Aiden Bolt vs Chris Hicks: Knee Deep in Beer Bottles and Bodyslams

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Aiden Bolt vs Chris Hicks: Knee Deep in Beer Bottles and Bodyslams

Unread post by Sigma Morgan »

Chris was chilling backstage drinking in his locker room drinking as usual surrounded by a dozen cans of beer before getting a knock at the door telling him to be ready to make his entrance. Chris got up and grabbed the twenty four pack of beer next to the bench before her left the locker room with a smile on his face as opened the door and entered the hallway. Chris got a few glances as he carried the beer to the ramp entrance before hearing his theme start and walked out onto the ramp as the crowd erupted into cheers.
Chris Hicks
Chris's Music
Chris set the beer package down for a moment to open it up before continuing his entrance handing beers out to a few people in the front row on his way down to the ring by the time he reached the ring he had four left. Chris set the beer down by the steel steps grabbing a can of it before entering the ring. Stepping between the ropes and opening his beer Chris simply went to his corner and waited for his opponent to arrive taking a sip of his beer almost forgetting to take his sunglasses off which he handed to the referee once he noticed.
Last edited by Sigma Morgan on Thu Aug 10, 2023 3:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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Re: Aiden Bolt vs Chris Hicks: Knee Deep in Beer Bottles and Bodyslams

Unread post by Ihateocrecolors »

As much as Aiden loved taking care of Jasper's cat, Jessie, he loved wrestling a bit more! And that's the world he wanted to belong in! Clad in his lightning-accented trunks and boots, strapping up his red gloves, and fixing his frizzled hair. The Five-Foot Tornado was here to stay and nothing anyone could say or do could change that! He was soon called up against his opponent Chris Hicks!

He didn't know much about Chris, but that was just half the fun! Knowing nothing about his opponent just added to that!
Aiden Bolt's theme

The lights would soon illuminate the ramp as out came the Five Foot Tornado, Aiden Bolt! The crowd cheered the guy on as he pointed out to each side of the crowd and then finally to the ring!

Aiden took in a deep breath, before suddenly bolting down to the ring, managing to jump and clear the ropes, despite his small stature, landing gracefully in the ring as he popped back up! Walking to the left turnbuckle and raising his hand to the crowd, determined to win this contest!*
Aiden Bolt himself
Last edited by Ihateocrecolors on Sat Aug 12, 2023 10:53 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Aiden Bolt vs Chris Hicks: Knee Deep in Beer Bottles and Bodyslams

Unread post by Sigma Morgan »

Chris continued to sip on his beer turning his attention to the ramp as he saw his opponent Aiden making his entrance. Chris was surprised how quick Aiden bolted to the ring. But Chris was even more impressed with the jump inside of the ring. Chris took another sip of his beer noticing how some how his opponent was shorter than he was, it felt weird for him to be the bigger competitor for once. Chris decided it would only be polite if he introduced himself handing the referee his beer and saying "Here hold my beer" as he walked over to his younger opponent. "Hey the names Chris by the way, its nice to meet you" the wolverine said reaching his hand out to possible shake Aiden's before back away to his corner and grabbing his beer from the referee on the way back. Chris then chugged the rest of it and tossed the can out of the ring ready for the match to begin.
Last edited by Sigma Morgan on Sun Aug 13, 2023 2:22 am, edited 1 time in total.


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Re: Aiden Bolt vs Chris Hicks: Knee Deep in Beer Bottles and Bodyslams

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Aiden soon saw Chris making his way to his corner, a little skeptical at first because of seeing his beer can in the ref’s hand, a bit reserved about having to fight a drunk person but as soon he saw Chris seemed to be normal as someone who almost downed a full can of beer, and probably some more, he eased up a bit! Putting a small smile as he shook his hand, still having his reservations about Chris’s status as of now.
"You sure you'll be able to wrestle after that drink?"
Aiden shouted across the ring, raising an eyebrow at his opponent as he chugged the can and tossed it.

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Re: Aiden Bolt vs Chris Hicks: Knee Deep in Beer Bottles and Bodyslams

Unread post by Sigma Morgan »

Chris raised his eyebrow at Aiden's question. "What? Yeah I had twelve of these backstage before the match you really think thirteen is going to hurt me?" Chris shouted back before getting ready to start the match. Chris then heard the bell ring signaling the start of the match Chris walking forward looking like he was going to go in for a normal tie up before charging low hoping to tackle Aiden to the ground and catch the smaller and younger wrestler off guard. "If that doesn't answer your question I don't know what will" Chris said playfully before getting up off of Aiden and waiting for him to do the same, after all Chris didn't want to come off as arrogant or rude.


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Re: Aiden Bolt vs Chris Hicks: Knee Deep in Beer Bottles and Bodyslams

Unread post by Ihateocrecolors »

Thirteen he say says, Aiden repeats in his head as he tried to wrap his head around the functional alcoholic, the enigma that was Chris Hicks being enough to distract the Five Foot Tornado from the bell ringing, he barely even had enough time to register the match starting before he was tackled to the ground with a loud "OOF!". Trying to save face, Aiden would kip up from the ground, huffing at the blonde. "Well good to know." He huffed, wiping his nose as got into his stance, waiting for Chris to make a move or he would.

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Re: Aiden Bolt vs Chris Hicks: Knee Deep in Beer Bottles and Bodyslams

Unread post by Sigma Morgan »

Chris gave Aiden a friendly smile as he watched the boy get back up to his feet. "Yeah and that wasn't bullshit about thirteen beers, I'm craving a fourteenth so lets try to make this match quick" Chris joked before getting in another fighting stance. Christ then faked several punches towards his opponent to throw him off before sending a high kick towards Aiden's head with the goal of sending him back down to canvas stunned. If successful Chris would follow this up by dropping his knee onto Aiden's torso to begin softening him up.
Last edited by Sigma Morgan on Sun Aug 20, 2023 4:06 am, edited 1 time in total.


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Re: Aiden Bolt vs Chris Hicks: Knee Deep in Beer Bottles and Bodyslams

Unread post by Ihateocrecolors »

Aiden was still a bit groggy from the sudden tackle, groaning not from that but from Chris's attacks but his running mouth, even he didn't talk that much! Or so he thought..
"If you want it quick, you could always lay down so I could pin ya.
Aiden commented as he got into his stance, knowing Chris wouldn't bite but it wouldn't hurt to ask. After the first two punches, it wouldn't take long for Aiden to realize this was a distraction from a bigger attack, with some quick thinking, Aiden would bring up his hands to his face to block the kick, pushing the leg down and attempting to counter with a forearm smash to the face of Chris!

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Re: Aiden Bolt vs Chris Hicks: Knee Deep in Beer Bottles and Bodyslams

Unread post by Sigma Morgan »

"Tempting, but you're going to really need to offer me something better than that if you want me to just lay down and get pinned" Chris said as he threw his two punches at Aiden before throwing a kick at his opponents head just for him to block it. Aiden then threw the wolverines leg down and hit Chris with an elbow that sent him staggering back and stunning him slightly. Chris shook his head a bit before readjusting his stance and getting ready for whatever else Aiden was going to throw at him.


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Re: Aiden Bolt vs Chris Hicks: Knee Deep in Beer Bottles and Bodyslams

Unread post by Ihateocrecolors »

Aiden's counter had worked out well for him, but he still needed to get some offense in! Backing up from the stunned alcoholic, Aiden would bring up his legs, jumping and attempting to land a dropkick against the older wrestler! If that connected, Aiden wouldn't waste any time, trying to sneak a pinfall attempt by hooking the leg!

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