Ashley Lucas vs Nashi Dragneel

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Ashley Lucas vs Nashi Dragneel

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Standard match
Winner decided via Pinfall, submission or KO

Without even taking a single step into the LAW ring Ashley Lucas could feel sweat forming on her brow and her heart pounding in her chest, trying and failing to put herself at ease by doing her usual pre-match stretching. In spite of herself she was feeling nervous for the upcoming match, this would mark her official return to LAW after being absent for over a year and she wasn't sure if the LAW fans would accept her as they had in the past. With all that had happened since she left Ashley wouldn't be surprised if the fans had forgotten about her, or at the very least would have lost some interest in her.

Speaking of Ashley's time away from the ring her opponent tonight was a woman who had been making waves while she was gone, Nashi Dragneel. The young fighter was a former idol who reportedly became a wrestler to follow in her fathers footsteps, and though Ashley was usually sceptical of celebrities using their popularity to get a spot in LAW she couldn't argue with Nashi's results; she's proven she has the mettle to keep up with LAWs wrestlers and has been successful both as a solo act and as a part of her tag team. Ashley was at a risk of being overshadowed in her return match, which in spite of her usual confidence worried the blonde.

While Ashley was lost in her thoughts she would be broken out of them by the bark of a staff member informing her that it was time to go, a reminder of the fact that no matter what she was feeling wrestling was a show, and the show must go on. After taking one last deep breath Ashley would walk down the corridor leading out of the gorilla position, raising a fist into the air as she walked out to the top of the ramp and was met with the eager cheers of the LAW faithful. A smile crept it's way onto Ashley's face as she once again experienced the thrill of being cheered on by hundreds of people, but she didn't let herself get too happy as she still had a match to focus on.

With that in mind Ashley would march down the ramp and make her way into the ring, parading around the ring and once again pumping her fist into the air before the lights would fade in preparation for Nashi's entrance. While this was happening Ashley would back into the corner and look up at the top of the ramp, awaiting the arrival of Nashi so she could take a look at her in person.
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Re: Ashley Lucas vs Nashi Dragneel

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Nashi was excited for her match tonight. She was facing off against Ashley Lucas, while they did interact on twitter, they never met in person. Now the two finally get to face off against each other. Even with all this excitement, she knew she couldn't take this lightly. Ashley won a "Last Woman Standing Tournament" so she was someone to take seriously. Thankfully, Yukino was here to accompany her."Thanks Yukino, im just nervous is all about her, Ashley is a born prodigy." Even with her opponent taking a full year off due to personal issues, Ashley was wrestling when she was in preschool! Then she was being told it was their turn to enter the ring."Oops.. lets go Yukino! " Nashi grabbed her friends arm and began to run through the backstage of the ring.

Nashi came out to the top ramp with Yukino by her side with Nashi pumping her fist in the air similar to her opponent. Then the Idol Dragons stood back-to-back with Nashi having her arms cross staring at Ashley with a smirk on her face. Soon they would break formation and go to the ring waving and smiling at the crowd. They even took time to pose for some photos before reaching the bottom of the ramp."wish me luck" She gave her friend a big hug before stepping up the ropes and ducking under the ropes to get into the ring. She was face to face with Ashley and had a look of determination on her face."Since you are a wrestling nerd did you ever watch my dad wrestle? i could get an autograph for you if you like." She giggled before putting her hand out for a handshake." ive been waiting a long time to face you Ashley, so lets give it are all!” She said with pure enthusiasm as she went back to her corner.


With that the bell had rung and Nashi went to the center of the ring and put her hands up for a classic test of strength. If Ashley had accepted, the two would have their fingers interlocked with Nashi trying to push Ashley straight into the corner to get an early start!
Last edited by SRG on Sat Jan 27, 2024 8:15 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Ashley Lucas vs Nashi Dragneel

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In that time since Ashley Lucas had last wrestled in LAW, a lot had happened. The Idol Dragons had come to the promotion over the course of her hiatus, and that time had quickly seen them shoot to prominence, becoming natural fan favorites with the red-hot enthusiasm of their idol careers still carrying their momentum - and that was only further fueled by all the thrilling matches and breathtaking accomplishments they had made in the ring, proving that they could be just as beloved as wrestlers as they were as idols. But now that Ashley was back in Japan, it was time for her to build herself back up by taking on some of the biggest sensations LAW had to offer - and that meant that a match with Nashi Dragneel was a no-brainer.

Despite all the strides she had made and how far she had come since the start of her career, though, Nashi still had her reservations about how well she would be able to stand up to Ashley. After all, the blonde had far more experience than she did; even if Nashi had shown a lot of progress, she was still a rookie in the grand scheme of things. But Yukino had hope that, if Nashi really put her heart and soul into it, she could do it. She knew the pink-haired girl was capable of incredible things; she'd seen them herself! She was sure she could do it here, too, if she had the right amount of motivation. But Yukino was here to supply that!

Leaning in a little closer, Yukino took Nashi by the hands and gave them a firm squeeze. "I know it's scary, Nashi...but just remember that I'm going to be right there at ringside, watching you and cheering you on! If that's the encouragment you need, I'm right here for it! So go out there and fight your hardest for my sake, okay?" She smiled to Nashi just before it was time for them to take to the ring - and at that, with a nod, the Idol Dragons hurried out onto the stage together!
It was to no shortage of cheers that Nashi and Yukino entered the arena together, going through their usual routine of posing and showing off for photos. It might have just been Nashi tonight, but the two were inseparable - as close as sisters, and always there to support one another. That showed in their well-coordinated entrance, but it wasn't just for looks. Yukino was just as happy to lend her best friend the support she needed!

As they reached the ring, Yukino eagerly returned the hug, and just before Nashi got between the ropes, Yukino looked back up at her with a smile on her face, nodding her head. "You got it, Nashi! Just remember, I'm cheering you on!" She went to give Nashi one last parting high-five before the Fiery Idol entered the ring, facing down her opponent...
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Re: Ashley Lucas vs Nashi Dragneel

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Soon Nashi's entrance would begin and the first thing Ashley would notice is that she wasn't alone; the young woman was joined by her tag partner and close friend Yukino Fuyumi. Ashley wasn't worried of course, the Idol Dragons were babyfaces through and through so unless they were going to go heel just to win Nashi a random singles match Yukino wasn't going to interfere with the match, she was merely expecting Nashi to be alone since it was a singles match. The next thing Ashley noticed was that the two of them seemed to love playing to the crowd, striking a group pose at the top of the ramp and waving to the fans and posing for pictures again before they even got to the end of the ramp. A part of Ashley wished they would just hurry up and start the match so she could shake these nerves, but she ignored her impulsive thoughts and would wait patiently for them all the same.

When Ashley and Nashi finally met face to face she could plainly see the determination in Nashi's eyes, she might have been a pretty face but she also exuded a fierce aura. That made it all the more peculiar that the first words the former idol shared with her opponent were about Ashley being a nerd "Uh... I prefer 'fan'... and that other stuff can wait until after the match..." she would say that as if she didn't particularly care, ever the professional, but if Nashi was looking closely she would notice that Ashley started getting a little fidgety after she said that. Though when Nashi put her hand out for a handshake Ashley would return the favour with a firm grip and a smile "Yes, and may the best woman win"

After that exchange the match would officially begin and Nashi would look to begin things on a traditional note with a test of strength. Ashley would accept her challenge and lock fingers with her only to be taken off guard as Nashi instantly pushed her back, Nashi's eagerness taking Ashley by surprise. Though before she could be pushed all the way back to the corner Ashley would stand her ground and slow Nashi's charge to a screeching halt, leaning into her so hard that their chests pressed against each other as she tried to push her back "Nnnngh..."
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Re: Ashley Lucas vs Nashi Dragneel

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Nashi heard Yukino's comment and flashed a smile at her tag partner"don't worry you know i got this" She said to her partner as she gave her a big high five as she went through the ropes. She would giggle at Ashley's comment"it's all the same to me, and sure after the match I'll introduce ya to him" she said with an upbeat smile and despite seeing her opponent fidgeting she wouldnt comment on it, not wanting to embarrass her. when Ashley accepted her handshake, she smiled even brighter"Agreed" She let out a light giggle as the bell finally rung.

As the pair interlocked fingers and were in a tight lock up. Nashi was showing off some of her strength by using her opponent back. However, it wasn't enough to keep her down Ashley. The short blonde girl had her feet deep into the ring canvas pushing back against Nashi"Good, because i know you still got it!" She smirked as she tried to break the lock and went to wrap her arms around Lucas's waist to try and lift her up with a suplex!
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Re: Ashley Lucas vs Nashi Dragneel

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Though the two fighters shared a cordial conversation before the bell they would show no hesitation once it rang, meeting in the middle and struggling against each other instantaneously. Nashi had the edge at first with her eager charge but Ashley was able to recover in time to avoid being smashed into the turnbuckle, forcing a stalemate against her pink haired opponent. For a few moments their bodies would clash against each other in a struggle for dominance, but Nashi would be the first one to break it by snaking her arms around Ashley's waist "W-wah!?!" Before Ashley could react in any meaningful way she would get hauled right off the mat and thrown back in an arc to be slammed on her back.


Ashley cried out as she arced her back in pain, her face scrunched into a hiss as she tried to soothe the ache. That being said Ashley was still fresh and she knew she couldn't stay down for too long unless she wanted Nashi to take advantage, so she would quickly hop up to her feet and turn around to face Nashi "Nnngh... not bad..."
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Re: Ashley Lucas vs Nashi Dragneel

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Nashi was able to wrap her arms around the short blonde woman and was able to perform a powerful German Supplex! The crowd cheered; Ashley was a formidable wrestler so Nashi being able to start like this was worth the attention of the crowd. Nashi knew she couldn't keep Ashley down for long as her opponent kicked out and got back to her feet.

The idol rose up and smirked"Thanks I appreciate it" She gave her a warm smile before aiming to run to the ropes and bounce off planning to jump up and preform her signature hip attack!
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Re: Ashley Lucas vs Nashi Dragneel

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With Ashley taking the first hit of the match in the form of a suplex she was eager to get back up and start giving back what she took. Nashi didn't waste any time in preparing her follow up attack, bouncing off the ropes to launch herself at Ashley for a hip attack! Fortunately the momentum the move had to build up gave Ashley time to see what was coming, so she would throw her body out of the way to avoid the attack and instead just leave Nashi stumbling towards the next ropes.

When Nashi got bounced back by the ropes Ashley would rear her arm back and lunge towards her, swinging her arm in a clothesline-like arc with the aim of having it come crashing into Nashi's collar for a Lariat "Orah!"
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Re: Ashley Lucas vs Nashi Dragneel

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Nashi was hoping to follow up with a powerful hip attack. What she didn't keep in the back of her mind was, Ashley was still fresh since it was only one attack. "WOAH!" Nashi shouted as she stumbled forward and bounced right off the ropes into a trap set by Ashley!

"GACK!" She gasped as Nashi's collar hit her arm sending her to the mat in pain. She jumped up a bit from the blow before rolling onto her stomach to push her to her knees. Nashi attempted to grab Ashley by her arm aiming to yank her down to send a punch straight to her face!
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Re: Ashley Lucas vs Nashi Dragneel

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With Ashley's timely dodge of Nashi's hip attack she would be able to retaliate with a hard Lariat that downed Nashi, shaking the ring with the impact! Ashley never intended to showboat during her matches, but as far as wrestling moves went the Lariat was easily one of the most satisfying to land so she couldn't help but shout after landing it "Yeah!" Her moment of celebration was ruined however when Nashi grabbed her by the wrist to force her onto her knees before promptly punching her in the face "Oooof!"

Ashley's head was rocked back from the punch but she was able to grab Nashi's arm that had grabbed her to stop herself from being thrown back so that she and Nashi were now both on their knees across from each other. The blonde would then rear back her arm and retaliate with a forearm strike aimed at the side of Nashi's head "Orah!"
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