Blueberrys vs. Akeri - H&H match

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Blueberrys vs. Akeri - H&H match

Unread post by Hagen-Autem »

The Cyan Twins vs Ren Akeri
  • Match: Handicap, Hentai and No-DQ match
  • Rules: It's a very, very permissive match. The couple is allowed to step in whenever they please, and they pretty much decide how they enter the canvas - whether by tag team or tornado, which puts the other corner in a difficult position to deal with them. Likewise, rope-breaking is allowed, but if a hentai submission is applied on the ropes, that condition is automatically nullified. There are no limits on movement or damage, the only clause is that the target must be defeated where the ringside cameras can capture its or her clearly - inside the ring.
  • By win: verbal submission.
The idea of a mixed Handicap match is always a good way to attract interest on a dull night, this time L.A.W gambled on throwing two girls who share the same space in their stable as "one wrestler", and being by definition the messiest, most chaotic and synchronised duo in their pub-club! Although in their debut match with the The Part Timers! they only exhibited the messy and chaotic in themselves, but not the synchronous, let alone the rough, tough they are, starring in one of the best powerbombs to date!

But that match is over and right now they have to earn their royalties by doing a better job unless they want to be treated as potential jobbers from here on in!

The lights would dim a little and the headlights would focus on the entrance at the top of the ramp, where two slight gals would cross the curtain one behind the other, twirling slightly on their feet with arms outstretched to stand on either side of the entrance frame with little modesty in their brazen sensuality and facial expressions, as if they didn't mind being looked at. And they already earned interest when they went about flaunting their debauched movements, but to have them in the spotlight with their smooth skin, sculpted abs, shiny legs, and clothing even more more tender to the eye and lustful to the imagination, but perfect for leaving a few things to the mind of crowd, puffed the cheeks of many.
April is on the left, and Hellen is on the right.
Both maidens of chaos walked without giving a glance at anything, down the ramp, and entered the ring in the most seductive manner their indifferent faces could muster: sliding chest first under the bottom rope, and giving a split as they arched upwards as they crossed to the other side, ending up bringing their knees together in their performance to stand up with a very cheeky back stretch and finally, deigning to take the heat off the crowd by climbing the ropes to blow them a kiss on to make them scream and hiss with excitement!

With that they end their entry!
Last edited by Hagen-Autem on Sat Jun 17, 2023 9:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Blueberrys vs. Akeri - H&H match

Unread post by Vinc10 »

That evening there would have been a really interesting match, it was Ren's first time in this type of match, being two against one was a very particular factor, but Ren wasn't too scared, the two girls were clearly smaller than him since from a physical point of view, the only thing that perhaps gave him some problems was the Hentai part and the fact that the rules weren't very strict, in fact they left a lot of freedom to the wrestlers who could do what they wanted without repercussions

Ren was very tense for the match not so much for the two girls but for how his old matches of that type had gone, he had been humiliated a few times, especially in his debut where Alcina had destroyed him and knocked him out while making him come for the umpteenth time, that defeat had left a deep mark on the boy who now sought revenge and wanted to win at all costs


after the announcer introduces the red-haired boy all the lights in the arena turned bright red and smoke was thrown over the entrance creating an aura of mystery, all the audience started cheering Ren and he went out, at high speed , giving a high five and greeting many of his fans, he did not want to disappoint them, he was ready to demonstrate who was the strongest, when he reached the arena he climbed over the ropes and greeted his opponents with a smile on his face

"Get ready for a hard loose little girls!"

Last edited by Vinc10 on Sat Jun 17, 2023 11:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Blueberrys vs. Akeri - H&H match

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Each one settled in their own way in their own corner, they looked at Akeri without emphasising very well where they started and where they finished inspecting their blue pairs of eyes. It was a duo with a very expressionless face, but not their lips. Could tell they were talking about their opponent on the sly while looking at him.

"It's my turn," muttered the younger sister to her partner. Both ignoring Ren's challenge.
"No, I want to try it first," Hellen rebutted. She had very worthy and understandable reasons for testing it.
"Nope, it's cute. The cute is mine," That was true and fair enough to sister.
Hellen began to cross the ropes to the outside of the ring.
"Fine. But her lips are mine," April claimed since she wouldn't like to kiss in the same place where her sister does, that's weird.
Finally, April has it to herself.
"I don't promise anything," she crooned, peeling herself from there before her sister asked her what she meant.

Her strategy was going to be very simple: once she and this hottie were in the centre of the ring, the harmless April would look him in the eye for a while without any expression that would give away what she thought of him, and then she would raise her hands while straightening her own posture - as if offering him a typical strength challenge. Strength was not the forte of the twins, much less this particular bluenette, but April was merely setting up her moment to catch him off guard.

If her opponent took the bait, the next thing the blueberry would do would be to raise a knee to between his legs violently, seeking to connect her bone against his groin and destabilize him to lower him to her height, or dwarf her further. If that worked, she could continue to play in comfort. And also, she would not let go of his hands at any time.
Last edited by Hagen-Autem on Wed Jul 26, 2023 8:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Blueberrys vs. Akeri - H&H match

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Ren was quite amazed by the attitude of the two girls, they seemed to be deciding who should enter first, seeing that scene Ren laughed slightly, they looked like two little girls competing for a gift given by their parents, a pretty funny situation even if they were in a ring and they had to be ready to fight, Ren was even slightly angry noting that the two had completely ignored the words of the red-haired boy, Ren wanted to impose himself right away and he should have tried to keep a girl on the field for as long as possible by not giving her the chance to switch with the other and trying to submit as soon as possible. Actually the match was also on a sexual basis, in fact you could also win by making your opponent reach orgasm, Ren knew that type of fight well in fact the last one he had done was of that type but it didn't end in the best of cases , in fact in that battle he had been devastated and ruined several times and he couldn't wait to show that he could win against those two little girls... The bell rang and the boy projected himself towards the girl trying a flying kick directed at the side of the girl

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Re: Blueberrys vs. Akeri - H&H match

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April's whole intrinsic and vulgar schoolgirl plan went down the drain when the opponent decided to go straight for an overhead kick to her narrow waist! However, someone as small and fragile as this bluenette wouldn't have got that far by being so unperceptive and slow.

Her whole body arched to one side instinctively as she saw him about to jump, almost a reflex of her own, to let the boy pass - the most accomplishment she would get would be that of her garments brushing against Ren's clothed body, but nothing of concern.

April had detected his frustration in his face and his sternness and she wouldn't know why he lashed out so destructively against her if so far she hasn't done anything rude to him. Perhaps he didn't like her or felt she was too little for wrestler likes of him? How evenly matched he is!

Whatever the case, April had made a good feint and was not going to stop to corroborate- the blueberry would run in his direction after dodging him to give him a soccer kick between the legs to conduct him on.

"Hey! What did I do to you that you're attacking this!!!" She would claim in the tantrum, venting a lot of momentary frustration on his groin if she connects the rebuke.
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Re: Blueberrys vs. Akeri - H&H match

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Ren, taken by the heat, went forward towards the light blue-haired girl trying his typical kick but the girl gracefully avoided the boy's blow by giving him a very strong kick between the legs, the red-haired boy let out a small moan of pain to then fall to his knees holding the affected part

B-damn it!

He said with a sigh while still moaning from the very strong kick suffered, April had immediately started heavy on him with a blow that is usually forbidden but in this special type of match it was allowed, indeed everything was allowed so Ren at the moment is down in pain from the blow suffered, he tries to get away from her in a rather awkward way

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Re: Blueberrys vs. Akeri - H&H match

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Could hear the crack of something as that merciless kick connected with him! Even Hellen hissed and pursed her lips at such a blow along with the whole audience - the truth is that her sister might have overdone it. Having a boy, however cute and harmless he might appear at first glance, collapse to his knees and end up crawling away from one of the twins at the start of a match is not very typical. It generally happens when they apply a tag-move.

"Where do you think you're going?" And April was just getting started with him.

The bluenette took hold of one of his ankles and pulled in the opposite direction Ren wanted to go to stop him. "We're just getting started so you're getting cold feet and crawling around like a worm," the girl pointed out - strength is not her best attribute, it was a no-brainer; but if she can match a man numbed by a good blow to his manhood, then April might have a chance of turning that same man around.

"Let's see what you're capable of~." And plant a stomb in the same susceptible spot to force him to stretch out his other leg so that she could also grab it to put it over his other knee and hook it in that position with one leg of her own and then drop backwards to form a Figure 4 leglock.

"I hope this doesn't hurt too much~!" She crooned sure to be in control here. While her sister just watched... As another spectator, getting impatient with barely two minutes of her sister's game.

Last edited by Hagen-Autem on Sat Aug 26, 2023 6:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Blueberrys vs. Akeri - H&H match

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Ren tried to run away from the girl after having suffered a truly terrible blow, the kick he received wasn't very strong but the place where he had been hit had made him lose his breath and made him feel exaggerated pain...he heard the twin's voice shouting approached, probably wanted to continue to attack him

he was caught on the ankle and brought back towards the center of the ring and was hit again and blocked in a fairly strong submission move, given the girl's little strength he managed to get close to their corner and then grab onto the rope right under the other twin who was watching the match a little annoyed

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Re: Blueberrys vs. Akeri - H&H match

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As much as April grumbled and twisted that ankle in the wrong directions to make him resign, there was nothing she could do to stop Akeri from dragging her and the hold along with him in his foolishness to get to the ropes and look for a rope break, perhaps the wrestler thought that would get him out of the torment and force April to open the figure 4 - which he wouldn't be so wrong about - but what he didn't count on, perhaps, is that he took the ropes from the corner where Hellen was.

"You have to let him! 1!.. 2!... 3!...-"

April grumbled and would not. Meanwhile, her sister... "Hello pretty mouse!" Without hesitation, she greeted him with grim eyes before leaping over the top rope and dropping down with both knees pointed steeply towards his chest to force him off the ropes before the referee's count went further to oblige her sister to open the hold.

If Hellen connected the drop, he hoped that would be enough to stun him, apart from the fact that he would have to deal with a Hellen sitting on her knees perfectly on his chest and about to wrap her thighs around his neck to take more of a hand in this, while her sister kept refusing to open the figure-4 because she had bigger plans than messing with those skinny legs, namely, the younger blueberry was going to aim for whatever was in the middle of those legs if Helen wanted to intervene, to mark her territory.
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Re: Blueberrys vs. Akeri - H&H match

Unread post by Vinc10 »

the boy hung on the ropes to try to free himself from the girl's grip, he began to hear the referee counting so he believed that in a few moments he would be freed from that agony, but what he heard was the voice of the other girl who after taunting him with his words he reached the top rope and hit the boy hard, hitting him with both knees on his chest, making him move away from the ropes, allowing his sister to continue her grip, Ren moaned quite a bit, he didn't expect something like this at all kind, the two sisters decided to "join" forces by giving him a double submission hold, the second wrapped her legs around the boy's neck, little by little depriving him of breathing, then tried with her free hand to move his legs but they they were too strong for the state he was in...

《Shit I have to invent something》

He thought before trying again to free himself from that infernal grip, even if having two girls on top of him in that state excited him quite a bit, in fact he could notice a small bulge in his trousers, he was interested in winning but his masochistic nature had come out, the sisters could see that the boy's stirrup was fully erect

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