the blonde would test the other woman's strength in another way that was more her own:

The Royal Viper would pump all her strength into a work to bend the female ninja's hands down for a double wristlock. Or that was her foolproof plan.
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๐“ฃ๐“ฑ๐“ป๐“ฎ๐“ช๐“ญ ๐“ป๐“ฎ๐“บ๐“พ๐“ฎ๐“ผ๐“ฝ

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Alice Evans:

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Cyan Twin - Hellen:

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Cyan Twin - April:

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Gabriel Vinlee:

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K&K - Katima Karisma:

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Leona Chase-Arawn

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Liliel North:

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Sonata Moon:

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ViVi S.Valentine:

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Vin Castler:

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