Win via Pinfall, Submission, Disqualification or Countout
”Annie Clark”
Annie is what many people call a tough cookie. Despite her strength becoming a well known part of her game, many wresters both big and small are still surprised by her ability to simply ragdoll people, especially considering what her personality is like. Annie usually had a bright smile on her face, her rather muscular exterior showing itself off as she lifts dumbbells to prepare for an upcoming match. She had no idea what kind of opponent she was in for, Annie prefers a more trial by fire way of doing things.
Annie also decided to do some leg stretches before an official came down to notify her that the match was about to start as Annie gave them a bright smile and nod. She came walking down to the guerilla position, ready to make her entrance.
The arena turned bright orange, and Annie made her way down to the ring, marching down while slapping hands with some fans ho wanted to greet her. She had become a popular figure in wrestling during her time in LAW and she was ready to give the crowd a show. Annie walked up the steel steps and underneath the middle rope into the ring. She then climbed onto the middle rope in her corner and waved to the crowd.
Now all that there was left for Annie to do was wait.
Barbara and Kokomi had been pretty busy lately, so there was no one to keep her entertained. So she was looking through the LAW roster for someone who looked like they were quick tempered. That was when she came across Annie and immediately set this match up.
The only issue she had with this match was that she didn’t really have a goal when it came to what she wanted out of this match outside of a little entertainment from the girl. Perhaps sending her into a blind rage and watch her flail about for a bit.
When the staff members gave her her queue to start her entrance, she would walk towards her specific area to prepare for her usual and favorite way to make her entrance for anyone who didn’t know what she was about.
After her opponent’s entrance was done, multiple spotlights scanned around the arena before pointing towards where every other wrestler would appear… Only Alice did not appear. Her music theme stopped right before the drop. The fans that knew would let out some hushed giggles and chuckles. Mainly because they knew that Alice had already made her entrance. Spoiler
In fact, while the spotlights were distracting everyone and leading their eyes to the entrance, Alice had snuck in through the crowd and quietly hopped over the barrier behind her opponent so that when Annie turned around, Alice would be right there in her face.
Alice screamed at her right as she turned around, hoping to prank the girl and live up to her name as a prankster. Even if her scare didn’t work, she would start giggling at her opponent and her music continued where it left off. After her laughing fit, she would start appealing to the audience, waving to them and going so far as to climbing up on top of the turnbuckle and posing.
When her entrance was finally done, she would come to a rest against the opposing turnbuckle staring at her opponent with a chuckle.
Last edited by Kookio on Sat Aug 12, 2023 7:09 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Annie waited as her opponent made her entrance to the ring. Or so she thought, as Alice had not appeared from the ramp, causing Annie to look horribly confused. She started looking all around the arena, wondering if her opponent had bailed out of the match.
She was not expecting Alice to had appeared right behind her, so as soon as the young southern girl turned around, she was surprised by Alice’s growl, causing Annie to fall straight on her rear end. “WHAT THE?” Annie yelped as she crawled backwards towards a corner, using that to pull herself up.
“OH. You gonna be in the mud once I’m done with you.” Annie said, cracking her knuckles as she waited for the match to start and for her to get her hands on Alice.
Alice really did burst out in laughter with Annie’s reaction, the fact that the cowgirl fell straight on her rear and had to crawl to the other side of the ring just from one little scare sent the Prankster into a harsh laughing fit, her body rolling around on the ring floor until she would eventually come to a stop by her corner, also needing the turnbuckle to help pull herself back up. ”Oh that prank never gets old..!”
She said through her wheezes. Thankfully it wasn’t enough for her to still be in her laughing fit after the bell rang. She managed to compose herself just enough to hear what her opponent said. “Its just a prank bro.~ Why so mad?~” she teased, letting out some small giggles afterwards.
That was when the bell rang out and as usual, Alice leaned against her turnbuckle waiting for her opponent to make the first move, making herself look vulnerable by looking so casual.
It was clear to everyone watching that Annie was not too happy about being pranked like that by Alice. Annie was not going to be made a joke out of this match. Alice was going to be the recipient of a good old southern beatdown.
The bell rang, and Annie came dashing in like a fright truck, looking to go at Alice who was leaned into the corner.
She was looking to bash Alice’s head in with a running forearm smash, and hopefully teach her a lesson about not trolling someone who has knocked out people in the ring.
”Yep. That’s the typical response.~” Alice mumbled to herself while her opponent came charging towards her like a bull that just saw red. Now for Alice to be the matador.
As her opponent came in range, the smaller girl would use her size to her advantage and slip by Annie, hoping the girl would run straight into the turnbuckle right behind her. If Annie did, Alice would attempt to grab her opponent by the hair and slam her forehead into the turnbuckle once more to keep her opponent dazed so she could try other things to the cowgirl afterwards.
Annie came charging, looking to smash Alice’s head in. Unluckily for her, Alice had managed to move out of the way, meaning there was nothing for Annie to hit besides corner turnbuckle, and there was no way for Annie to stop herself now.
“AAGH!” Annie groaned as her body bounced off the turnbuckle, causing her to take a few steps back from the rebound. She was currently in a dazed state right now.
And then before she could do anything, Alice grabbed the back of her head, and slammed it into the turnbuckle, causing Annie to collapse and fall flat on her back, holding her head in pain.
This was not the way she wanted to start this match.
With her opponent collapsing onto the ground, the Prankster would attempt to pull Annie’s head in and shove her neck between the Prankster’s thighs where she would start squeezing down tightly on her opponent in a tight head scissor.
”Ya ever notice how people don’t enjoy a good prank? I mean, I mean you all react the exact same way to my pranks all the time! It’s just hilarious and hilariously easy to counter! I bet the fans really enjoyed watching you run yourself into the turnbuckle like this was a Tom and Jerry show.~”
She would start talking casually like she wasn’t putting much effort into the fight in the first place while her opponent would just have to sit there and listen if she were in the head scissor. In truth, Alice was just having a casual fun time with her opponent this round which was nicer than her previous matches where she was trying to humiliate them.
Annie was still holding her head from the wild bounce that Alice did to her, causing her to collapse on the mat. It turned out that rampaging straight towards Alice was not a good idea, and Annie paid for it the hard way.
Next thing Annie knew, Alice had trapped Annie’s head and neck between her thighs. The country girl’s face turned bright red, she was getting choked out. Annie had to rely on her instincts to get out of this sticky situation.
Annie gritted her teeth and balled up her fist, before attempting to punch Alice’s thighs, to get loose.
With her opponent within her thigh's grasp, the woman, she would hum to herself, relaxing back and resting her arms on the back of her head. That was until her opponent would start hitting her thighs. "W-what the? Oi! Ow!" she would yelp before finally being forced to let go of her opponent's neck and letting her breathe for a moment.
"Got some fight in you, huh?" she chuckled while reaching out to grab onto Annie's hair. She was hoping to be able to continue her assault on her opponent, feeling as though she could still keep advantage.