Tara Jaeger vs Kiera Quinn

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Tara Jaeger vs Kiera Quinn

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Another day, another match. And hopefully a big win for Kiera Quinn. At the very least she was ready to put on a show for the crowd. The redhead would wiggle her hips as she pulled her bottoms over them and into place. "Ok there! Ready!" she'd announce to no one, now clad in her black outfit with a rather prominent skull on one thigh. She'd hurry out towards the entrance, knowing she'd be called out any minute now. Kiera quickly got into position, ready to burst from backstage.

"Entering the ring...we have the redheaded rumbler, Kiera Quinnnnnnn!"
And with her introduction, Kiera was off, running towards the ring while waving toward the crowd. She wasn't one for elaborate entrances, or at least not until one actually got into the ring. As she got there, Kiera vaulted over the ropes to make her entrance. She quickly spun around to face the crowd while stumbling a few steps back towards the center of the ring.

Finally, Kiera gave the skull on the side of her outfit a little slap. "That's what the next loser that walks in this ring is gonna look like when I'm done with em~" She taunted, flashing the crowd a wide grin.
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Re: Tara Jaeger vs Kiera Quinn

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Tara sighed softly as she waited patiently backstage, preparing for the match ahead with an almost solemn look. Too say that things... weren't exactly going her way would be a little bit of an understatement. Despite her best efforts and skill she had taken a few more losses than she would have liked in her law career and it was honestly frustrating for her.

Granted she at least had Kyoko and the Abdominion to help sharpen her skills, but it was exactly for that reason that Tara wanted to improve and gain a record that reflected her place with the group. That was why.. no matter what happened tonight she would be walking away with the win.
As the entrance music kicked on Tara would push off from the wall and walk through the entrance curtain, throwing her leg up before stomping her foot down as pyro came out, but still to a farily subdued reaction. That was fine though. Tara would give them a reason to pop as she made her way down the ramp, white and red outfit exposing already glistening dark skin as she hopped on the ring apron and slipped between the ropes, to fully enter the ring.
Turning towards her opponent Tara would flash the girl the briefest moments of a glare before settling into a more neutral expression. "Hope you didn't have any victory plans already made." Tara said simply and bluntly, letting Kiera know out of the gate that she had every single intention of winning tonight.

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Re: Tara Jaeger vs Kiera Quinn

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As her opponent made their entrance, Kiera would patiently wait for them in the center of the ring. It seemed they were dealing with a bit of a tough crowd today but each fighter was determined to put on a show they wouldn't forget. When Tara finally entered the ring, it seemed like Kiera might be dealing with a bit of a tough opponent as well. Although they probably just didn't approve of her pre-match declaration.

Kiera looked her opponent over before taking a second to reexamine herself. There was a clear contrast between their outfits, and with some obvious imagery on her outfit, she couldn't help but comment on it. "Hmm, black versus white? Guess that means I'm the bad guy today." She said with a glint in her eye and a little smirk. "Hehe awesome. Love it when the villain wins~" The redhead teased, trying to at least get some reaction from the other woman.

"Well anyway I'd shake your hand but, gotta play the part." Kiera said, addressing Tara once more before the bell finally rang. She'd finally raise her arms to ready herself, waiting for the bell to ring so she could immediately aim a quick strike to Tara's abs.
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Re: Tara Jaeger vs Kiera Quinn

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Entering the ring and giving a fairly brisk greeting towards her opponent Tara was leaning against the ropes, mentally and physically preparing for the match ahead Determined to not let victory slip from her fingers this time around. As Kiera spoke though... the sharp tongue of Tara couldn't help but come out despite her best effort to try and play this a bit more serious.

"You like to talk a lot huh?" Tara asked rhetorically as she pushed off from the corner and took a few steps forward. "Well it doesn't matter, just like it doesn't matter who's the good or bad guy, either way I'mma make you scream." Tara promised as she put her fists up in preparation as the bell rang, officially starting the match!

Nearing her opponent Tara would watch her carefully and, seeing a strike coming in hot towards her she would move her body to the side deftly in a effort to avoid it before swinging her leg up in a effort to pay Kiera back with a kick to the ribs!

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Re: Tara Jaeger vs Kiera Quinn

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Kiera could practically hear the scowl in her opponent's voice. She let out a sigh, already feeling this match was going to be a grind. "Christ...I had to get the fighter with a stick up her ass?" She mumbled to herself. Since it seemed Tara wasn't in the mood for much banter, the redhead would just get straight to business as the match started. She threw a quick strike but didn't manage to make contact. Before she could get back into a better position, Tara kicked her right in the ribs.

"Guugh!!" Kiera cried out, wincing as she took a solid hit. Despite stumbling a step to the side, she managed to wrap her arm around her foe's leg though, holding it firmly to her side. "Right...into my trap." The redhead blatantly lied as she tried not to just groan. With Tara's leg in her grasp though, Kiera would quickly twist and try to bring the other woman to the ground, hoping she would soon be able to scramble and lock in a tight ankle lock.
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Re: Tara Jaeger vs Kiera Quinn

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Tara was determined to win. Not just for herself and her reputation, but now by extension Kyoko and the Abdominion's now as well. As such she was far less playful and nonchalant than she normally would be. Starting off fairly decently by avoiding a strike from Kiera she would manage to response back with a strong kick to the redhead's gut in response, earning a nice little grunt of pain from her in response.

Unfortunately however Tara would be caught off guard herself when Kiera managed to grab and hold onto her leg! 'Shit!' Tara thought to herself, hopping on one leg for a moment before getting taken down and locked into a ankle lock! "Agh!" Tara groaned out in pain, gritting her teeth before huffing slightly and push her hands against the mat raising herself up before pulling her caught leg in while thrusting her free leg back, trying to smack her foot directly Kiera's gut to make her let go!

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Re: Tara Jaeger vs Kiera Quinn

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Despite a bit of a rough start and a now achy rib, Kiera soon had her opponent down and right where she wanted them. The redhead would crank Tara's leg back, twisting and pulling at their ankle in an attempt to leave them limping. "Doesn't this feel soooo good?" She'd taunt, Tara's groans music to her ears. She wasn't sure if the crowd appreciated the effort she was putting in or if they just wanted Tara to escape, but they were roaring regardless.

Before Kiera could really capitalize on her position, Tara aimed a few rough kicks at her with their other leg. "Hey watch where you're...owww!!" The redhead whined. She managed to dodge or shrug off a few glancing blows, One of them caught her right in the stomach though, causing Kiera to gasp as the air was forced from her. Kiera released Tara's ankle and stumbled back a few steps. "Nnng fuck...Ok noted. Next time that ankle is coming off" She mumbled
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Re: Tara Jaeger vs Kiera Quinn

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Grunting and groaning in pain from the torque applied to her leg Tara would grunt and struggle within Kiera's clutches, doing whatever she could to struggle and fight her way out. Resorting to sending some fast and furious kicks backwards aimed at Kiera's stomach, determined to loosen her grip and push her away! Something that, while it took a few tries, managed to succeed in working and making the woman back off!

"Haghhh..." Tara gasped out in relief once her ankle was freed, immediately pulling the leg back and roll over to get back to a standing position, but not without a light grunt of discomfort from putting pressure on the ankle. Not letting it stop her though Tara would look back up at Kiera with a light glare at her words. "Yeah... that's assuming I don't kick your head off." Tara hissed out with a glare as she began to circle her.

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Re: Tara Jaeger vs Kiera Quinn

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After stumbling a few steps back, Kiera regained her balance. She'd look back to see Tara getting back up. Seeing their visible discomfort, she just flashed them a wide grin in hopes of getting a bit more under their skin. Her actions were, of course, just met with a threat from Tara. She rolled her eyes at the comment, barely taking their words seriously. At worst she expected a head bruising kick from them.

With Tara now circling her, it was once more time to make a move. "Alright. Let's see what you can really do." She finally replied. Kiera stepped forward, hands up to invite Tara in for a test of strength. was curious just how strong her opponent was. And so if they accepted, Kiera would quickly try to shove them back into the corner with as much force as she could muster.
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Re: Tara Jaeger vs Kiera Quinn

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Circling Kiera now after their initial stale mate of offense tara would glare softly at the red head, looking for any opening she could in the girl's stance. Only there was none. None that Tara felt comfortable trying to act upon at least which would prove to be a pain since it meant that they would now have to lock up directly, grasping each other's hands in a test of strength with one another!

"Ngh! Grr!" Grunting and growling softly with exertion the two appeared evenly matched for a bit, but gradually Tara started to get pushed back. Closer and closer towards the corner, not getting bent backwards, but losing ground all the same in what looked like a losing effort!

If not for Tara smirking slightly once they neared the corner. "Ngh.. Hook line... and sinker!" Tara bit out with a soft growl before turning to the side and bringing her legs around, pulling on Kiera's arms while snatching Kiera's legs within her own to pull the woman down and send her face first into a turnbuckle with a drop toe hold!

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