Bending at the knees and leaning closer in a stance, Lacey had begun to strafe around Arizona, watching her for an opening. Unfortunately, it didn't look like the cowgirl would be taking the bait, and she stayed put right where she was. Lacey bit at the inside of her cheek, muttering something under her breath in frustration - this would mean she was going to have to adjust her plans on the fly. But then, she still had an idea.
So far, Arizona had given Lacey trouble every time the green-haired girl tried to close the distance and engage her face to face. That would prove challenging if Lacey couldn't even get close enough to line up her shots. But if she could change things up, mess with Arizona's expectations, and hit her where she least expected it...that could work!
Her feint was twofold. As her eyes narrowed in a glare, Lacey pushed herself back up and charged straight toward Arizona, looking to be on a collision course as she held her arm up seemingly for another lariat. But at the last minute, she would instead swerve behind Arizona to hit the ropes behind her instead, using their momentum to bounce her back! And as she closed in, she would try and fake Arizona out one last time as she lifted her leg before adjusting the angle on the fly to land a question mark kick upside her head!