Louise Heisenberg vs Ren Xiaofan

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Louise Heisenberg vs Ren Xiaofan

Unread post by MidMorii »

Match Type: Normal (One fall to a finish, can win via Pinfall, Submission, Count-out and disqualification)
It was the first match of Louise's professional career—struck dead in place on the grounds of a foreign land, with nothing but a dwindling hope that tonight she'd be able to become more than just a pretty little jobber for the audience to gawk at. Though, that seemed like an impossibility, as she laid her back against the wall of her locker-room; arm cradling her stomach as she felt the poisonous nausea of former beatdowns soon to become a far greater strain once she stepped into the ring.
She knew all her moves by heart, but knew not the strength that was meant to accompany such technique. In her mind, all she's learned from her years as "The Punching Bag Princess" was as useless as even having this match to begin with. To the audience that studied her career, they surely knew she was one love-tap away from collapsing towards the mat. However, as typical, her manager barged into the room, an anxious grin akin to the devil on his face as he dragged the silent fighter beside the entrance of the arena.
Her heart raced, as the crowd began to cheer loudly in anticipation. With a singular glance back at her manager, tense dread upon her every slight movement, she walked down the ramp; sweat streaming down her forehead before the match could even begin.
Strangely, it only seemed to fan the flames of pure adrenaline in the crowd even more as they hysterically chanted both her and her opponent's name; soon carried by her entrance music. In a way, hearing the fast bars and rhymes from her beloved artist gave her the final push she needed to anxiously stumble towards the ring—subconsciously ignoring the row of extended hands attempting to grace her bare skin.
Before she knew it, she had bumped into the side of the ring ever-so slightly. Her face grew flustered, her body instinctually rushing to get inside the ring.
Now within the chamber of glory or defeat, her neck stiffened as she looked over at her brother, chanting her name. She hadn't meant for him to be there physically, yet there wasn't a moments rest to dwell over such trivial matters.
"There was no guarantee that she had any chance of winning over her far more skilled opponent, but in spite of that, she had a reason to win, so she'll win" she thought to herself, quickly snatching the mic from the announcer's hands.
"Ah! Sorry about that!" she loudly whispered to the announcer before snapping her head back to the audience, "T-tonight, you may think you know my outcome, and that my bruises are a façade to fool you to think I have an ounce of skill, but.. on this very night! the night you came to watch Ren Xiaofan wipe the floor with a newbie! will be the same night I leave you speechless for more than just my looks!"
First Match Attire
Last edited by MidMorii on Fri Aug 18, 2023 3:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Louise Heisenberg vs Ren Xiaofan

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Ren Xiaofan can be seen with a smile as she pull on her boots, ready for the next match as she stretch slightly, wearing a leotard as she pull on her mask, she is ready to meet her opponent in the ring as she hop out of the backstage, she would face the newbie as she have a bright smile under her mask, her opponent is a black haired, red eyes girl, seems like shorter than her but she doesn't mind, she would wink at her as she hop down the ramp. As she make her way toward the ring, she would quickly slide in as she hop back up, standing in front of her.
"Chaos Fighter here~ So you're the one that is asking for a ass kicking huh?" Ren said in a teasing yet taunting tone as she wink at her and give her a peace sign, clearly not taking this match serious, but then again, when is she taking a match serious? Probably never as she quickly hop around the ring "I hope you can take a breating~" She said, continue her teasing yet taunting voice as she doesn't seems to see Louise as a threat.

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Re: Louise Heisenberg vs Ren Xiaofan

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Immediately as Ren stepped into the ring, Louise felt a contrast between her opponent's matured figure, and her lack of interest in the match. She felt a wave of discomfort knowing that her bold declaration meant nothing to the woman. In fact, she even teased her, seeming to not even find her as a threat whatsoever.
She looked down at her stomach, devoid of anything but a slim board of skin—disregarding the countless bruises across her body. She could definitely take a few good punches, but now switching over to the chiseled abs apparent through Ren's leotard, alongside proud muscles that put hers to shame, she dreaded using her original tactic of taking the hits in an attempt to tire her out. Then again, that was all she knew. It was her strongest skillset, but she damn-well knew that she had to at least send some hits of her own if she wanted to be seen as more than just a jobber.
Even so, with a deep breath and a sliver of hope that she was all talk and no bite, Louise steps back from her masked adversary—bandage-wrapped arms defensively covering her face, while she awaits Ren's next move—foreseeing all potential moves that could counter her defenses.
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Re: Louise Heisenberg vs Ren Xiaofan

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Ren would chuckles as she saw Louise cover her face, of course, Ren being Ren, she doesn't go for a punch to her face, instead, she would simply charge toward her opponent, and hop, instead of tackle or anything, she would simply resume tackle at the poor girl to the mat back first before she would charge at her and slam her own body toward her

She would stand back up, instead of going for a simple test of strength, she would go all out on the poor girl, she would then knee down at the girl and flick at her head, teasing and taunting her with a smile on her face as she chuckles softly, tilt her head slightly as she let out a delightful hmm.
Last edited by Void-Effect on Sat Aug 19, 2023 3:30 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Louise Heisenberg vs Ren Xiaofan

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Taken by surprise at her opponent's speed, Louise let out a soft groan as she collapsed onto the mat. Luckily, her wrists shielded her from most of the force, but it wasn't long before she felt an almost fiery disdain towards Ren at the single flick of a finger against her head. It was a familiar feeling that she'd never dare act on before, but this time, she had something to prove—she had the guts to act on her uncharacteristically sadistic desire.
Without a single second of foresight, she gritted her teeth, unable to escape her soft face and rather cute features. Her hand reaches out for Ren's long, lustrous hair—strongly dazzling in the arena's lights. She hoped to quickly strike like a snake, stepping on her hair, whilst simultaneously planning to overwhelm the masked beauty with a plethora of punches to her face.
Last edited by MidMorii on Sat Aug 19, 2023 12:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Louise Heisenberg vs Ren Xiaofan

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Hearing the groan, she would manage to tackle Louise down as she manage to take her down, but it seems like the force of the impact was blocked by her arms, before she would flick her head, giggles at the same time before she would felt her hair being grabbed, cause her to yelp in pain "Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Not the Hair! Not the Hair!" She would cry out before she would felt her face being punched

In return, whining in pain, she would manage to punch back as she try to also punch at her face, having her hair being pulled at the same time as she whine in pain, groaning as she, in return, as revenge, attempt to pull on Louise hair too while punch back

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Re: Louise Heisenberg vs Ren Xiaofan

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Whimpering softly at the strong tug of her short, brunette locks—Louise's scalp ached almost unbearably. Although, she somehow managed to maintain sanity, biting firmly on her lip, fighting past the pain; attempting to thrust her feet into the stomach of Ren for a chance to send some more attacks in the form of a barrage of kicks to said midsection. She hadn't decided whether she wanted to attempt a submission or eventually kick her away, but regardless, before she could give it some more thought, her felt a jab directed to her face; her grip on the girl loosened enough for strands to slip from her palms.
Her lip bled a shallow stream down her cheek, Louise's mind starting to become fogged up against her determination to stay in the match.
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Re: Louise Heisenberg vs Ren Xiaofan

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Ren would saw Louise slam her feet into her stomach as she took it, wince slightly and cause her to let out a grunt as she give out a soft hiss of pain as she ready herself, she would then proceed to give her a right hook to her face, cause the girl to bled slightly, which Ren would smile and lean forward before lick the blood off, with a smile on her face before she would give her a kick to her stomach to let her go, attempt to sending Louise to stumbling down

Ren would lick her lips as she look down at her, wipe her wet lips while looking at her, have a smile on her face as she crack her knuckles to ready herself

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Re: Louise Heisenberg vs Ren Xiaofan

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Her opponent's hair crept away from her grasp; Louise knocked back down from a kick to the stomach. Her breaths deepened, the bruised heroine's arm cradling her stomach—nails digging into her left hip. Anger seeped through the surface, her lips quivering as Ren licked the blood off of them.
Louise instinctively sent her foot towards Ren's knee, her hand rolling into a fist for another punch to her face—some of the bandages on her arms snapping at her aggression.
Last edited by MidMorii on Tue Aug 22, 2023 12:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Louise Heisenberg vs Ren Xiaofan

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As Ren licking Louise's blood, she would felt her knees being kicked as she let out a grunt before she would turn her head just in time to saw the fist slammed into her face, cause her to le tout in pain as she fell to her butts, her mask loosen from the punch as she hiss in pain as she hold her face while attempt to pull herself back up as she face Louise

Instead of turning angry, she would simply instead chuckles "Atta girl, that's it, and here I thought you're just a jobber, Come on, Show me what you got" She said with a smile as she spread her arms

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