To Cheat Or Not To Cheat: Battle Bugs (D) vs. Heartbreakers

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Re: To Cheat Or Not To Cheat: Battle Bugs (D) vs. Heartbreakers

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As silly and Honie's personality and bee-themed costume/mannerisms were to some, she was NOT to be taken lightly, especially when angered. While Misako had gotten under the bee's skin with some of her prior, rude remarks, seeing the middleweight remorselessly strike the referee with a baseball bat had infuriated her! Justice would have to be meted out for this grave iniquity! After crushing Misako's wrist in her hand and slamming her onto the canvas, Honie was no where near done!

"You think I'd let your little batting practice on the ref slide?! YOU DARE SPEAK ABOUT HIS MEDICAL BILLS WITH SUCH CALLOUSNESS AFTERWARDS?!" The killer bee flared, as she aimed to hoist Misako off the mat once again. This time, Honie would aim to lift Misako's body high over her head with both hands, before yanking the Heartbreaker down! Honie would go for a vicious backbreaker, wanting to slam Misako painfully on her muscular leg and bulletproof kneecap!

Meanwhile.... "Of course it tickles! It's a tickle feather, ya ding dong!" Arachne snickered, as she continued her tickle attack. The spider would eventually put the silly device away, before opting for a more wrestling-orientated style of offense. With them still being near a corner, Arachne would aim to grab Kyoko and plop her in a seated position once again. Only this time, instead of another stinkface, Arachne had something else in mind! She'd rush at Kyoko, aiming to jump and grab onto the ropes, before attempting to repeatedly bounce her groin on Kyoko's face. Arachne was going for a rough, rocking, "Bronco Buster!"
Bronco Buster reference
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Re: To Cheat Or Not To Cheat: Battle Bugs (D) vs. Heartbreakers

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Misako thought that once the rules were well and truly out of the picture, it was the Heartbreakers' time to rule the roost. She and Kyoko were vicious brawlers who gave no heed to authority, and both of them had no qualms about taking the low road if it got them success. They had even come prepared for this occasion with the bat - and meanwhile, the Battle Bugs seemed to be weighed down by Honie's stick-in-the-mud attitude preventing them from taking advantage of the stipulations. This should have been a no-brainer of a win. But what the Heartbreakers hadn't accounted for was that Honie's sense of justice went much deeper than merely not wanting to cheat. She knew Misako was up to no good...and she wasn't going to let that go unpunished!

After being slammed into the mat, the dark-haired delinquent was already panting and gasping for breath. Her head was spinning in a daze, and her body was slack in Honie's grasp. But things were far from over for Misako! She barely had the chance to catch her breath before Honie dragged her back up into the air - and, when she looked down to see what was about to happen to her, seeing the mat far below and Honie's knee pointed up toward her, her teeth were locked into a grimace. "Listen, hey, if you didn't come prepared for this I don't know what you were expecting-" she blurted out, trying desperately to talk Honie out of her plan.

But it was no use. The heavyweight's mind was already made up - and Misako would come crashing down against her knee with a brutal backbreaker, driving the air out of her lungs! Coming so hot on the heels of the slam Misako had just taken, she found herself slumped wearily against her opponent's leg, growing limp in her hands as her eyes rolled back into her head. There wasn't that much more of this she could take, and it seemed she barely had a second to breathe in between hits!

Kyoko was faring...honestly, she was probably faring better. She was reeling with uncontrollable laughter, writhing back and forth and kicking her legs, as Arachne tickled her, and she couldn't focus on what was going on in the ring through it all. But at least it didn't actually hurt. Even when Arachne did lift the still-giggling redhead to a seated position, it wouldn't be for the most heavy-hitting of moves. She came charging back at her, jumping onto the ropes to ride her face with a bronco buster!

The pressure of Arachne's hips driven again and again against her skull jostled Kyoko back and forth and left her sputtering and wheezing, forcing the ropes to stretch against her back. With each time Arachne came down atop her, the fans cheered even louder. But after a few bounces, Kyoko realized that she could still fight back - Arachne was lighter than she was, and she was within reach to counter. "Heeeey, wait a minute," she muttered to herself, "I can still get out of this-!" Indeed, before Arachne could ram into her again, Kyoko would suddenly reach up to grab onto the Spider's thighs, giving them a shove to try and knock her down from her!

If that worked, Kyoko would need a minute to catch her breath and shake herself out, climbing to her feet - but the first thing she saw after doing so was her partner slumped almost lifelessly atop Arachne's knee. At that, her eyes narrowed into a glare, and she stomped at the canvas with a newfound sense of purpose. Misako needed her! "MISAKO!! Hold on, I'm coming-!" Then, she would charge straight toward Honie, attempting to hurl herself into her with a spear!
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Re: To Cheat Or Not To Cheat: Battle Bugs (D) vs. Heartbreakers

Unread post by dddybee »

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Cheating did in fact annoy the Heroine of the Beehive. But knocking out the ref with a baseball bat of all things?! The sheer brutality and coldness of it all?! Misako's transgression had sent the hot-tempered killer bee into an absolute rage! Fully set on bringing Misako to justice for it, Honie had continued the punishment with a vicious backbreaker!

"IT'S NOT ABOUT THE MOTHERBUZZING RULES ANYMORE!" Honie scolded Misako, as the middleweight laid limp on her knee. If Misako wanted to talk Honie out of her wrath, criticizing the bee and making excuses was not the way to go about it. "RULES OR NO RULES! INJURING AN INNOCENT IN SUCH A MATTER IS WRONG! LET'S SEE HOW YOU LIKE BEING KNOCKED THE BUZZ OUT!"

Given that it seemed Misako was barely hanging on, one more big hit from Honie may very well send her it dreamland. Wanting to teach her foe a lesson, Honie stood up and held Misako up with one hand, holding girl by her wrestling attire. She clenched her other hand into a fist, before raising the arm of said hand. Honie was getting in position to strike Misako in the face with a knockout punch!

Meanwhile, Arachne was cackling manically, as she subjected Kyoko to a classic Bronco Buster. A Bronco Buster and a tickle attack were FAR from the most devastating moves in Arachne's arsenal. The spider was simply taking her time messing with her prey. But her non-serious attitude gave Kyoko the opening she needed to fight back! "Whoa!" Arachne yelped, as her larger adversary eventually just shoved her lightweight frame off. "On come ooooonn! Arachne was having fun!"

But Arachne no longer had Kyoko's attention. Kyoko had realized Misako was at Honie mercy, mercy the killer bee did not feel like giving at this point! Kyoko came running to the rescue! "Buzz?!" Honie turned her head to notice Kyoko, but is was too late! "UGHH!" Honie grunted, as Kyoko nailed her with a spear. She let go of Misako in the process, causing the woman to fall to the mat.

Honie was now on her back, with Misako atop of her. "Ngghh..." One would think Honie's response would be to direct her anger at a new target. But rather, the bee was genuinely touched at Kyoko's concern for her friend. "Awww! You looking out for your friend is so cute!" Honie buzzed, her emotions completely flipping around. "I shall honor such friendship by focusing on you instead, FOR NOW." After that warning, Beatrice would reach her muscular arms out to attempt to pull Kyoko's face down into a breast smother, while the bee was still laying on her back.

But while Kyoko had at least momentarily saved Misako from Honie, Arachne was still a problem. Seeing Misako on the mat, the villainess just figured she had a new victim to mess with! And she would start by taking a loudspeaker out of her Thorax Backpack! Leaning down and lining up the loudspeaker to Misako's ear, Arachne yelled: "WAAAAAAKE UUUUUUPPP, MIIIISSSAKOOOOOO!" Introducing her presence, by attempting to give the likely nearly-passed out Misako quite the rude awakening!
Last edited by dddybee on Sun Aug 06, 2023 6:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: To Cheat Or Not To Cheat: Battle Bugs (D) vs. Heartbreakers

Unread post by CaptainL »

Kyoko might not have been under the worst physical duress in her life, but then again, Kyoko also wasn't the brightest. If Arachne was going to keep her down with tickles and bronco busters, then as far as the redhead was aware, that was as effective a technique as any. However, Kyoko's obliviousness was easily eclipsed by the camaraderie she felt toward her best friend, and her loyalty to the Heartbreakers. When she looked up, she saw that Misako was in danger, lined up for what was sure to be a devastating blow. Misako had taken quite a bit of punishment already, and this well stood a chance of knocking her out then and there! Instantly, she forgot about all other trouble she'd been in, and she was filled with a sense of purpose. Kyoko had to intervene - and she took off running toward Honie, slamming into the Bee with enough force to bring her down!

The canvas rumbled under Honie's impact, but when the dust cleared, Kyoko was still on top. She shook herself out and panted for breath, but when she looked down, the first thing she heard was Honie praising her for coming to her best friend's defenses, and that made a grin light up across her face. "Aww, thank you! That's 'cuz we're besties, and-wait, what?"

Kyoko had been caught off guard, but Honie was far from finished with this match. And that was a fact Kyoko would quickly discover, as her face was pulled straight down into the Bee's bountiful bosom! At once, her voice was drowned out into muffled groans, and she began to writhe back and forth, struggling as hard as she could to pull free. In a panic, she started to throw punches and slaps at Honie's sides to try and break her hold on her. It was all she could think to do at the moment!

Misako wasn't faring much better. She might have avoided taking the punch, but as she went tumbling to the side, she had been left flat out on her back, her limbs slack and heavy around her. Her brow was slick with sweat and her face red, and her eyes were glazed over as she stared up at the lights. But she was about to be welcomed back into the land of the living, whether she liked it or not. When Arachne blasted a loudspeaker-amplified wakeup call directly into her ear, Misako was instantly awake. She sat back up with a jolt, clasping her hands to her ears and grimacing from the pain. "GYAAH-!!" she cried. "Okay, okay, yeah, I get it-! I'm up!!" Her hands flailed about blindly, but she aimed a slap across the hand with which Arachne held the loudspeaker. Hopefully, she could take it for herself!
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Re: To Cheat Or Not To Cheat: Battle Bugs (D) vs. Heartbreakers

Unread post by dddybee »

Honie was more touched by Kyoko coming to Misako's aid, than she was annoyed that Kyoko had foiled the killer bee's attempt to knock the Heartbreaker out. Friendship was what the heroine valued most after all! But she still had plenty of fight in her to deal with Kyoko, trapping the woman in a breast smother hold! Kyoko would start punching and slapping at Honie's sides in a panic, though the Heroine of the Beehive would manage to grit her teeth and endure the blows for now.

Meanwhile, Arachne was laughing in amusement, as she had just snapped Misako up. Yelling in the woman's ear with a loudspeaker of course being one of the mischievous, chaotic heel's preferred ways of doing so! Arachne was quite merciless here, not at all caring about the pain Misako had already been feeling from Honie's stings. The spider was perfectly fine hurting the weakened woman's eardrums as well! However, to Misako's credit, she was quite tough. She managed to slap the hand Arachne was holding the device in, knocking it to the canvas! "Hey!" Arachne protested. Knowing the Heartbreakers were also about chaos, Arachne didn't wanna give Misako the opportunity to go for the loudspeaker herself. So, the spider aimed to yank her up into an Abdominal Stretch!

If successful, Arachne would snicker sadistically, as she strained Misako's core muscles in the move, while forcing the worn-out middleweight to stand on her feet. Arachne looked at Honie to see she was also fairing pretty well. Though Arachne could tell from her friend's clenched eyes, that Kyoko's panicked blows were starting to hurt a good bit. Neither Heartbreaker could resist forever, but Arachne would come up with a plan to begin to wrap things up!

"Hey Bumble Butt!" Arachne called out it Honie. "Throw Kyoko into her ding-dong partner here!" Honie hadn't agreed to making this a Tornado Tag Match, but she had agreed to let Arachne take charge here. She let out a sigh. Perhaps there really was no legitimate reason to be a stickler for the rules at this point. Honoring her friend's instruction, Honie would release her breast smother on Kyoko, only to stand up and grab the dazed girl by the ankles. If all went her way, she'd effortlessly swing poor Kyoko around and around, before the powerhouse would absolutely yeet her at Misako. Arachne would do her part to keep Misako in place for the move, before getting out of the way just in time!

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Re: To Cheat Or Not To Cheat: Battle Bugs (D) vs. Heartbreakers

Unread post by CaptainL »

The Heartbreakers were all but convinced they had this in the bag. As long as there were no rules, they were in their element - both were well-practiced street brawlers who had grown up with the school of hard knocks, and no disqualifications meant there was no way for anyone to get in the way of getting creative with what was at their disposal. For a moment, it looked like they might well get the edge on the Battle Bugs they had been after...but just as quickly, the Bugs proved they were every bit as capable of turning things around!

As she tried to rub the ringing out of her ears, Misako grit her teeth in frustration, her brow furrowed and with one eye squeezed shut. She was still groggy thanks to the rude awakening Arachne had dealt her, she was sore from being repeatedly pounded against the mat and Honie's knee alike, and on top of that, Arachne just had to laugh at her misfortune, which only added insult to injury. She really wished she could just shut up once in a while - she had enough of that nonsense from Kyoko! But all of that frustration was fueling her as she swatted the loudspeaker out of Arachne's hand. Her hand in turn shot out to grab for the device as it hit the mat. If she could get a hold of it and slam it into Arachne's stupid face, that would deliver some long-awaited poetic justice. But her fingers came just short of her target. Just before Misako could reach the loudspeaker, Arachne hoisted her up from the mat - and twisted her body to the side, wrenching her spine in an abdominal stretch! Suddenly, she felt a wave of pain shooting through every vertebra, like an electric shock!

"GAAAH..!! God DAMN..!" Misako gnashed her teeth, wincing and cursing under her breath. Arachne was already well-practiced when it came to holds, but when Misako was already worn down from the match, she was sore all over - and having the extra pressure packed onto her spine made it feel like it could snap at any moment! She could barely even find the strength in her to struggle or fight back. Meanwhile, Kyoko's own strength was beginning to fade - she continued to slap and punch at Honie's ribs, but her motions had grown more and more sluggish the more the air was drained out of her lungs. The Heartbreakers just might have reached the end of their rope...but that wasn't good enough for the Battle Bugs!

Right then, Kyoko was released from her hold. She stopped and gasped for breath, trying to shake herself out as she sagged lower in Honie's grasp. But once again, she would be cut short before she could make her move. Just then, Honie sent the two delinquents flying into one another - and Misako looked up just in time to see her partner flung her way, eyes wide and screaming! Before anyone knew it, the two girls slammed into one another, a thud ringing through the arena as their heads collided. And then, both of them fell slack, their bodies going limp as they fell back against the mat!
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Re: To Cheat Or Not To Cheat: Battle Bugs (D) vs. Heartbreakers

Unread post by dddybee »

Background Music
Following Arachne's directives, Honie threw Kyoko like a ragdoll into Misako. Their heads even smacking together, before they each crash landed and fell limp on the mat! "Ahahahahahahaaaa! Excellent! Excellent!" Arachne cackled, seeing their opponents laid out in such a lifeless state. Honie ambled over to the other wrestlers. It was clear the Heartbreakers were done at this point. It was only a matter of how the Battle Bugs would finish them off!

"You know, Misako..." Honie said with an undertone of anger. "Normally we could finish things with a simple pinfall. But since you knocked out the referee, who's gonna do the count down? Buzz? Though I suppose there are...OTHER ways to win the match, that don't necessarily require confirmation from the ref. A K.O PERHAPS?"

"Or a submission..." Arachne snickered with a devilish grin.

The Battle Bugs would go after their respective targets. Honie, wanting to get her hands back on Misako, would lift the girl up and take her to the ring ropes. There, she'd place the middleweight's body on the top ropes, before aiming to deliver some karmic justice. Misako had knocked out the ref. And now that very ref wasn't around to confirm a merciful pinfall. So the Heroine of the Beehive would punish Misako by knocking her out with her most brutal and feared smother move! Honie squatted down, before leaping right off the mat, getting quite the distance up in the air! The heavyweight high-flyer would aim to buttdrop Misako on the ropes, going for a signature move of hers.

"TASTE MY BEE-DONKADONK BOUNCER!" She cried. Funny name aside, this move was no joke. Honie would facesit Misako against the ring ropes, while using the spring of said ropes to repeatedly bounce on the delinquent's mug. Squishing, smothering, and pounding the hapless middleweight with Honie's massive, meaty, and powerful backside! The killer bee's vicious side showing, as she aimed to smother Misako out cold in such a fashion!
Bee-donkadonk Bouncer
Meanwhile, Arachne had Kyoko to finish off. "It's been fun, Kyoko. But now it's time for Arachne to trap ya in my Spider's Web!" Arachne declared, saying the name of her signature move. A ceiling hold, in which Arachne would restrain her prey's limbs and suspend her body midair! Kyoko was bigger than Arachne, though the Villainess of the Spiderweb was fairly strong for a lightweight. It would take some effort of course, but Arachne would lock her signature submission hold on the other Heartbreaker! Though as soon as Kyoko submitted, Arachne would let her go, as to not cause any serious damage. She had made the mistake of holding on too long with a pass opponent. And unlike Honie, she didn't hold anything against her respective Heartbreaker.
Spider's Web
Last edited by dddybee on Sun Aug 20, 2023 12:35 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: To Cheat Or Not To Cheat: Battle Bugs (D) vs. Heartbreakers

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The Heartbreakers thought that as long as the rules weren't being enforced, they had this match in the bag. Nothing could stop them from bringing weapons into the ring, or double-teaming their opponents. But now, all of that was being turned right back on them! Now, it was the Battle Bugs who were ganging up on them - and they were the weapons! Honie had hurled Kyoko straight into Misako, and both of them came crashing into one another, bowling them over into a heap of tangled limbs. They lay there groaning, their bodies too heavy and their heads spinning too much for either to find the focus they needed to get back up. But that didn't mean the Bugs were going to go easy on them. Quite the opposite, in fact!

As Honie lifted Misako off the ground, the dark-haired girl could only pant and heave. Everything around her was a blur, and her tongue lolled out of her mouth as she dangled limply from her opponent's arms. She couldn't do anything to fight back, and she was only barely aware of what Honie was about to do to her. But when the Bee mentioned that with the referee out of the picture, there was no way to confirm a pin - that brought the slightest spark of lucidity back into Misako. As she straightened ever so slightly, her eyes went wide, and a breathless gasp slipped out of her throat. Not even she had realized the danger she put herself in! She had set herself up for this. And now, she was about to reap the consequences!

Misako was draped across the ropes, her body resting there limply with her head and arms sagging over the cable, and her feet dangling into the ring. Her chest rose and fell slowly with every half-hearted breath she took in, her jaw slack and her eyes glazed over. But as much as she knew she had to get up, she had to escape...she simply couldn't! She didn't have the strength left in her to even lift a finger! All she could do was watch in awe as Honie sprung backward. Her eyes went wide in terror as she was treated to the view of the heavyweight's ample behind coming closer and closer - and then, everything went black, as Honie came crashing down right on top of her face!

The weight of their two bodies (mostly Honie's) was enough to bend the ropes all the way to the mat, as Misako dropped flat on her back! Her legs kicked up in the air from the jolt of the impact, but they went limp a moment later. Misako tried to twist and turn, and a few muffled groans escaped the fleshy prison of Honie's ass, but weighed down as much as she was, Misako could barely move. Only moments later, all the tension seemed to slip out of her body as she fell slack.

And meanwhile, Kyoko was faring little better! She too had been rattled by the impact with her partner, and she barely had enough strength left in her to fight back. Certainly, she wasn't making any effort to get out of the way - she only realized what was happening to her as Arachne began to lift her off the mat, her arms and legs wrapped up in the ceiling hold! As her face contorted in pain, she let out a scream as she was shoved upward into the air, her back stretching and her spine crackling with every bounce of Arachne's hips shaking her from side to side. "AAHHH!!! NOOOO!!! Let go let go LET GO!!" The redhead did her best to pull at her arms, but Arachne's grip wouldn't be broken - and in her fatigued state, she couldn't summon enough force to break free. She hated to do it, but she was quickly seeing she had no choice - every second she was in this hold would just hurt her more, and she knew she couldn't break it!

"I...I submit-!" she cried, her eyes squeezed shut as she grimaced just from the thought of admitting defeat. "J-Just...let go..!"
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Re: To Cheat Or Not To Cheat: Battle Bugs (D) vs. Heartbreakers

Unread post by dddybee »

Background Music
"Ahhhh. Music to Arachne's ears!" The Villainess of the Spiderweb snickered, before immediately releasing Kyoko. Kyoko had submitted, which meant the Battle Bugs had won! While the referee was still unconscious, there was an official in charge of ringing the bell. And they did just that to confirm the Battle Bugs' victory!

But even though only one member of either team needed to be pinfall-ed, submitted, or knocked out for a winner to be determined, both Heartbreakers would be vanquished this time around! Honie had been punishing Misako with a smothering, pounding gauntlet, bouncing her massive, tough backside all over the middlweight's face in that signature move of hers! It became clear Misako couldn't take much more of this, as she went completely limp. When Beatrice finally got off, the ropes flung Misako's K.O'ed body to the mat. It was very clear she was smothered out cold!

"Justice has been served!" Honie buzzed, dusting her hands off, before turning her attention to the unconscious referee. "But proper justice also requires that the innocent be fully attended to." The Heroine of the Beehive gently scooped up the ref, carrying them in her muscular arms, intending to take the official to LAW's medical staff to recover.

Arachne of course couldn't care less about that, but she approached her heavyweight friend to celebrate their victory. "Yes! We won! See. Arachne was right. Wasn't I, Bumble Butt?"

"I...suppose so." Honie admitted. "Out of respect for you as my dear friend, I guess I can be more tolerant of your chaotic ideologies...under certain situations of course."

"Hahaha! You better! Now let's go inform Antonia that we left our opponents DECIMATED in the middle of the ring. Arachne's sure she'd love to hear every, juicy detail!"

"Hehe. I would hug you, but I'm busy carrying the-"

"ARACHNE DOES NOT NEED TO BE CRUSHED. But I love you too. Now let's move out!"

The Battle Bugs would make their way out of LAW Arena, to the cheers of the crowd. They had earned their very first victory as a tag team, signifying good things to come for the bug-themed stable!

Winners Via Submission and K.O: The Battle Bugs

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