Mama Atalanta
"Lets get rockin!"
Real Name: Caroline Divius Centris
Ring Names: Mama Atalanta, Vintage Warrior
Age: 44
Height: 6'3”
Weight: 228 lbs
Nationality: Greek
Alignment: Tweener
Entrance Music:






Wild, cheerful and playful, there’s nothin more Carol lives than scrapping, the dirtier the better, mud matches are a fave of hers. She’s friendly, but also very frank and brutally honest, happy go lucky and enjoys the sport for what it is, a fun pastime.
Wrestling Information
Strategy: Since Carols rather bottom heavy, she loves to dish out standing thigh chokes, butt bombs, slams and hip checks. She’s also prone to lifting her opponents face up with her leg, to show off and have some fun with watching their expression.
Preferred Matches: "Oh whatever, honey! Im just here to have a good time!"
Signature Match: - “Who's your mommy?” in which the wrestler has to dominate their opponent and make them call the other mommy (daddy if v males), as a means of submission.
Attitude To Hentai: “Haha! We’ll just see how that goes!”
Threat Level
★★★ -In her prime, Carol was a top tier threat, good against anyone and at everything. Now she's still good, but her expertise in counters has risen but as she's older, her endurance and defence is a good bit lacking
Hentai Capability
★★★ - Do you even have to ask?
Signature Moves




Humiliation Aspect

Finishing Moves
Folding the Laundry

H version



Caroline was the odd one out in her family. Cold, arrogant, workaholics, and not really good at social interaction, that was just about the opposite of Carol. She was a bubbly and rather cheery little lass that loved throwing down in the mud versus anyone that wanted to go. In fact, she pulled obvious pranks to instigate fights and always sat atop her opponent with a proud smile, caked in dirt. She sure knew how to have fun, and people weren't really staying mad at her cause she was always nice about it and would bring them homemade confectionaries.
Indie wrestling soon turned out to be her bread and butter. At first it was just a local wrestling league where she was caught out, grabbing the attention of some scouts which toted her away to America, where she had a rocky start.. but still came off strong. However, she ended up having TOO much fun one night and got knocked up. So she and the guy got married, but since it wasnt really outta love but moreso tradition on both sides, ended up a divorce after 5 years or so. Thats okay, cause she chilled with her kid, keeping herself in shape and working on the family business but boy was it dreary. She found out her sis in law and niece were LAW wrestlers which made her check it out and she skipped off to train.. and finally rejoin!
Queen of two indie wrestling circuits with a strong record of 16 - 0 - 3. Will ALWAYS talk about her three losses proudly, mostly cause she finds the methods she lost funny. (ring out, choked out.. you dont wanna know)
Drasna and Cassandra Selinofoto - Sister in law and Niece
Robyn Selinofoto - Son